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Last active February 11, 2021 12:24
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  • Save justagist/4638b13c4ef28e3b02b48354a8c096af to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save justagist/4638b13c4ef28e3b02b48354a8c096af to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Download and create a csv or xlsx file containing all the listed companies from
Download all listed companies from
Saves to a single csv/xlsx file with columns
"Company Name", "Address", "Phone", "Website"
import re
import urllib.request
import pandas as pd
import html
rows_list = []
for i in range(1, 500):
req = urllib.request.Request(
'' % i, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
response = urllib.request.urlopen(req).read()
result = re.findall('<article id=(.*?)</article>', str(response))
if len(result) == 0:
print("Done. Total webpages crawled: %d" % (i-1))
for r in result:
vals = re.findall('title=\"(.*?)</div> </', r)
if len(vals) == 0:
vals = re.findall('title=\"(.*?)\"', r)
assert (len(vals) == 1), r
c_name = html.unescape(vals[0].split("\"")[0])
addr = ""
if "Post Code" in r:
addr_val = re.findall('title=\"(.*?)\">Post Code:', r)[0]
other_vals = re.findall(
'<span class=\"w2dc-field-content\"> (.*?) </span>', addr_val)
for v in other_vals:
addr += v + "\n"
pc = re.findall(
'Post Code:</span> </span> <span class=\"w2dc-field-content\"> (.*?) </span></div>', r)[0]
addr += pc
ph = ""
if "Phone:" in r:
ph = re.findall(
'Phone:</span> </span> <span class=\"w2dc-field-content\"> (.*?) </span></div>', r)[0]
website = ""
if '\"url\" href=' in r:
website = re.findall('\"url\" href=\"(.*?)\"', r)[0]
# print (c_name)
# print (addr)
# print (ph)
# print (website)
# print (" ")
"Company Name": c_name,
"Address": addr,
"Phone": ph,
"Website": website
df = pd.DataFrame(rows_list)
df.index += 1
# df.to_csv("kuthirappavan.csv")
Download from all pages of in different categories
by going through a provided list of corresponding urls.
Saves to a single file with additional column "Category". Merges
entries into one if entity belongs to multiple categories.
import re
import urllib.request
import pandas as pd
import html
# ----- name of output file (.xlsx or .csv, or None for not saving)
output_file = "installment_fellowship.xlsx"
# ----- example category list
category_list = {
"category1": "",
"category2": ""
company_dict = {}
page_count = 0
num_comps = 0
for category in category_list:
url = category_list[category]
if url[-1] != '/':
print("\nScraping railpro pages under category: '%s'" % category)
for i in range(1, 350): # ----- max number of pages to scrape for each category
req = urllib.request.Request(
'%spage/%d' % (url, i), headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
response = urllib.request.urlopen(req).read()
result = re.findall('<article id=(.*?)</article>', str(response))
if len(result) == 0:
print("\t'%s' Done. Pages scraped: %d" % (category, i-1))
print("\tpg: ", i)
page_count += 1
for r in result:
num_comps += 1
vals = re.findall('title=\"(.*?)</div> </', r)
if len(vals) == 0:
vals = re.findall('title=\"(.*?)\"', r)
assert (len(vals) == 1), r
c_name = html.unescape(vals[0].split("\"")[0])
if c_name in company_dict:
# print("\t\tCompany '%s' already exists under category(s): '%s'. Adding new category: '%s'" % (
# c_name, company_dict[c_name]["Category"], category))
print("\t\t[INFO]: Modifying category name for %s" % c_name)
company_dict[c_name]["Category"] += ", %s" % category
addr = ""
if "Post Code" in r:
addr_val = re.findall('title=\"(.*?)\">Post Code:', r)[0]
other_vals = re.findall(
'<span class=\"w2dc-field-content\"> (.*?) </span>', addr_val)
for v in other_vals:
addr += v + "\n"
pc = re.findall(
'Post Code:</span> </span> <span class=\"w2dc-field-content\"> (.*?) </span></div>', r)[0]
addr += pc
ph = ""
if "Phone:" in r:
ph = re.findall(
'Phone:</span> </span> <span class=\"w2dc-field-content\"> (.*?) </span></div>', r)[0]
website = ""
if '\"url\" href=' in r:
website = re.findall('\"url\" href=\"(.*?)\"', r)[0]
company_dict[c_name] = {
"Company Name": c_name,
"Address": addr,
"Phone": ph,
"Website": website,
"Category": category
print("\n[Warning]: Stopped scraping after reaching the pre-set range limit of pages. The output list may not be exhaustive!\n")
rows_list = []
for c in company_dict:
df = pd.DataFrame(rows_list)
df.index += 1
print("Total pages scraped: %d; Total companies found: %d; \nFinal number of companies after merge: %d" %
(page_count, num_comps, df.index[-1]))
if output_file is not None:
if output_file.split(".")[-1] == "csv":
elif output_file.split(".")[-1] == "xlsx":
raise ValueError(
"Invalid file type for output file. Use csv or xlsx extension")
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