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Last active March 5, 2024 10:45
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An interface class for using Kinematics and Dynamics computations offered by Pinocchio library, supporting all types of robots.
"""Provides utilities for kinematics and dynamics parameters retrievals.
This is a standalone file.
pypi dependencies: [numpy, pin]
- Retrieve all dynamics and kinematics info for any robot (urdf).
- All methods become available after a single call to the `update()` method of the class, which will compute
all required kinematics and dynamics data, which can be retreived using the other methods in the class.
- Handles continuous joints in addition to revolute and prismatic joints.
- Extends the default pinocchio.RobotWrapper class, so all methods from base class still available (if required).
- [x] better way to identify continuous joints is to use pin.model.joints[id].nq and pin.model.joints[id].nv values.
These should be 2 & 1 respectively for continuous joints, 6 & 5 for free-floating, and 1 & 1 for others.
NOTE: 'composite joints' can have different nq and nv numbers.
- [x] also can use joints.shortname() to get joint type directly from this list:
- [ ] handle additional joint types.
import pinocchio
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Tuple, TypeAlias, Sequence, Mapping
QuatType: TypeAlias = np.ndarray
"""Numpy array representating quaternion in format [x,y,z,w]"""
Vector3D: TypeAlias = np.ndarray
"""Numpy array representating 3D cartesian vector in format [x,y,z]"""
class PinocchioInterface(pinocchio.RobotWrapper):
"""A pinocchio.RobotWrapper extension to get robot kinematics and dynamics values easily.
This class cannot deal with passive joints, spherical joints or other composite joints.
It works fine with regular revolute and prisimatic joints, as well as handles continuous
def configuration_handle_continuous_joints(
q: np.ndarray, continuous_joint_q_ids: Sequence[float]
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Static method to update the provided pinocchio q vector to handle continuous joints.
This is to be used when the original indices are filled with the joint
position values. These will then be replaced with cos(theta) and sin(theta)
values in sequence at each of these indices (as required by pinocchio)
for continuous joints only.
q (np.ndarray): The original values where the values at indices `continuous_joint_q_ids`
is filled with the actual value of joint position encoder.
continuous_joint_q_ids (Sequence[float]): The indices in the q vector which are continuous
np.ndarray: Updated q vector with appropriate 2D representation for continuous joints.
if len(continuous_joint_q_ids) == 0:
return q
sin_q_ids = np.array(continuous_joint_q_ids) + 1
continuous_j_vals = q[continuous_joint_q_ids].copy()
q[continuous_joint_q_ids] = np.cos(continuous_j_vals)
q[sin_q_ids] = np.sin(continuous_j_vals)
return q
def recover_generalised_pos_from_pinocchio_configuration(
q: np.ndarray,
continuous_joint_q_ids: Sequence[float] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Static method to get the generalised coordinate position vector from pinocchio q vector.
This function is mainly for handling situations where the robot has continuous joints. Pinocchio
uses a 2D representation for a single continuous joint, and this function recovers single joint
position values for such joints.
q (np.ndarray): Configuration vector in the format used by Pinocchio.
continuous_joint_q_ids (Sequence[float], optional): The joint ids of continuous joints.
Defaults to [].
np.ndarray: Output generalised coordinate vector after removing pinocchio's
continuous joint representation.
if continuous_joint_q_ids is not None and len(continuous_joint_q_ids) > 0:
sin_ids = np.array(continuous_joint_q_ids) + 1
q[continuous_joint_q_ids] = np.arctan2(
q[sin_ids], q[continuous_joint_q_ids]
return q.copy()
def __init__(
urdf_filename: str,
floating_base: bool = True,
verbose: bool = True,
ee_names: List[str] = None,
A pinocchio.RobotWrapper extension to get robot kinematics and dynamics values easily.
This class cannot deal with passive joints, spherical joints or other composite joints.
It works fine with regular revolute and prisimatic joints, as well as handles continuous
urdf_filename (str): path to urdf file of the robot.
floating_base (bool, optional): Whether the robot has fixed base or floating base.
Defaults to True.
verbose (bool, optional): Verbosity flag. Defaults to True.
ee_names (List[str], optional): List of end-effector links for the robot.
