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Last active April 9, 2018 20:38
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The Cryptopals Crypto Challenges
#!/usr/bin/env wolframscript
HexToBase64 = IntegerString[#, "Base64"] &@FromDigits[#, 16] &
hex = "49276d206b696c6c696e6720796f757220627261696e206c696b65206120706f69736f6e6f7573206d757368726f6f6d"
Print @ HexToBase64[hex]
#!/usr/bin/env wolframscript
HexXor = IntegerString[#, 16] &@ BitXor[FromDigits[#1, 16], FromDigits[#2, 16]] &
Print @ HexXor["1c0111001f010100061a024b53535009181c", "686974207468652062756c6c277320657965"]
#!/usr/bin/env wolframscript
charFreq = <|
"a" -> 0.0651738, "b" -> 0.0124248, "c" -> 0.0217339, "d" -> 0.0349835, "e" -> 0.1041442, "f" -> 0.0197881, "g" -> 0.0158610,
"h" -> 0.0492888, "i" -> 0.0558094, "j" -> 0.0009033, "k" -> 0.0050529, "l" -> 0.0331490, "m" -> 0.0202124, "n" -> 0.0564513,
"o" -> 0.0596302, "p" -> 0.0137645, "q" -> 0.0008606, "r" -> 0.0497563, "s" -> 0.0515760, "t" -> 0.0729357, "u" -> 0.0225134,
"v" -> 0.0082903, "w" -> 0.0171272, "x" -> 0.0013692, "y" -> 0.0145984, "z" -> 0.0007836, " " -> 0.1918182
score[s_, key_] := Module[{l, xor, v},
l = FromDigits[#, 16] & /@ StringPartition[s, 2];
xor = FromCharacterCode @BitXor[l, key] // ToLowerCase;
v = Lookup[charFreq, #] & /@ StringPartition[xor, 1];
Sum[i, {i, v // DeleteMissing}]
s = "1b37373331363f78151b7f2b783431333d78397828372d363c78373e783a393b3736"
scores = score[s, #] & /@ Range[1, 255];
Print @ Position[scores, Max[scores]][[1, 1]]
#!/usr/bin/env wolframscript
charFreq = <|
"a" -> 0.0651738, "b" -> 0.0124248, "c" -> 0.0217339, "d" -> 0.0349835, "e" -> 0.1041442, "f" -> 0.0197881, "g" -> 0.0158610,
"h" -> 0.0492888, "i" -> 0.0558094, "j" -> 0.0009033, "k" -> 0.0050529, "l" -> 0.0331490, "m" -> 0.0202124, "n" -> 0.0564513,
"o" -> 0.0596302, "p" -> 0.0137645, "q" -> 0.0008606, "r" -> 0.0497563, "s" -> 0.0515760, "t" -> 0.0729357, "u" -> 0.0225134,
"v" -> 0.0082903, "w" -> 0.0171272, "x" -> 0.0013692, "y" -> 0.0145984, "z" -> 0.0007836, " " -> 0.1918182
StringScore[s_, key_] := Module[{l, xor, v},
l = FromDigits[#, 16] & /@ StringPartition[s, 2];
xor = FromCharacterCode @BitXor[l, key] // ToLowerCase;
v = Lookup[charFreq, #] & /@ StringPartition[xor, 1];
Sum[i, {i, v // DeleteMissing}]
strList = ReadList["", String];
scores = Outer[StringScore[#1, #2] &, strList, Range[1, 255]];
p = Position[scores, Max[scores]];
l = FromDigits[#, 16] & /@ StringPartition[strList[[p[[1, 1]]]], 2];
xor = FromCharacterCode @ BitXor[l, p[[1, 2]]];
Print @ xor
#!/usr/bin/env wolframscript
keys = Table[ToCharacterCode[{"I", "C", "E"}], 100] // Flatten;
s = "Burning 'em, if you ain't quick and nimble
I go crazy when I hear a cymbal" // ToCharacterCode;
xor = BitXor[s, Take[keys, Length[s]]];
IntegerString[#, 16, 2] & /@ xor // StringJoin // Print
#!/usr/bin/env wolframscript
AESDecrypt[key_ByteArray, bytes_ByteArray] := Module[{aesKey},
aesKey = SymmetricKey[<|"Cipher" -> "AES128", "BlockMode" -> "ECB", "Key" -> key , "InitializationVector" -> None|>];
Decrypt[aesKey, bytes] // Normal
s = ReadList["", String] // StringJoin // BaseDecode // Normal
key = StringToByteArray["YELLOW SUBMARINE"];
bytes = ByteArray[s];
AESDecrypt[key, bytes] // FromCharacterCode // Print
#!/usr/bin/env wolframscript
ECBEncryptQ[s_] := ECBEncryptQ[s] = Module[{tmp, len},
tmp = StringPartition[s, 32];
len = DeleteDuplicates[tmp] // Length;
If[len < Length[tmp], True, False]
s = ReadList["", String];
(ECBEncryptQ /@ s // Position[#, True] &) // Part[s, #[[1, 1]]] & // Print
#!/usr/bin/env wolframscript
AESDecrypt[key_ByteArray, bytes_ByteArray, mode_, iv_: None] := Module[{aesKey},
aesKey = SymmetricKey[<|"Cipher" -> "AES128", "BlockMode" -> mode, "Key" -> key , "InitializationVector" -> iv|>];
Decrypt[aesKey, bytes] // Normal
s = ReadList["", String] // StringJoin // BaseDecode;
AESDecrypt[StringToByteArray["YELLOW SUBMARINE"], s, "CBC",
ByteArray[Table[0, 16]]] // ByteArray // ByteArrayToString // Print
#!/usr/bin/env wolframscript
PKCS7[in_ByteArray, blocksize_] := PKCS7[in, blocksize] = Module[{mod},
mod = blocksize - Mod[Length[in], blocksize];
Join[in // Normal, Table[mod, mod]]
PKCS7[in_String, blocksize_] := PKCS7[in, blocksize] = Module[{bytes},
bytes = StringToByteArray[in];
PKCS7[bytes, blocksize] // ByteArray // ByteArrayToString
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