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Created March 24, 2017 09:20
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Fluctuation period of a signal with a certain filter width
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def mean_filt(x, n):
tent = np.concatenate((np.arange(1, 1+n//2 + n%2), np.arange(1, 1+n//2)[::-1]))
tent = tent/sum(tent)
return np.convolve(x, tent, mode='same')
def filt(x, n):
return mean_filt(x+0.001*np.random.randn(x.size), n)
def get_extrema(x):
time = np.arange(x.size)[1:-1]
mini = (x[2:] >= x[1:-1]) & (x[:-2] > x[1:-1])
maxi = (x[2:] < x[1:-1]) & (x[:-2] <= x[1:-1])
if sum(mini) > sum(maxi):
first = mini
second = maxi
first = maxi
second = mini
return time[first], time[second]
def compute_amplitude(x, i_first, i_second):
x_first, x_second = x[i_first], x[i_second]
amplitude = 0.5 * abs(0.5 *(x_first[:-1] + x_first[1:]) - x_second[:-1])
return amplitude
def get_minmax_data(x, t_first, t_second):
num_extrema = t_second.size
i_first = t_first[:num_extrema]
i_second = t_second[:num_extrema]
half_period_1 = (i_second - i_first)[:-1] # time from extr to extr.
half_period_2 = (i_first[1:]-i_second[:-1]) # time from extr to extr.
assert all(half_period_1 > 0.0), half_period_2
assert all(half_period_2 > 0.0), half_period_2
period = (half_period_1 + half_period_2)
# amplitude = compute_amplitude(x, i_first, i_second)
x_first, x_second = x[i_first], x[i_second]
amplitude = 0.5 * abs(0.5 *(x_first[:-1] + x_first[1:]) - x_second[:-1])
t = i_second[:-1]
return t, amplitude, period
def get_median_period_after_filt(x, threshold=None):
t_first, t_second = get_extrema(x)
t, a, p = get_minmax_data(x, t_first, t_second)
if threshold is None:
threshold = np.median(a)
idx = a > threshold
return np.median(p[idx])
def get_median_period(x, n=10, threshold=None):
x = filt(x, n)
return get_median_period_after_filt(x, threshold)
def normalize(x):
return (x-np.mean(x))/np.std(x)
if __name__ == '__main__':
sampling_rate = 1 # Hz
dt = 1.0/np.float(sampling_rate) # sec.
periods = [20.0, 70.0, 200.0] # sec.
weights = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
N = 2 * 60 * 60 # samples
T = dt * N # sec. (2 hours)
t = dt * np.arange(N)
signal = np.random.randn(N)
for p, w in zip(periods, weights):
signal += w * np.sin(2.0 * (np.pi/p * t + np.random.rand()))
nf = np.arange(5, 150, 2)
fluct_periods = [
get_median_period(signal, n=n)
for n in nf
plt.plot(t, signal)
# plt.xlim(t[0], t[-1])
plt.xlim(2800, 3500)
plt.xlabel('Time (sec.)')
for p in periods:
plt.axhline(y=p, color='r', ls='--')
plt.plot(nf, fluct_periods, label='Estimate')
plt.plot([], [], 'r--', label='True period')
plt.xlim(0, 140)
plt.ylabel('Period (sec.)')
plt.xlabel('Filter width (sec.)')
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