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Created June 2, 2010 15:55
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Gistpaste: Command line paste script
This script can do all that the [defunkt gist script]( can:
- paste a file
- paste from stdin
- authenticate
- copy URL to clipboard
Plus a few things it can't:
- paste multiple files at once
- paste clipboard output
- post anonymously even if a global git config exists
- specify file name
- specify file type
- optionally open paste URL in browser
This script cannot "read" gists like defunkt's script can. I
plan to create a gistcopy script for that at some point.
Download and install
wget &&
chmod 755 gistpaste &&
sudo mv gistpaste /usr/local/bin/
Add any Perl modules you may not have
sudo cpan LWP::UserAgent
And an optional module if your system's "which" command is disabled
for security reasons
sudo cpan File::Which
__gistpaste__ [options] [FILE...]
Paste file(s)
gistpaste thatfile.txt another.diff
grep "this" thatfile.txt | gistpaste
Paste the clipboard contents
gistpaste -c
Authentication is not required -- and can be shut off for a paste even once enabled -- but if you'd like to paste as yourself rather than anonymously, just setup your global git config like so:
git config --global github.user "your-github-username"
git config --global github.token "your-github-token"
You can find your GitHub username and token at by clicking the 'Global Git Config' link.
- __-h__ or __--help__
Display the usage and exit.
- __-m__ or __--man__
Display the man page and exit.
- __-p__ or __--private__
Paste privately
- __-a__ or __--anonymous__
Do not use a username when posting. This is the default when there is
no authentication information setup.
- __-n__ <name> or __--name__ <name>
Specifies the desired file name for data read from STDIN or the
clipboard. When supplied along with files listed as arguments, the
<name> parameter will be given as the file name instead of the name of
the file as it exists on the system.
- __-t__ <type> or __--type__ <type>
Specifies the desired content type of the data pasted to Gist, either
via STDIN, the clipboard or file. Gist will often ignore this
parameter in favor of guessing the type based on the file name.
- __-c__ or __--clipboard__
Reads and posts data from the clipboard via __pbpaste__ or __xclip__ if
- __-o__ or __--open__
Open the URL in a browser after pasting. Supported via the
__open__ command (Mac OSX), or the __xdg-open__ command (Linux) if
either are available.
Paste a single file
gistpaste thatfile.txt
Paste multiple files of varying types
gistpaste thatfile.txt
Paste a single file and override the name, all functionally equivalent.
gistpaste --name=thatfile.diff thatfile.txt
gistpaste --name=thatfile.diff < thatfile.txt
cat thatfile.txt | gistpaste --name=thatfile.diff
Paste from STDIN
grep "this" thatfile.txt | gistpaste
svn diff thatfile.txt | gistpaste -t diff
gistpaste < thatfile.txt
Copy content to the system clipboard and paste it
gistpaste -c
gistpaste -c -t xml
gistpaste -c -n mydata.xml
Paste a file without the name so Gist will not ignore the type
gistpaste --name=" " -t diff thatfile.txt
gistpaste -t diff < thatfile.txt
cat thatfile.txt | gistpaste -t diff
David Blevins <>
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