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juno suárez junosuarez

hi hello
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"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." -Lazarus Long, Time Enough For Love

  • R.A. Heinlein
#! /bin/sh
for f in *
# ignore logs/
[ $f = "logs" ] && continue
# ignore non-directories
[ ! -d $f ] && continue
echo $(basename $PWD)/$f
var assert = require('assert')
!function () {
var x
try {
} catch (e) {
assert(e instanceof TypeError)
assert(e.message === 'undefined is not a function')
function doSomeStuff () {
console.log('o hai')
junosuarez /
Created November 4, 2014 16:27

#the dad bookmarklet

just talking about data is hard, let alone properly analyzing it! wouldn't it be nice to get help from a dad?



  • "anyone who's still trying to portray communications metadata as less revealing than the content — less deserving of a process like getting a warrant before it can be accessed — is either a fool or a liar."
  • "They know you called the suicide prevention hotline from the Golden Gate Bridge. But the topic of the call remains a secret."
  • Visiting certain websites can cause all of your browsing history to be flagged by the NSA. Edward Snowden showed that the NSA under the XKeyscore program, merely visiting a site like got you put on a watch list that caused the government to save all of your browsing history indefinitely for future analysis.
  • In 2008 mortgage companies were able to target racial minorities with ads for housing loans that ended up being subprime, and after the crash contributed to a 50% decrease in wealth for African Americans in the United States
  • Once a c

The Node Forward

Kudos to all involved for creating this repo in the open.

I know there has been (much) more discussion involved in this process which has not been made public. It's quite possible that there are good reasons for this, as has been hinted to me privately, but it's hard to tell. There has been no public recap or summary of the current position, and no clear announcement of the path forward. I think this could be a good place to clear up some essential issues related to the future of node instead of bikeshedding about microlevel policies like versioning schemes.

Now, I care a lot about the node community. It's currently the principle source of my livelihood and I count a good number of people that I've met from various conferences, meetups, and community events as close friends. I think it would be helpful to have more public insight on a path forward.

Technical Committee As I understand it, community-owned node (under whatever name) would be led by a Technical Committee to oversee dev

Building something like Ello costs money. They have a team of at least seven people, and have worked on it for months. That doesn't come cheap.
The About section makes it seem like Ello was built independently, a group of artists making something for themselves, presumably funded by volunteer effort and maybe a seed investment from Ello president and CEO Paul Budnitz, who also founded Kidrobot and Budnitz Bicycles.
But a little digging shows a much more predictable source: they took a $435,000 round of seed funding in January from FreshTracks Capital, a Vermont-based VC firm that announced the deal in March.
Why is this problematic?
The Ello founders are positioning it as an alternative to other social networks — they won't sell your data or show your ads. "You are not the product."