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Created April 1, 2020 10:48
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Clojure FSM sample
(:require [taoensso.timbre :as timbre]
[ :refer :all]
[clojure.core.match :refer [match]]
[clojure.core.match.regex :refer :all]
[clojure.string :as st]
[clojure.core.async :refer [chan close! buffer go-loop to-chan <! >! >!! <!!] :as async]
[clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.core.async :as async]))
(def line-cleaner (comp st/trim-newline st/lower-case))
(s/def ::node keyword?)
(s/def ::pattern vector?)
(s/def ::emit-value (s/or :string string? :coll (s/coll-of string?)))
(s/def ::state-handler (s/or :inline seq?
:reference symbol?))
(s/def ::transition (s/cat :pattern ::pattern
:handler (s/? ::state-handler)
:emit (s/? ::emit-value)
:to (s/? ::node)))
(s/def ::recursive boolean?)
(s/def ::flags (s/keys :opt-un [::recursive]))
(s/def ::state-vector
(s/cat :from (s/or :node ::node
:nodes (s/coll-of keyword? :kind vector?))
:flags (s/? ::flags)
:transitions (s/* ::transition)))
(s/def ::fsm-definition (s/coll-of ::state-vector))
(defmacro fsm1 [& body]
(let [conformed-body (s/conform ::fsm-definition body)]
(if (= conformed-body ::s/invalid)
(s/explain ::fsm-definition body)
(defmacro fsm [[state-symbol input-symbol] & body]
(let [conformed-body (s/conform ::fsm-definition body)
state-sym (gensym 'state)
input-sym (gensym 'input)
conformed-body (map #(update % :from second) conformed-body)
cases# (->> conformed-body
(mapcat (fn [{:keys [from flags transitions]}]
(if (seq transitions)
(mapv (fn [transition]
(assoc transition
:from from
:flags flags))
[{:from from}]))))
single-cases (filter (comp keyword? :from) cases#)
multi-cases (->> cases#
(filter (comp vector? :from))
(mapcat (fn [{nodes :from :as case}]
(map #(assoc case :from %) nodes))))
cases# (concat multi-cases single-cases)
termination-nodes (->> conformed-body (remove :transitions) (map :from) set)]
;(println "Conformed" conformed-body)
;(println "Multi Cases" multi-cases)
;(println "Cases" cases#)
;(println "Termination nodes" termination-nodes)
`(fn [{node# :node :as ~state-sym} ~input-sym]
(let [~state-symbol ~state-sym
~input-symbol ~input-sym
~state-sym (dissoc ~state-sym :emit)]
;(println "INPUT" ~input-sym)
(match [node# ~state-sym ~input-sym]
~@(mapcat (fn [{:keys [from to pattern emit]
[handler-type handler] :handler
{:keys [recursive] :as flags} :flags}]
[(vec (cons from (or pattern '[_ _])))
`(assoc ~(cond
handler (list handler state-sym input-sym)
emit `(assoc ~state-sym :emit ~(second emit))
:default state-sym)
:node ~to
:terminated? ~(contains? termination-nodes to)
:recursive? ~recursive)])
(def knock
(fsm [state input]
[_ :client/connect] "Someone is at the door.." :rec]
[:rec {:recursive true}
[_ _] (fn [_ _] {:emit "+OK UPDATE"}) :start]
[_ ("knock knock" :guard #(= input %))] "Who is there" :who-is-there
[_ _] "Huh?" :start]
[_ "doctor"] "Doctor who?" :ask-name
[_ _] "I am waiting for a doctor" :start]
[_ input] (fn [_ i] {:emit (str "Hello Dr. " input)}) :start]
[[:start :who-is-there]
[_ "quit"] "Bye!!!" :quit]
(defn automate
"Returns a state machine transducer"
[fsm initial-state]
(fn [xf]
(trace "Creating automate with init" initial-state)
(let [state (volatile! initial-state)]
([] (xf))
(xf result))
([result input]
(let [{:keys [terminated? recursive? node] :as new-state} (fsm @state input)]
(trace "New node:" node)
(vswap! state merge new-state)
recursive? (do
(xf result new-state)
(recur result input))
terminated? (ensure-reduced (xf result new-state))
:default (xf result new-state))))))))
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