Defaults to empty list.
self.floating_base = floating_base
if self.floating_base is True:
self.model = pinocchio.buildModelFromUrdf(
urdf_filename, pinocchio.JointModelFreeFlyer()
self.model = pinocchio.buildModelFromUrdf(urdf_filename)
super().__init__(self.model, verbose=verbose) =
"""Name of the robot model."""
self.total_mass = pinocchio.computeTotalMass(self.model)
self.num_joints = self.model.njoints
self.joint_names = self.model.names.tolist()
self.joint_lower_limits: List[float] = np.array(self.model.lowerPositionLimit)
self.joint_upper_limits: List[float] = np.array(self.model.upperPositionLimit)
self.joint_neutral_position = (
self.joint_lower_limits + self.joint_upper_limits
) / 2
self.joint_velocity_limit: List[float] = np.array(self.model.velocityLimit)
self.actuated_joint_names: List[str] = []
self.actuated_joint_q_ids: List[int] = []
"""index of joints in the generalised coordinate vector (q)"""
self.q = np.zeros(self.model.nq) # will be filled with first call to update()
"""The pinocchio q vector (generalised coordinates)."""
self.v = np.zeros(self.model.nv) # will be filled with first call to update()
"""The pinocchio v vector (generalised velocity)."""
self.a = np.zeros(self.model.nv) # will be filled with first call to update()
"""The pinocchio a output vector (generalised acceleration). NOTE: never filled!"""
self.actuated_joint_v_ids: List[int] = []
"""index of joints in the generalised velocity vector (v)"""
self.continuous_joint_q_ids: List[int] = []
"""Indices corresponding to continuous joints in the pinocchio configuration vector q.
In pinocchio, continuous joints are represented using 2 values [cos(theta), sin(theta)].
This list contains the index to the first (cos) value (add 1 to the index to get the next)."""
self.continuous_joint_names: List[str] = []
def joint_is_continuous(joint: pinocchio.pinocchio_pywrap.JointModel):
"""Check if the pinocchio joint is continuous (as defined in pinocchio)."""
if (
joint.nq == 2
and joint.nv == 1
and joint.shortname() # this one check alone should be enough; using nq, nv just to be sure
in [
return True
return False
for n, name in enumerate(self.joint_names):
if name not in ["universe", "root_joint"]:
curr_j_id = self.model.idx_qs[self.model.getJointId(name)]
curr_v_id = self.model.idx_vs[self.model.getJointId(name)]
# To handle continuous joint in the generalised coordinates (q), save these ids separately
# pinocchio represents continuous joints with 2 numbers (cos(theta), sin(theta))
if joint_is_continuous(self.model.joints[n]):
# NOTE (@ssidhik): handle composite joints, passive joints, etc.
self.num_of_actuated_joints = len(self.actuated_joint_names)
self.actuated_joint_q_ids = np.array(self.actuated_joint_q_ids)
self.actuated_joint_v_ids = np.array(self.actuated_joint_v_ids)
additional_dims_ = 7 if self.floating_base else 0
expected_nq_ = (
+ len(self.continuous_joint_q_ids)
+ additional_dims_
assert (
expected_nq_ == self.nq
), f"Could not match expected nq for model. Required model nq: {self.nq}; Current nq obtained: {expected_nq_}."
self.actuated_joint_name_to_q_index: Mapping[str, int] = dict(
zip(self.actuated_joint_names, self.actuated_joint_q_ids)
"""Mapping from joint name to index of the joint configuration value in the pinocchio q vector."""
self.actuated_joint_name_to_v_index: Mapping[str, int] = dict(
zip(self.actuated_joint_names, self.actuated_joint_v_ids)
"""Mapping from joint name to index of the joint velocity value in the pinocchio v vector."""
self.actuated_joint_lower_limits = self.get_joint_positions_from_configuration(
self.actuated_joint_upper_limits = self.get_joint_positions_from_configuration(
self.actuated_joint_neutral_position = (
self.actuated_joint_lower_limits + self.actuated_joint_upper_limits
) / 2
self.num_of_frames = self.model.nframes
self.frame_names = [ for frame in self.model.frames]
self.frame_ids = [
self.model.getFrameId(frame_name) for frame_name in self.frame_names
self.ee_names = ee_names if ee_names is not None else []
"""Names of frames that are used as end-effectors."""
if verbose:
def print_model_info(self):
print("*" * 100 + "\nPinocchio Model Info " + "\u2193 " * 20 + "\n" + "*" * 100)
print("name: ",
print("total_mass:", self.total_mass)
print("floating base:", self.floating_base)
print("nq: ", self.nq)
print("nv: ", self.nv)
print("joint names:", self.num_joints, self.joint_names)
print("End-effectors:", self.ee_names)
f"Number of moveable joints: {len(self.actuated_joint_q_ids)}, of which "
f"{len(self.continuous_joint_q_ids)} are continuous joints (with 2 values in pinochio "
"generalised coordinates)."
