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Created September 16, 2015 14:40
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#pragma comment(lib,"Advapi32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "imagehlp.lib")
#include <Python.h>
#include <imagehlp.h>
/* Python Definitions */
#ifndef inline
# define inline __forceinline
/* Utility macros */
#define is_null(v) ((v) == NULL)
#define bad_stralloc(s,l) (is_null(s = (char*)malloc(l)))
#define zbuf(buf,sz) memset((void*)buf,0,sz)
#define zstr(s,l) zbuf(s,l*sizeof(char))
#define exists(p) (_access(p, 00) != -1)
#define path_too_big(l) ((l) > MAX_PATH)
// Length of the python executable + 1 for the slash before it.
static size_t szPyExe = 0;
#define get_python_length() if(!szPyExe) szPyExe = strlen(PYTHON_EXE) + 1
#define check_python_length(l) ((l + szPyExe) <= MAX_PATH)
// Our python process command line.
static const char python_exec[] = "\"\"%s\" -c \"%s\"\"";
// String above (minus the format strings) and a trailing \0
#define PYTHON_EXEC_LEN 11
// Python prefix, python DLL, 4 chars for API version,
// 2 chars for version major and minor, 3 semicolons, and a trailing zero.
// Environment variable macros
#define var_split(v) strtok(v, PATH_SEP)
#define next_var(v) (v = strtok(NULL, PATH_SEP))
// Script:
static const char getinfo_script[] = "import sys;"
" from ctypes import *;"
" from ctypes.wintypes import HANDLE, DWORD;"
" buffer=create_string_buffer(261);"
" GetModuleFileName=windll.kernel32.GetModuleFileNameA;"
" GetModuleFileName.restype=DWORD;"
" GetModuleFileName.argtypes=[HANDLE,c_char_p,DWORD];"
" GetModuleFileName(sys.dllhandle,buffer,261);"
" vi=sys.version_info;"
" result=['%d%d'%(vi.major,vi.minor),str(sys.api_version),sys.prefix];"
" result+=[buffer.value];"
" sys.stdout.write(';'.join(result))";
// Length of the script above.
static size_t getinfo_script_length = 0;
/* Static python variables */
static char python_exe[MAX_PATH+1] = {0};
/* Global python variables */
int python_api_version = 0;
char python_api_string[] = "0000";
char python_version[] = "00";
char python_prefix[MAX_PATH+1] = {0};
char python_library[MAX_PATH+1] = {0};
/* Execute our inlined script to collect some info
on our targeted python installation. */
static int get_python_info(char* python)
FILE *pPipe;
int retcode = 0;
size_t szExecBuf, szExecLen;
char psBuffer[OUTPUT_BUF_LEN] = "",
// Check that python string isn't null.
if(is_null(python)) {
debug("Python string is null.");
return 0;
// Calculate our cmd buffer length.
if(getinfo_script_length == 0) getinfo_script_length = strlen(getinfo_script);
szExecLen = PYTHON_EXEC_LEN + getinfo_script_length + strlen(python);
szExecBuf = sizeof(char) * szExecLen;
// Attempt to allocate our cmd buffer.
if(bad_stralloc(cmdExec, szExecBuf)) {
debug("Allocation failed.");
return 0;
// Zero out our cmd buffer, then assign the cmd to execute.
zbuf(cmdExec, szExecBuf);
sprintf(cmdExec, python_exec, python, getinfo_script);
// Attempt to open our process.
if(is_null(pPipe = _popen(cmdExec, "rt"))) {
debug("Could not open pipe.");
return 0;
// Read process pipe until end of file, or an error occurs.
while(fgets(psBuffer, OUTPUT_BUF_LEN, pPipe));
// Free our cmd buffer and make sure our process didn't error out.
if (!feof( pPipe)) {
debug("Pipe was not at EOF.");
return 0;
// Close pipe & check the return value of our process.
retcode = _pclose(pPipe);
if(retcode != 0 || !strlen(psBuffer)) {
debug("Python returned a non-zero return code.");
return 0;
// Python major & minor version.
