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Created April 17, 2015 15:32
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php ebnf grammar
main: inner_statement* [EOF];
inner_statement: statement
| function_declaration_statement
| class_declaration_statement ;
statement: "{" inner_statement* "}"
| "if" "(" expr ")" statement elseif_branch? else_single?
| "if" "(" expr ")" ":" inner_statement* new_elseif_branch?
new_else_single? "endif" ";"
| "while" "(" expr ")" while_statement
| "do" statement "while" "(" expr ")" ";"
| "for" "(" for_expr ";" for_expr ";" for_expr ")" for_statement
| "switch" "(" expr ")" switch_case_list
| "break" expr? ";"
| "continue" expr? ";"
| "return" expr_without_variable? ";"
| "return" variable? ";"
| "global" global_var ("," global_var)* ";"
| "static" static_var ("," static_var)* ";"
| "echo" echo_expr_list ";"
| expr ";"
| "use" use_filename ";"
| "unset" "(" variable ("," variable)* ")" ";"
| "foreach" "(" variable
"as" foreach_variable ("=>" foreach_variable)? ")"
| "foreach" "(" expr_without_variable
"as" foreach_variable ("=>" foreach_variable)? ")"
| "declare" "(" declare_list ")" declare_statement
| ";"
| "throw" expr ";" ;
catch_branch: "catch" "(" fully_qualified_class_name T_VARIABLE ")" "{"
inner_statement* "}" ;
function_declaration_statement: "function" "&"? T_STRING
"(" parameter_list ")" "{" inner_statement* "}" ;
class_declaration_statement: class_entry_type T_STRING
extends_from? implements_list? "{" class_statement* "}"
| "interface" T_STRING interface_extends_list? "{" class_statement* "}" ;
class_entry_type: "abstract"? "final"? "class" ;
extends_from: "extends" fully_qualified_class_name ;
interface_extends_list: "extends" interface_list ;
implements_list: "implements" interface_list ;
interface_list: fully_qualified_class_name ("," fully_qualified_class_name)*;
foreach_variable: "&"? variable ;
for_statement: statement
| ":" inner_statement* "endfor" ";" ;
foreach_statement: statement
| ":" inner_statement* "endforeach" ";" ;
declare_statement: statement
| ":" inner_statement* "enddeclare" ";" ;
declare_list: T_STRING "=" static_scalar ("," T_STRING "=" static_scalar)*;
switch_case_list: "{" ";" case_list* "}"
| ":" ";" case_list* "endswitch" ";" ;
case_list: "case" expr ":|;" inner_statement*
| "default" ":|;" inner_statement* ;
while_statement: statement
| ":" inner_statement* "endwhile" ";" ;
elseif_branch: "elseif" "(" expr ")" statement ;
new_elseif_branch: "elseif" "(" expr ")" ":" inner_statement* ;
else_single: "else" statement ;
new_else_single: "else" ":" inner_statement* ;
parameter_list: parameter ("," parameter)* ;
parameter: T_STRING "&"? T_VARIABLE ("=" static_scalar)? | "array" "&"? T_VARIABLE ("=" static_scalar)? ;
function_call_parameter_list: function_call_parameter
("," function_call_parameter)* ;
function_call_parameter: expr_without_variable
| variable
| "&" w_variable ;
global_var: T_VARIABLE
| "$" r_variable
| "$" "{" expr "}" ;
static_var: T_VARIABLE ( "=" static_scalar )? ;
class_statement: variable_modifiers class_variable_declaration
("," class_variable_declaration)* ";"
| "const" class_constant_declaration ("," class_constant_declaration)* ";"
| (modifier)* "function" "&"? T_STRING "(" parameter_list ")"
method_body ;
method_body: ";"
| "{" inner_statement* "}" ;
variable_modifiers: "var" | modifier (modifier)* ;
modifier: "public" | "protected" | "private" | "static" | "abstract"
| "final" ;
class_variable_declaration: "var" T_VARIABLE ("=" static_scalar)? | modifier (modifier)* T_VARIABLE ("=" static_scalar)? ;
class_constant_declaration: T_STRING "=" static_scalar ;
echo_expr_list: expr ("," expr)* ;
for_expr: expr ("," expr)* ;
expr_without_variable: "list" "(" assignment_list_element ("," assignment_list_element)* ")" "=" expr
| variable "=" expr
| variable "=" "&" variable
| variable "=" "&" "new" class_name_reference ctor_arguments?