"actuated joint names: ",
"continuous joint names: ",
print("frame names:", self.num_of_frames, self.frame_names)
print("*" * 100 + "\nPinocchio Model Info " + "\u2191 " * 20 + "\n" + "*" * 100)
def update(
global_base_position: Vector3D,
global_base_quaternion: QuatType,
local_base_velocity_linear: Vector3D,
local_base_velocity_angular: Vector3D,
joint_positions: np.ndarray,
joint_velocities: np.ndarray,
joint_order: List[str] = None,
"""Do all forward kinematics and dynamics computations for the given robot states.
Also updates the internal configuration vectors (self.q, self.v).
global_base_position (Vector3D): Position of robot base in the world.
global_base_quaternion (QuatType): Orientation quaternion (x,y,z,w) of the
robot base in the world.
local_base_velocity_linear (Vector3D): Linear velocity of the robot base in the local base frame.
local_base_velocity_angular (Vector3D): Angular velocity of the robot base in the local base frame.
joint_positions (np.ndarray): Current joint positions of the robot.
joint_velocities (np.ndarray): Current joint velocities of the robot.
joint_order (List[str], optional): Joint names in the order the position values were given.
If None provided, uses default order found by pinocchio (urdf order).
q = np.zeros(self.model.nq)
self.v = np.zeros(self.model.nv)
if joint_order is not None and joint_order != self.actuated_joint_names:
assert len(joint_order) == len(self.actuated_joint_names)
for n, name in enumerate(joint_order):
q[self.actuated_joint_name_to_q_index[name]] = joint_positions[n]
self.v[self.actuated_joint_name_to_v_index[name]] = joint_velocities[n]
q[self.actuated_joint_q_ids] = joint_positions
self.v[self.actuated_joint_v_ids] = joint_velocities
self.q = PinocchioInterface.configuration_handle_continuous_joints(
q=q, continuous_joint_q_ids=self.continuous_joint_q_ids
if self.floating_base:
self.q[:3] = global_base_position
self.q[3:7] = global_base_quaternion
self.v[:3] = local_base_velocity_linear
self.v[3:6] = local_base_velocity_angular
self.a = np.zeros(self.model.nv)
pinocchio.forwardKinematics(self.model,, self.q, self.v, self.a)
pinocchio.framesForwardKinematics(self.model,, self.q)
pinocchio.computeJointJacobians(self.model,, self.q)
pinocchio.computeCentroidalMap(self.model,, self.q)
self.model,, self.q, self.v
pinocchio.ccrba(self.model,, self.q, self.v)
def get_frame_id(self, frame_name: str) -> int:
return self.model.getFrameId(frame_name)
def get_com_position(self) -> Vector3D:
def get_com_velocity(self) -> Vector3D:
return self.vcom(self.q, self.v)
def get_centroidal_mass(self) -> float:
def get_centroidal_inertia(self) -> np.ndarray:
def get_centroidal_momentum_map(self) -> np.ndarray:
def get_centroidal_momentum_map_linear(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self.get_centroidal_momentum_map()[:3, :]
def get_centroidal_momentum_map_angular(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self.get_centroidal_momentum_map()[-3:, :]
def get_inertia_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self.mass(self.q)
def get_nonlinear_effects(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self.nle(self.q, self.v)
def get_joint_positions(self, joint_names: List[str] = None) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get the current joint positions using the latest joint configuration vector.
This method also handles continuous joints and extracts joint position values for
continuous joints from the 2D configuration representation used in pinocchio.
joint_names (List[str], optional): Optional list of joints/joint order. Defaults to None
(uses default joint order).
np.ndarray: Values of joint position/orientation for specified/all joints.
return self.get_joint_positions_from_configuration(
q=self.q, joint_names=joint_names
def get_joint_positions_from_configuration(
self, q: np.ndarray, joint_names: List[str] = None
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get the joint positions from the provided pinocchio configuration vector.
This method also handles continuous joints and extracts joint position values for
continuous joints from the 2D configuration representation used in pinocchio.
NOTE: This assumes the provided q vector has the same order as the self.q values in this
q (np.ndarray): Pinocchio configuration vector from which joint values are to be
extracted. Assumes the provided q vector has the same order as the self.q values in this
joint_names (List[str], optional): Optional list of joints/joint order. Defaults to None
(uses default joint order).
np.ndarray: Values of joint position/orientation for specified/all joints.
q = self.get_generalised_coordinates_from_q(q)
if joint_names is not None and joint_names != self.actuated_joint_names:
indexes = [
self.actuated_joint_name_to_q_index[jname] for jname in joint_names
return q[indexes]
return q[self.actuated_joint_q_ids]
def get_generalised_coordinates_from_q(self, q: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get the generalised coordinate representation for the state of the robot.
