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Created November 12, 2012 15:32
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%include 'type-conversion.asm'
section .bss
global _hDllBase
_hDllBase resd 1
sDllName db u('procrewriter.dll'), 0
global _shellcode
xor edx, edx ; edx = 0
push sDllName
; Stack contains arguments for LoadLibraryW
mov esi, [fs:edx + 0x30] ; esi = [TEB + 0x30] = PEB
mov esi, [esi + 0x0C] ; esi = [PEB + 0x0C] = PEB_LDR_DATA
mov esi, [esi + 0x0C] ; esi = [PEB_LDR_DATA + 0x0C] = LDR_MODULE InLoadOrder[0] (process)
lodsd ; eax = InLoadOrder[1] (ntdll)
mov esi, [eax] ; esi = InLoadOrder[2] (kernel32)
mov edi, [esi + 0x18] ; edi = [InLoadOrder[2] + 0x18] = kernel32 DllBase
; Found kernel32 base address (edi)
mov ebx, [edi + 0x3C] ; ebx = [kernel32 + 0x3C] = offset(PE header)
mov ebx, [edi + ebx + 0x78] ; ebx = [kernel32 + offset(PE header) + 0x78] = offset(export table)
; Found export table offset (ebx)
mov esi, [edi + ebx + 0x20] ; esi = [kernel32 + offset(export table) + 0x20] = offset(names table)
add esi, edi ; esi = kernel32 + offset(names table) = &(names table)
; Found export names table (esi)
mov ecx, [edi + ebx + 0x24] ; ecx = [kernel32 + offset(export table) + 0x20] = offset(ordinals table)
add ecx, edi ; ecx = kernel32 + offset(ordinals table) = ordinals table
; Found export ordinals table (ecx)
; speculatively load ordinal (EBP)
movzx ebp, WORD [ecx + edx * 2] ; EBP = [ordinals table + (exported function number + 1) * 2] = exported function ordinal (eventually)
inc edx ; edx = function number + 1
lodsd ; eax = &(names table[function number]) = offset(function name)
cmp [edi + eax], WORD B2DW('L', 'o', 'a', 'd')
jne find_loadlibrary_x86
cmp [edi + eax + 0x4], DWORD B2DW('L', 'i', 'b', 'r')
jne find_loadlibrary_x86
cmp [edi + eax + 0x8], DWORD B2DW('a', 'r', 'y', 'W')
jne find_loadlibrary_x86
mov esi, [edi + ebx + 0x1C] ; esi = [kernel32 + offset(export table) + 0x1C] = offset(address table)] = offset(address table)
add esi, edi ; esi = kernel32 + offset(address table) = &(address table)
add edi, [esi + ebp * 4] ; edi = kernel32 + [&(address table)[LoadLibraryW ordinal]] = offset(LoadLibraryW) = &(LoadLibraryW)
call edi ; LoadLibraryW("procrewriter.dll");
mov [ _hDllBase ], eax
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