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Last active April 28, 2022 05:26
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Juno Co-Founder Wolf's Misdeeds

Juno Co-Founder Wolf's Misdeeds


  • Wolf has many personas
  • Wolf keeps hiding his personal information and changing his name and headshot to avoid his past misdeeds made public
  • He daily sells JUNO and already sold millions of dollars worth of JUNO while instigating the community to buy it
  • We’ll thoroughly investigate him more

Wolf has many personas

Wolf, known as the Co-Founder of Juno, is anonymous and does not disclose his face or name, so few people know his true face.

Why does he not disclose his face at all? Is there a reason he wants to hide his face and name?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes.

He is currently leading the community under the name "Wolf," but a little while ago, he was "Wolfcontract." Before that, he was "Immassi" and even before that he was "Hubertus von Heyden".



He is trying to disrupt the information on the web that identifies him by changing his name frequently.

When he was working under the name Hubertus von Heyden, he led the crypto project called NOS as a COO while he was the evangelist for NANO.


The twitter account @JunoNetwork was originally under the id @nanoevangelist. If you see past @JunoNetwork's likes, you will find that he has been an evangelist for NANO.

Here is the Likes history of @JunoNetwork .

Since the source code is not publicly available, it is not possible to verify the details now, but based on our research, it seems that NOS is just a forked NANO project.

So how is the project going now?

One day it suddenly ended and the price went to zero.

Only the core team made profit, and those who invested with high expectations took a huge loss.

What can be “a scam” without calling it a scam?

This Youtube video explains the NOS project, but look carefully at the comment section. They use many BOTs to make the project look good, which is what the scam project would do.

Wolf keeps hiding his personal information and changing his name and headshot to avoid his past misdeeds made public

As you can see, he has actually engaged in the scam project in the past and still does not disclose his personal information because he wants to hide it.

If he had reflected on his past failures and sincerely wanted to be honest with those who believed in his project, he would not sneak around anonymously as if he tries to hide it.

He has remained anonymous from the beginning, not revealing his face or name so that he could escape at any time if his project failed. He probably thinks that as long as he remains anonymous, he can tell any lies he wants.

In fact, the whole issue began right after he lied at the time of Prop 16. He said, "CCN gamed the stakedrop!" , "CCN broke the stakedrop rules," "CCN is a Scam! ", "CCN might dump Juno, so it's dangerous", etc.

He misled community members with groundless lies and even falsified an official Medium article to support his claims.

He altered the stakedrop rule on Medium from "per address" to "per person or entity". This is the most repugnant thing in the blockchain world: falsification of information.

It is now clear that his claims are lies, as We have explained my claim publicly and honestly (ex. youtube interview below) and some community members have analyzed blockchain data properly to verify our statements.

But he still has not apologized for it, nor has he formally corrected it. 

We guess he thinks it's okay because he is anonymous.

He claims he is doing justice to restore fairness to Stakedrop, but is it true?

We have analyzed the facts of what he has done so far and have come to one conclusion about his character.

He is a genuinely evil man who feels nothing bad even if he lies, hurts and cheats people for the sake of his money.

He daily sells JUNO and already sold millions of dollars worth of JUNO while instigating the community to buy it

Furthermore, he is still deceiving many community members. On Twitter, he continues to instigate the community by saying that the current price drop is healthy and that Juno will go up in the future, but behind the scenes he is still converting his Juno earned as a staking reward into LUNA, UST, and ATOM every day.

If he believes in the project he is working on as a co-founder, why does he need to exchange it to LUNA?

He thinks LUNA is worth more than JUNO, so he sells JUNO to get LUNA.

The profit he has made by doing so is worth millions of dollars. This is the real dump, and a betrayal of the community.

You can see all the evidence of his daily sellings by checking the transactions of his address.

The most surprising part is that he has been doing it by sending Juno to OSMOSIS little by little, via multiple addresses as if he was trying to obfuscate what was happening. Why is he hiding his deeds? Why is he selling his JUNO for another asset while he encourages people to continue buying?  

What is even more astonishing is the timing of is sales.

While we completely stopped selling any of our rewards when Prop 16 was released, in order to protect the price, therefore the community of holders, Wolfcontract has continued selling his Juno. Wolfcontract, clearly did not give any consideration to the market when he continuously sold his JUNOs.

In the contrary, what happened to the Juno price while CCN was selling it? It continued to rise steadily. This is because CCN has been very careful not to disrupt the market, taking into account market liquidity and volume.

When the market sentiment was bad because of Prop 16 and the halting of the chain, he continued to sell without any consideration. 

Again, CCN knew that it was obvious that prices would fall after Prop 16, so CCN has not sold during this period in order to not disrupt the market. Wolf, on the other hand, has sold staking rewards every single day. He was selling to you, taking away the liquidity from the market, for his own profit.

As a result, this price drop, led to additional FUD and panic selling, which caused Juno price to fall further.

From Prop 4 to Prop 20

We are very much against his approach. In Prop 20, he clips our article in his favor and says we are an exchange and our JUNO should be taken away to eliminate the threat of centralization. 

However in Prop 4, he told the community about the importance of the blockchain philosophy.


He followed me and sent DMs to me long before Juno started. He knew that we did not receive the stakedrop fraudulently and that we were a custodial entity from the beginning.

Now he is suddenly trying to take it away from us as if he has just found out about it. 

Then what's the real reason?

We're sure you all know by now. He is doing the whole thing for his own benefit.

He is not caring about Juno's future. Probably he does not intend to lead this project for the long term.

If he is serious about Juno, he would not sell it and would take better care of the blockchain philosophy as he did at the time of Prop4.

It should not be possible to falsify the official Medium article and manipulate the balance of the address by rewriting the state of the blockchain if he is serious about Juno. This precedent of address manipulation will continue to have a bad influence on the project in the long run.

But if he doesn't intend to lead Juno for the long term, that's a different story. The best way for his profit is to encourage the community to buy JUNO to raise the price and sell his staking rewards. And he would also think to eliminate CCN that doesn't benefit him by any means.

But that doesn't mean that lying and controlling the public through his dishonest marketing is not the right approach.

We are firmly against his dirty ways. To protect the sanctity of blockchain governance and to properly develop Juno, Wolf's dictatorship must not be allowed. 

It’s Because Juno is a decentralized project, not Wolf's chain. 

Indeed, he is one of the Juno whales because he still owns 800,000 JUNO today. He has power. 

But that doesn't mean he could lie and cheat people. 

Although he hides the fact that he delegates almost all of his 800,000 JUNO to SG-1 and centralizes the network, his criticizm toward CCN is ludicrous. 

If CCN is so centralized on Juno and dangerous, He should ask us to just give it back to our clients in a rational way. Why does he treat us as an exchange for invalid reasons and try to take our JUNO all? 

He should start to decentralize his amount before pointing us out in the first place.

Before asking us to be transparent, shouldn't he make everything of himself transparent so that he can disclose his personal information and fulfill his responsibilities as a Co-founder?

Transparency is essential

We have received various messages from people who have been deceived by Wolf in the past, telling me not to trust him. 

When We checked some of his addresses, We found that he has done some evil things in the past, such as dumping other projects at once without any consideration for them, causing the price to drop massively.

We are worried that this action he put together is only to protect his financial interest. So who will be the next victim of this behavior? Do you think that serious projects will come and build on JUNO when they could feel threatened by someone with so much power who could throw a whole community against them?  

If he continues to make us look bad in this way without admitting his mistakes, We will take the time to thoroughly reveal what he has done in the past, and We will make it all public. And this, for the sake of transparency, and to open the community's eyes.

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