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Forked from ameseee/
Last active April 6, 2022 19:25
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  • Save jusrez/5c1f7143fe64817fecc5c5f67862f078 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jusrez/5c1f7143fe64817fecc5c5f67862f078 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Session 1 HW


To start this assignment:

  1. Click the button in the upper right-hand corner that says Fork. This is now your copy of the document.
  2. Click the Edit button when you're ready to start adding your answers.
  3. To save your work, click the green button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can edit a Gist multiple times.

Readings + Responses

  • Your key take-aways OR how you're going to implement specific points (minimum 2):
  • Being an experienced programmer doesn't mean you need to memorize everything – you just need to know what questions to ask and where to look for the answers.
  • Don't let your ego get in the way of finding a simple answer – the problem you're having as a programmer is probably something another programmer has already experienced. Leaning on the experience of other developers/programmers (by way of Google) is a tool we should be grateful for.
  • Briefly describe (in your own words) each of the tips below AND provide an example of a search that captures the sentiment of the tip
  • Tip 2: Using quotes will let google know you require more specific results for your query instead of showing any/all things related to the keywords you used. Example
  • Tip 3: Using a hyphen will help to exclude words that may be related to the search but are not what you're looking for. Example
  • Tip 4: Using a colon will let google know that you're only interested in results that come from a specific website. Example
  • Tip 9: Similar to tip 2, using multiple words/phrases and including OR between those two words/phrases will result in fewer but more specific results that are related to your keywords . Example
  • Tip 13: Using phrases that are more likely to be used in an article or site you need is more likely to yield the desired results. Example
  • Tip 14: Using fewer words that express what you're looking for can help provide more useful results . Example
  • Tip 17: Being as descriptive as possible in your search query will help Google better find what is you're looking for. Sometimes, asking the same question in a different way might yield the answer you're looking for. Example

Turing Prep

1. Creating a Mod 0 Calendar (20 mins)

Before you create your Mod 0 calendar, we recommend going back to the Session 1 Lesson to review some tips from our most successful students re: calendaring and time management.

Create a calendar using a tool of your choice (Google Calendar, iCal, etc.) for the remainder of Mod 0 until your due date for the Mod 0 Project. Your calendar should include the following:

  • Each class session
  • Relevant due dates: HW, Mod 0 Project, Tuition, Cohort Orientation
  • When do you plan to work on homework?
  • When do you plan to work on the Mod 0 Project (about 35 hours total)?
  • When do you plan to review material covered in class?
  • When do you plan to make time for self-care?
  • What other commitments do you have throughout the course of Mod 0?

As outlined in class, using different colors in your calendar for parts of your life (Turing, wellness, commitments, etc.) can make it easier to parse through your competing priorities. Here is a suggestion you could use for your Mod 0 Calendar...

  • Mod 0 classes
  • Outside prep (HW, Project, studying, practice, assessment)
  • Work/prior commitments
  • Wellness

Take some time to build out your calendar for Mod 0 and add a few photos/screenshots below. Please provide screenshots of the weekly view, not monthly view, so we can easily see the actual time allotment to each event. You can take a screenshot on your Mac using cmd + shift + 4 and drag around the area of your screen you want to capture!

This video walks you through how to add a screenshot to a GitHub Gist!

Add screenshots of your calendar belowScreen Shot 2022-04-05 at 12 19 56 AM Screen Shot 2022-04-05 at 10 10 09 PM Screen Shot 2022-04-05 at 10 10 19 PM


1. Creating Files and Directories (10 min)

Need help? You can go back to the files/directories portion of the lesson here.

Use commands in your terminal to create the directories and files structured exactly how they appear in the image below.


