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Last active March 7, 2024 09:16
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  • Save jurgenzz/ead4461470368ed0279bca88bbf7de08 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jurgenzz/ead4461470368ed0279bca88bbf7de08 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"commands": {
"!zupmeistars": "",
"!snowball": "",
"!commands": "",
"!daGrevis": "",
"!scandiweb": "",
"!rvs": "",
"!hello": "Čav, {nick}",
"!find": "{param}",
"!cav": "Woohoo, {param} is in da haus!!",
"!vote": "JS WINS",
"!history": "",
"!pbf": "{param}/",
"!gay": "",
"!dump": "",
"!dumb": "you are dumb, try !dump",
"!party": "🎉🎉🎉",
"!nav_lox": "ir gan",
"!anime": "",
"!flamingo": "",
"!wtf": "",
"!js": "",
"!google": "{urlParam}",
"!votelox": "Pamēģini !voteban {nick}",
"!dirseejs": "daGrevis",
"!argue": "",
"!lohs": "{param} ir lohs",
"!wiki": "{urlParam}",
"!emilsp": "",
"!isis": "",
"!hue": "",
"!mudaks": "",
"!bubbles": "",
"!aleksejs": "",
"!Aleksejs": "",
"!var": "vajadzētu varēt",
"!emilfix": "s/ +\\\\\\\\?/?/g",
"!bus": "",
"!mold": "",
"!bff": "",
"!snowballfix": "s/$/?",
"!AleksejsFix": "s/./?/g",
"!api": "",
"!idgaf": "",
"!bmi": "You're fat as fuck",
"!todo": "",
"!wong": "",
"!direction": "{param},",
"!izklaide": "",
"!AAAA": "",
"!pietiek": "",
"!version": "HTML17",
"!miera": "{param},",
"!neg": "{param}, negative!",
"!lenny": "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)",
"!nedirst": "CMD tieshi ta!",
"!dianshi": "grammar abuse!",
"!amiright": "",
"!tish": "",
"!tofik": "",
"!Zandis": "Biggest scumbag wanker to walk this earth, and that's a fact.",
"!dauns": "",
"!up": "Upload images to #developerslv via the telegram interface!",
"!kanzur": "",
"!ksjvw": "{param}, kāds sakars ar JavaScript vai web-izstrādi?",
"!whois": "{urlParam}",
"!ksjuwap": "Kāds sakars JavaScript un web-izstrādei ar programmēšanu?",
"!pietiek2": "",
"!tarhun": "",
"!phonegap": "",
"!github": "✓&q={urlParam}",
"!magic": "",
"!twice": "{param},{param}",
"!kmtd": "Ko man tagad darīt?",
"!gword": "{param},",
"!Labakais": "#TuEsiLabākais",
"!btc": "",
"!nohomo": "",
"!dv": "{param},",
"!dalbajobas": "{param},",
"!ij": "",
"!sjw": "",
"!kenser": "",
"!spaces_or_tabs": "SPACES",
"!mad": "",
"!help": "help",
"!vienmerviens": "",
"!oooh": "",
"!paludz": "palūgt jau var",
"!unicorn": "🦄 ",
"!count2": "{urlParam}",
"!shrugs": "¯\\\\_(ツ)_/¯",
"!shrug": "¯\\\\_(ツ)_/¯",
"!kspurap": "Kāds sakars plītīm un reļuškām ar programmēšanu?",
"!ksap": "Kāds sakars {param} ar programmēšanu?",
"!pong": "ping!",
"!truth": "",
"!gender": "",
"!console": "console.log(this.attachments[id].deleted, this.attachments[id].deleted)",
"!lizard": "",
"!atpisies": "",
"!rudis": "",
"!dagrevis_ij": "",
"!youtube": "{urlParam}",
"!haskell": "",
"!ks": "Kāds sakars {param} ar software vai hacking?",
"!hip": "",
"!jurgenzz": "",
"!insult2": "{param}, you are one of the least benightedly unintelligent organic life forms it has been my profound lack of pleasure not to be able to avoid meeting.",