This is going to be ordered joint position values in case of fixed-base robots,
and concatenation of base position, base quaternion (x,y,z,w) and joint positions
for floating base systems.
q (np.ndarray): Input Pinocchio q vector.
np.ndarray: output generalised coordinate state representation of this robot.
assert (
len(q) == self.nq
), f"Input to this function should be a vector of size {self.nq}; got {len(q)}"
return PinocchioInterface.recover_generalised_pos_from_pinocchio_configuration(
def get_frame_position(
self, frame_name: str, reference_frame: str = "world"
) -> Vector3D:
if reference_frame == "world":
return self.framePlacement(
self.q, self.get_frame_id(frame_name)
transform = self.get_frame_transformation(
frame_name, reference_frame=reference_frame
return transform[:3, 3]
def get_global_frame_pose(self, frame_name: str) -> Tuple[Vector3D, QuatType]:
frame_transform = self.framePlacement(self.q, self.get_frame_id(frame_name))
return (
def get_ee_poses(
self, ee_names: List[str] = None
) -> List[Tuple[Vector3D, QuatType]]:
if ee_names is None:
ee_names = self.ee_names
ee_poses = [
self.get_global_frame_pose(frame_name=ee_name) for ee_name in ee_names
return ee_poses
def get_frame_rotation(
self, frame_name: str, reference_frame: str = "world"
) -> np.ndarray:
if reference_frame == "world":
return self.framePlacement(self.q, self.get_frame_id(frame_name)).rotation
transform = self.get_frame_transformation(
frame_name, reference_frame=reference_frame
return transform[:3, :3]
def get_frame_quaternion(
self, frame_name: str, reference_frame: str = "world"
) -> QuatType:
return pinocchio.Quaternion(
self.get_frame_rotation(frame_name, reference_frame)
def get_frame_transformation(
self, frame_name: str, reference_frame: str = "world"
) -> np.ndarray:
def homogeneous_matrix(
rotation: np.ndarray, translation: np.ndarray
) -> np.ndarray:
mat = np.eye(4)
mat[:3, :3] = rotation
mat[:3, 3] = translation
return mat
pos = self.get_frame_position(frame_name)
rot = self.get_frame_rotation(frame_name)
if reference_frame == "world":
return homogeneous_matrix(rot, pos)
transform = homogeneous_matrix(rot, pos)
pos_reference = self.get_frame_position(reference_frame)
rot_reference = self.get_frame_rotation(reference_frame)
transform_reference = homogeneous_matrix(rot_reference, pos_reference)
local_transformation = np.linalg.pinv(transform_reference) @ transform
return local_transformation
def get_frame_velocity_linear(
self, frame_name: str, reference_frame: str = "world"
) -> Vector3D:
if reference_frame == "world":
return (
@ self.frameVelocity(
self.q, self.v, self.get_frame_id(frame_name)
raise RuntimeError("reference_frame not implemented")
def get_frame_velocity_angular(
self, frame_name: str, reference_frame: str = "world"
) -> Vector3D:
if reference_frame == "world":
return (
@ self.frameVelocity(
self.q, self.v, self.get_frame_id(frame_name)
raise RuntimeError("reference_frame not implemented")
def get_frame_acceleration_linear(
self, frame_name: str, reference_frame: str = "world"
) -> Vector3D:
if reference_frame == "world":
return (
@ self.frameAcceleration(
self.q, self.v, self.a, self.get_frame_id(frame_name)
raise RuntimeError("reference_frame not implemented")
def get_frame_acceleration_angular(
self, frame_name: str, reference_frame: str = "world"
) -> Vector3D:
if reference_frame == "world":
return (
@ self.frameAcceleration(
self.q, self.v, self.a, self.get_frame_id(frame_name)
raise RuntimeError("reference_frame not implemented")
def get_frame_jacobian(
self, frame_name: str, reference_frame: str = "world"
) -> np.ndarray:
if reference_frame == "world":
return self.getFrameJacobian(
raise RuntimeError("reference_frame not implemented")
def get_frame_jacobian_linear(
self, frame_name: str, reference_frame: str = "world"
) -> np.ndarray:
if reference_frame == "world":
return self.getFrameJacobian(
)[:3, :]
raise RuntimeError("reference_frame not implemented")
def get_frame_jacobian_angular(
self, frame_name: str, reference_frame: str = "world"
) -> np.ndarray:
if reference_frame == "world":
return self.getFrameJacobian(
)[-3:, :]
raise RuntimeError("reference_frame not implemented")
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