When you're done, type history to see your commands. Copy and paste the commands that were used to create the directory and files:

186  cd
  187  clear
  188  mkdir cool_project
  189  cd cool_project
  190  touch
  191  touch styles.css
  192  mkdir dank_codes
  193  cd dank_codes
  194  touch data.rb
  195  touch app.js
  196  mkdir resources
  197  cd resources
  198  touch
  199  mkdir utils
  200  cd utils
  201  touch

2. Modify your Zsh Prompt (10 min)

  • Make sure that your shell is set to zsh by running the following command: $ chsh -s /bin/zsh. Remember to omit the $! Note that macOS Catalina and later operating systems already use zsh as the default shell.
  • Watch this video and follow each step to modify your own zshrc configuration file. As mentioned in the video, you will need this snippet below:
# Load version control information
autoload -Uz vcs_info
precmd() { vcs_info }

# Format the vcs_info_msg_0_ variable
zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' formats '%b'

# Determine if current working directory is a git repository
git_branch_color() {
  if current_git_status=$(git status 2> /dev/null); then
    echo ""

# Change branch color if working tree is clean
parse_git_dirty() {
  if current_git_status=$(git status | grep 'Changes to be committed:\|Untracked files:\|modified:|deleted:' 2> /dev/null); then
    echo "%F{red}"
    echo "%F{green}"

# Set up the prompt (with git branch name)
PROMPT='%F{white}%d $(git_branch_color)${vcs_info_msg_0_} %f$'

After you have saved this file, be sure to quit and restart your terminal.

We will be working more with git in the next session and will be able to see some of these changes take effect!

3. Practice Keyboard Shortcuts (10 mins)

Mac Environment

Use these shortcuts to quickly move around within your environment.

  • command + spacebar - Open a program or search for a file
  • command + tab + tab ... - Cycle through open programs
  • command + ~ - Switch between separate open windows of the same program
  • command + q - Quit an open program


Start by making sure Rectangle is running with command + spacebar then type rectangle and then return. You should see a window icon at the top right of your menu bar. Click the icon to see a dropdown of your shortcuts. Click preferences to customize them. Make sure you know the shortcuts to do the following:

  • Full Screen Current Window
  • Left Half Current Window
  • Right Half Current Window
  • Top Half Current Window
  • Bottom Half Current Window

Chrome Browser

Start by opening Chrome with the shortcut (command + space) you already learned.

  • command + d - Bookmark current page
  • command + t - Open new tab
  • command + n - Open new window
  • command + shift + n - Open new window in Incognito mode
  • command + l - Highlight current URL
  • control + tab - Cycle through tabs to the right
  • control + shift + tab - Cycle through tabs to the left
  • command + shift + r - Reload page
  • command + w - Close tab

Self Assess

Using the rubric below, assess how you did with these exercises. These are the same metrics your instructors will use to determine if you are prepared for Mod 1!

  • I carefully read ALL directions
  • I completed all parts of the exercises (not including Extensions) to the best of my ability
  • I used correct syntax, spacing and naming conventions
  • I followed ALL formatting instructions
  • I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and experimented/broke things to try to learn
  • I spent no longer than 20-30 mins Googling a specific problem before asking for help
  • I went back to the lesson to search for clarification before asking for help

Stuck? Having Issues?

Are you stuck on something? Here is the BEST way to ask for help:

  • Start or reply in the thread with the problem you are facing. Be sure to follow the guidelines for asking questions below:
    • I can explain what I am trying to do or accomplish
    • I can explain what I have tried so far and/or what resources I've tried online
    • I can describe specifically what I am stuck on
    • I provided screenshots and/or code examples to give context
      • If I provided short code examples, I used inline code formatting for single lines of code/error messages
      • If I provided larger blocks of code, I used a code snippet in the correct format (such as .js or .rb)
  • Usually, your classmates will be able to answer your question or point you in the right direction very quickly! If not, an instructor will reply within 24-48 hours


There is no actual "submission" of this assignment; if you forked it from the original gist and saved your changes on your fork, we will be able to see your work. You do not need to send a link to us. One way you can check that you forked correctly is by going to the original gist the homework assignment was written in. Click on "Forks", then look through the list (you may want to use cmd + F to open the search bar within the browser). If you see your GitHub username, that means your instructors see it too! On the far right, you can click the "View Fork" button to view your work. image

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ameseee commented Apr 6, 2022

Hi @jusrez based on what I can see - looks like you are on track. One thing I'm not clear on is your 3 week plan for the Mod 0 project - can you please add your calendar screenshots for the duration of Mod 0? Please DM me on Slack when you've done so and I'll come back to this. Thanks!

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ameseee commented Apr 6, 2022

Looks great, thanks for updating @jusrez

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