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Created October 25, 2014 17:26
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  • "anyone who's still trying to portray communications metadata as less revealing than the content — less deserving of a process like getting a warrant before it can be accessed — is either a fool or a liar."
  • "They know you called the suicide prevention hotline from the Golden Gate Bridge. But the topic of the call remains a secret."
  • Visiting certain websites can cause all of your browsing history to be flagged by the NSA. Edward Snowden showed that the NSA under the XKeyscore program, merely visiting a site like got you put on a watch list that caused the government to save all of your browsing history indefinitely for future analysis.
  • In 2008 mortgage companies were able to target racial minorities with ads for housing loans that ended up being subprime, and after the crash contributed to a 50% decrease in wealth for African Americans in the United States
  • Once a company has this browsing information they are able to sell or lose it or carelessly expose it when you're browsing. So even if you enjoy the benefits of, say, targeted advertising it's important to think about what this information could expose about you personally if someone else were able to see it.
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