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In the cloud

Justin Tamblyn just1689

In the cloud
  • South Africa
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just1689 / embedded.go
Created February 20, 2019 14:22 — forked from joshrotenberg/embedded.go
embedded nsqd
package main
// This is a basic example of running an nsqd instance embedded. It creates
// and runs an nsqd with all of the default options, and then produces
// and consumes a single message. You are probably better off running a
// standalone instance, but embedding it can simplify deployment and is
// useful in testing.
// See and
// for
just1689 / ansible-docker-network.yml
Created September 27, 2019 11:51 — forked from clems4ever/ansible-docker-network.yml
Deploy a docker service using Ansible within Docker Swarm 1.12
- name: Check if network {{ name }} exists
delegate_to: "{{ groups['docker_swarm_issuer'][0] }}"
run_once: true
command: docker network ls -q --filter name=^{{ name }}$
register: network_exists
changed_when: false
- name: Create network {{ name }}
command: docker network create --driver {{ driver }} {{ name }}