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Last active August 30, 2017 15:41
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Generating Segwit Addresses bip49
const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib')
const assert = require('assert')
// example mnemonic: bless slide survey easy fossil river audit excess cry kingdom very valid country coffee addict
// acount extended pub key m/49'/0'/0'/0
const XPUB = 'xpub6DSniLEmH3haqnDkeV8vEbCaJeWn3NybeiHajgPY2TktB7DovU1ba6JoDn3JDYZNj8hSAKNCdAMMcrDPYGYa4Rg1ZGtB6p9Yv5EJqLwSPn5';
index = 0
let hdNode = bitcoin.HDNode.fromBase58(XPUB);
let pubKey = hdNode.derivePath("0/" + index).keyPair.getPublicKeyBuffer();
let witnessScript = bitcoin.script.witnessPubKeyHash.output.encode(bitcoin.crypto.hash160(pubKey))
let scriptPubKey = bitcoin.script.scriptHash.output.encode(bitcoin.crypto.hash160(witnessScript))
let address = bitcoin.address.fromOutputScript(scriptPubKey)
assert.strictEqual(address, "3N7vBWpEY2kzUAdUuGFZUtcwGbMn5xzBNk");
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