"!insult": "{param},",
"!bbc": "",
"!ask": "Don't ask to ask. Just ask.",
"!amurs": "",
"!truth2": "",
"!iq": "tava smadzene ir procesors, dažiem tur griežas C, dažiem browseris ar javascript",
"!ss": "{urlParam}",
"!huee": "",
"!hujak": "",
"!hujakhujakungatavs": "",
"!jesus": "",
"!peasant": "",
"!siers": "",
"!sm": "stulbā mauka {param}",
"!advice": "",
"!nttuntd": "",
"!ij3": "",
"!nevar": "bet nevar",
"!wroks": "",
"!tavsviedoklis": "iet dirsa {param}",
"!kspsapr": "Kāds sakars pointeru stumdīšanai ar problēmas risināšanu?",
"!cs50": "noderēs, mācies!",
"!tmtnp": "tu man te nerunā pekstiņus",
"!ttm": "Tu to man?",
"!inta": "{param},",
"!snbt": "",
"!lastfm": "{param}&period=3month&rows=4&cols=7&imageSize=269&noborder=on",
"!nixos": "\"Ar nixos pārāk liels pisaks\" - Aleksejs, 01.04.2019, 12:09:00",
"!slikts": "",
"!hackerman": "",
"!labrit": "",
"!scrobbles": "",
"!chicky": "",
"!etttd": "es tev tagad te dirsīšu",
"!tmttn": "tu mani tagad te netrollē",
"!spec": "",
"!offtopic": "{param} ir offtopic, pārnesiet uz #developerslv-2nd",
"!flaw": "",
"!idk": "¯\\\\_(ツ)_/¯",
"!constructor": "testik",
"!neisen": "",
"!hate": "",
"!dzhadzhot": "prasi snowballam tas mak",
"!coindispenser": "prokekts izstrades stadija anno 2018",
"!sarcasm": "",
"!headbang": "",
"!so": "",
"!fool": "",
"!neesilohs": "",
"!actually": "",
"!ngnt": "",
"!az5": "",
"!hater": "dianshi",
"!fnl": "",
"!hh": "hipsterhuiņa",
"!deputats": "Aleksejs Ivanovs",
"!kr4": "😄🔫",
"!racism": "",
"!PRC": "",
"!ir": "nu nav",
"!draugi": "{param},",
"!devlv": "",
"!webex": "",
"!truth3": "",
"!racist": "",
"!rasists": "",
"!ass": "did you just assume?",
"!faggotry": "",
"!faggotry2": "",
"!cvar": " var",
"!rust": "nevar",
"!cm": "✡ ",
"!daGrevis2": "hipsterhuiņa 😄🔫",
"!arlabunakti": " 💋💋💋",
"!hh2": "{param} histerhuŅa!",
"!insult3": "",
"!snowball2": "",
"!fag": "fake and gay",
"!pidor": ".--. .. -.. --- .-.",
"!racist2": "",
"!racist3": " +",
"!rekt": "",
"!inde": "",
"!lohi": "#developerslv",
"!nword": "",
"!test": "testing",
"!clap": "👏👏👏",
"!bless": "bless this community!",
"!kurstradaemilsp": "",
"!kurstradadagrevis": " ",
"!lvburti": "āčēģīķļņšūž",
"!shrugz": "",
"!eilish": "bu bu bu",
"!discord": "",
"!rapist": "",
"!kuce": "Rūdolfs Vikmanis",
"!jfk": "",
"!avensis": "",
"!privacy": "",
"!ij4": "",
"!usa": "",
"!ij5": "",
"!trump": "\"lmao tramptardiņ paskaties ko tavs svētais donalds tagad izdarīja",
"!topic": "\"snowball slikts, jo trump, es slikts, jo domāju, ka ogļhidrāti nav slikti, daGrevis vnk jobnutijs, dianshi lohs parastsis\" © siers",
"!npsf": "",
"!lmgtfy": "{param}",
"!caarbs": "",
"!aleksejs3": "",
"!okay": "",
"!brocoli": "",
"!covidmap": "",
"!qt": "",
"!kekw": "",
"!dirscord": "proprietary govno",
"!eu": "es nesaprotu ko tu saki",
"!detestik": "fuck{param}face{param}",
"!frontend": "\"vnk .sort un viss\" ",
"!anuka": "{param},",
"!album": ""
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