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Created February 23, 2016 23:05
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ClassA does not work as expected, ClassB does. Sample code for:
// Use this file to import your target's public headers that you would like to expose to Swift.
#import "XXClassC.h"
// ClassA+B.swift
import Foundation
Create contrived class that is named XXClassA in ObjC and ClassA in Swift.
@objc(XXClassA) class ClassA: NSObject {
let foo = "bar"
Create contrived class that is named XXClassB in ObjC and Swift.
class XXClassB: NSObject {
let foo = "bar"
extension ClassA {
Attempt to instantiate XXClassC (which has a reference to XXClassA) from Swift fails.
-Note: Implemented in extension for clarity of post, but same issue arises if part of main class.
func useClassC() {
let someVar1 = XXClassC(a: XXClassA()) // Error: use of unresolved identifier 'XXClassA'
let someVar2 = XXClassC(b: XXClassB()) // works
// XXClassC.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class XXClassA, XXClassB;
@interface XXClassC : NSObject
-(instancetype)initWithA:(XXClassA *)classA;
-(instancetype)initWithB:(XXClassB *)classB;
// mark default init as unnavailable
-(instancetype)init __attribute__((unavailable));
// XXClassC.m
#import "XXClassC.h"
#import "CircularImports-swift.h"
@implementation XXClassC
- (instancetype)initWithA:(XXClassA *)classA {
return [super init];
- (instancetype)initWithB:(XXClassB *)classB {
return [super init];
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