if(is_null(psBuffPart = var_split(psBuffer)) || (strlen(psBuffPart) != 2)) {
debug("Failed to parse python version.");
return 0;
strcpy(python_version, (const char*)psBuffPart);
// Python API version
if(is_null(next_var(psBuffPart)) || (strlen(psBuffPart) != 4)) {
debug("Failed to parse python API version.");
return 0;
strcpy(python_api_string, (const char*)psBuffPart);
if(!(python_api_version = atoi(python_api_string))) return 0;
// Python prefix
if(is_null(next_var(psBuffPart)) || (strlen(psBuffPart) == 0)) {
debug("Failed to parse python prefix.");
return 0;
strcpy(python_prefix, (const char*)psBuffPart);
// Python dll
if(is_null(next_var(psBuffPart)) || (strlen(psBuffPart) == 0)) {
debug("Failed to parse python DLL.");
return 0;
strcpy(python_library, (const char*)psBuffPart);
return 1;
// Given an absolute path, get the parent directory of the path.
inline int get_parent_dir(char* sFilePath, char* sParentDir, size_t szParentDir)
char* sTemp;
size_t szTemp = (strlen(sFilePath) + 1) * sizeof(char);
if(bad_stralloc(sTemp, szTemp)) return 0;
zbuf(sTemp, szTemp);
strcpy(sTemp, sFilePath);
*(strrchr(sTemp, '\\')) = '\0';
szTemp = strlen(sTemp);
if(!szTemp || szParentDir < szTemp) {
return 0;
strcpy(sParentDir, sTemp);
return 1;
// Remove any trailing \'s from a path and after, make sure it's longer than
// 3 characters (C:\)
inline int remove_trailing_slashes(char* sPath, size_t* szPath)
while((sPath[--(*szPath)] == '\\') && *szPath) sPath[*szPath] = 0;
return *szPath >= 3;
// To save myself some trouble.
#define Platform_Mismatch(p) \
debug("Processor Architecture Mismatch"); \
debug("%s (%s)", __argv[0], MY_ARCH); \
debug("%s (%s)", python, p)
// Given the path to our python executable, load the binary and check
// the processor architecture. If it's an x64 binary and our current
// executable isn't, we'll return 0.
static int is_valid(char* python)
char sPythonDir[MAX_PATH+1] = {0};
int result = 1;
ZeroMemory(&oImg, sizeof(oImg));
if(!get_parent_dir(python, sPythonDir, MAX_PATH)) {
debug("Could not get parent folder of %s..", python);
return 0;
if(!MapAndLoad(PYTHON_EXE, sPythonDir, &oImg, 0, 1)) {
debug("Could not MapAndLoad %s. Used folder: %s", PYTHON_EXE, sPythonDir);
return 0;
#ifdef _M_IA64
result = 1;
result = 0;
// AMD64
#ifdef _M_X64
result = 1;
result = 0;
// X86 (32-bit)
#ifdef _M_IX86
result = 1;
result = 0;
// IA64
result = 0;
// This shouldn't happen, but you never know.
if(!UnMapAndLoad(&oImg)) {
debug("Could not unmap the python image.");
return 0;
return result;
// Run a number of checks to see if the executable provided is a valid
// binary for our current configuration.
static int check_python(char* python)
debug("Checking %s", python);
if(!exists(python)) return 0;
if(!is_valid(python)) {
debug("Failed at architecture check.");
return 0;
return get_python_info(python);
// Attempt to find python on the PATH environment variable.
// Note: We're not using any of the built in APIs like _searchenv,
// because we don't want just the first executable on PATH. We need
// to iterate through all matches until we find one that's valid
// for our configuration.
static int find_in_path()
char *sSearch, *sBuffer;
char sCheck[MAX_PATH+1] = {0};
size_t szSearch;
// Some debugging.
debug("Searching the PATH for a valid python executable.");
if(is_null(sBuffer = getenv(PATH_ENV))) {
debug("Could not get PATH environment variable.");
return 0;
if(is_null(sSearch = var_split(sBuffer))) {
debug("Could not split PATH environment variable by ';'");
debug("PATH = %s", sBuffer);
return 0;
do {
if(!(szSearch = strlen(sSearch))) continue;
if(szSearch > MAX_PATH) {
debug("Encounted a path in the PATH variable that is too big.");
debug("Path: %s", sSearch);
debug("Length: %d", szSearch);
// Set up our temporary work variable.