| "new" class_name_reference ctor_arguments?
| "clone" expr
| rw_variable "++"
| "++" rw_variable
| rw_variable "--"
| "--" rw_variable
| expr "instanceof" class_name_reference
| "(" expr ")"
| expr "?" expr ":" expr
| internal_functions
| "(int)" expr
| "(double)" expr
| "(float)" expr
| "(real)" expr
| "(string)" expr
| "(array)" expr
| "(object)" expr
| "(bool)" expr
| "(boolean)" expr
| "(unset)" expr
| "exit" exit_expr?
| "die" exit_expr?
| "@" expr
| scalar
| "array" "(" array_pair_list? ")"
| "`" encaps* "`"
| "print" expr ;
function_call: T_STRING "(" function_call_parameter_list ")"
| fully_qualified_class_name "::" T_STRING
"(" function_call_parameter_list ")"
| fully_qualified_class_name "::" variable_without_objects
"(" function_call_parameter_list ")"
| variable_without_objects "(" function_call_parameter_list ")" ;
fully_qualified_class_name: T_STRING ;
class_name_reference: T_STRING
| dynamic_class_name_reference ;
dynamic_class_name_reference: base_variable "->" object_property
("->" object_property)*
| base_variable ;
exit_expr: "(" expr? ")" ;
ctor_arguments: "(" function_call_parameter_list ")" ;
| "__LINE__" | "__FILE__" | "__CLASS__" | "__METHOD__" | "__FUNCTION__" ;
# FIXME: very bad syntax, $x: + + + 4; is valid!
static_scalar: common_scalar
| "+" static_scalar
| "-" static_scalar
| "array" "(" static_array_pair_list? ")"
| static_class_constant ;
static_class_constant: T_STRING "::" T_STRING ;
scalar: T_STRING
| class_constant
| common_scalar
| "\"" encaps* "\""
| "'" encaps* "'";
static_array_pair_list: static_array_pair ("," static_array_pair)* ","? ;
static_array_pair: static_scalar ("=>" static_scalar)? ;
expr: r_variable | expr_without_variable ;
r_variable: variable ;
w_variable: variable ;
rw_variable: variable ;
variable: base_variable_with_function_calls ( "->" object_property
method_parameters ("->" object_property method_parameters)* )? ;
method_parameters: "(" function_call_parameter_list ")" ;
variable_without_objects: reference_variable
| simple_indirect_reference reference_variable ;
static_member: fully_qualified_class_name "::" variable_without_objects ;
base_variable_with_function_calls: base_variable | function_call ;
base_variable: reference_variable
| simple_indirect_reference reference_variable
| static_member ;
reference_variable: compound_variable (selector)* ;
compound_variable: T_VARIABLE | "$" "{" expr "}" ;
selector: "[" expr? "]" | "{" expr "}" ;
object_property: variable_name (selector)*
| variable_without_objects ;
variable_name: T_STRING | "{" expr "}" ;
simple_indirect_reference: "$" ("$")* ;
assignment_list_element: variable
| "list" "(" assignment_list_element ("," assignment_list_element)* ")" ;
array_pair_list: array_pair ("," array_pair)* ","? ;
array_pair: "&" w_variable
| expr "=>" "&" w_variable
| expr "=>" expr ;
| "["
| "]"
| "{"
| "}"
| "->"
encaps_var: T_VARIABLE ( "[" encaps_var_offset "]" )?
| "${" expr "}"
| "${" T_STRING_VARNAME "[" expr "]" "}"
| T_CURLY_OPEN variable "}" ;
encaps_var_offset: T_STRING | T_VARIABLE ;
internal_functions: "isset" "(" variable ("," variable)* ")"
| "empty" "(" variable ")"
| "include" expr
| "include_once" expr
| "eval" "(" expr ")"
| "require" expr
| "require_once" expr ;
class_constant: fully_qualified_class_name "::" T_STRING ;
# Some tokens from the scanner (see file Zend/zend_language_scanner.l):
LABEL: "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*";
T_STRING: "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*";
T_VARIABLE: "\$[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" ;
T_LNUMBER: "-?0|[1-9][0-9]*";
T_DNUMBER: "-?(0?|[1-9][0-9]*)\.[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?";
T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING: "'[^']*'|\"[^\"]*\"";
T_STRING_VARNAME: "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*";
NEWLINE: "\r|\n|\r\n";
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