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Created October 31, 2019 11:28
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import Foundation
/// A type that privides mutation interface for a wrapped value.
public struct Mutation<Value> {
/// The wrapped value.
public var value: Value
/// Creates an instance that wraps the given value.
/// - Parameter value: The value to store.
public init(_ value: Value) {
self.value = value
/// Returns a mutated copy of the original wrapped value using the given
/// closure.
/// - Parameter body: A closure that takes the wrapped value of the instance.
/// - Returns: The mutated copy of the wrapped value.
public func mutated(_ body: (inout Value) throws -> Void) rethrows -> Value {
var v = self.value
try body(&v)
return v
/// Invokes the given closure with a pointer for the wrapped value.
/// - Parameter body: A closure that takes the wrapped value of the instance.
public mutating func mutate(_ body: (inout Value) throws -> Void) rethrows {
try body(&self.value)
extension Mutation where Value: NSObject {
/// Creates an instance that stores a value initialized using `init()`.
public init() {
self.value = Value()
/// Returns a mutated value which initialized using `init()`.
/// - Parameter body: A closure that takes a value initialized using `init()`.
/// - Returns: The mutated value.
public static func mutated(_ body: (inout Value) throws -> Void) rethrows -> Value {
return try Mutation().mutated(body)
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