strcpy(sCheck, sSearch);
// Remove trailing slashes.
if(!remove_trailing_slashes(sCheck, &szSearch)) {
"After removing all trailing slashes, path's length was less than 3. This "
"indicates an invalid path in your environment variables."
debug("Original: %s", sSearch);
debug("Result: %s", sCheck);
// Max sure our resulting string wont be too big.
if(!(check_python_length(szSearch))) {
"Length of path, \"%s\" (%d) added to length of \"\\" PYTHON_EXE "\" (%d) results "
"in a length that is bigger than the maximum file path length. Skipping.",
// Assemble our python path and check it.
strcat(sCheck, "\\" PYTHON_EXE);
if(!check_python(sCheck)) continue;
// If we make it here, we have successfully found our python installation.
strcpy(python_exe, sCheck);
} while(!is_null(next_var(sSearch)));
// Some debugging.
debug("find_in_path resulted in \"%s\"", python_exe);
return *python_exe != 0;
// Query the registry for a specific version of python.
static int check_registry(int major, int minor, char* sBuf, long* szBuf)
DWORD dwRet;
dwRet = RegQueryValueA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, PYTHON_REG, sBuf, szBuf);
return dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Check the registry for any installations of Python that we can use.
// TODO: Refactor the common checks/logic/etc from this and find_in_path
// into a static function.
static int find_in_registry()
char sPythonBuf[MAX_PATH+1] = {0};
char sCheck[MAX_PATH+1] = {0};
long szPythonBuf = MAX_PATH + 1;
int i = 0;
// Some debugging.
debug("Searching the registry for a python installation.");
for(i = PYTHON2_MINOR_MIN; i <= PYTHON2_MINOR_MAX; i++) {
if(!check_registry(2, i, sPythonBuf, &szPythonBuf)) continue;
// RegQueryValueA includes the trailing zero in the length.
// Double check our result.
if(!sPythonBuf || szPythonBuf <= 0) continue;
// Set up our temporary work variable.
strcpy(sCheck, sPythonBuf);
// Remove trailing slashes.
if(!remove_trailing_slashes(sCheck, (size_t*)&szPythonBuf)) {
"After removing all trailing slashes, path's length was less than 3. This "
"indicates an invalid path in your registry."
debug("Original: %s", sPythonBuf);
debug("Result: %s", sCheck);
// Max sure our resulting string wont be too big.
if(!(check_python_length(szPythonBuf))) {
"Length of path, \"%s\" (%d) added to length of \"\\" PYTHON_EXE "\" (%d) results "
"in a length that is bigger than the maximum file path length. Skipping.",
// Assemble our python path and check it.
strcat(sCheck, "\\" PYTHON_EXE);
if(!check_python(sCheck)) continue;
// If we make it here, we have successfully found our python installation.
strcpy(python_exe, sCheck);
// Some debugging.
debug("find_in_registry resulted in \"%s\"", python_exe);
return *python_exe != 0;
// Check the environment variables for any explicit python
// declarations.
static int find_in_env()
char* sEnv;
char sCheck[MAX_PATH+1] = {0};
size_t szEnv;
// Some debugging.
debug("Searching the environment variables for a variable named PYTHON.");
// Get our env variable.
sEnv = getenv("PYTHON");
// Make sure the result isn't NULL or an empty string.
if(is_null(sEnv) || *sEnv == 0) return 0;
// Make sure the result isn't too big to be a valid path.
szEnv = strlen(sEnv);
if(path_too_big(szEnv)) return 0;
// Set up our temporary working variable.
strcpy(sCheck, sEnv);
// Check the python executable pointed to by our PYTHON environment var.
if(!check_python(sCheck)) {
debug("PYTHON env variable was set, but it turned out to be invalid.");
debug("PYTHON = %s", sCheck);
return 0;
// If we make it here, we have successfully found our python installation.
strcpy(python_exe, sCheck);
// Some debugging.
debug("find_in_env resulted in \"%s\"", python_exe);
return 1;
// Using a number of different methods, find a python installation to use
// for our dynamic loading.
int DynPy_FindPython()
return find_in_env() || find_in_path() || find_in_registry();
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