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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Python SCP/SSH Commands
import string
from string import rstrip
import subprocess
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, call
from time import time
import os
# copy a folder to a remote folder
def scpFolderFromHostToFolderPathOnHost(fromFolderPath, fromHost, toFolderPath, toHost, asRoot):
# add hostname before the fromFolderPath if need be
if len(fromHost) and not '' in fromHost:
fromFolderPath = fromHost + ':' + fromFolderPath
# add hostname before the toFolderPath if need be
if len(toHost) and not '' in toHost:
toFolderPath = toHost + ':' + toFolderPath
if asRoot:
toFolderPath = 'root@' + toFolderPath
command = "scp -qr " + fromFolderPath + " " + toFolderPath + '/'
# open a ssh tunnel
# returns the process
def sshIntoMachineAsUser(host, username):
command = "ssh -T " + username + "@" + host;
# open tunnel
process = Popen(command, shell=True, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
# load bash profile
process.stdin.write("source ~/.bash_profile\n")
return process
# close the ssh tunnel
def closeSSH(process):
def removeFolderFromHost(folderPath, hostname):
# open ssh tunnel
process = sshIntoMachineAsUser(hostname, 'root')
# navigate to depot
process.stdin.write("rm -r " + folderPath + "\n")
def respringHost(hostname):
process = sshIntoMachineAsUser(hostname, 'root')
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