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Created August 29, 2023 16:31
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Unit #1 - use basic phrases, greet people This is the course listing as of now Unit #3 - use the present tense, get around town Unit #4 - refer to family members Unit #5 - talk about things you do Unit #6 - form the plural Unit #7 - use the present tense Unit #8 - describe your family Unit #9 - order food and drink Unit #10 - use gender and number agreement Unit #11 - discuss destinations, describe your home Unit #12 - describe where you work Unit #13 - talk about food, use gender and number agreement Unit #14 - use the present tense Unit #15 - shop for clothes, exchange personal information Unit #16 - use the infinitive, ask people about themselves Unit #17 - ask questions Unit #18 - tell time, form the present tense Unit #19 - talk to someone formally Unit #20 - talk about hobbies, describe your breakfast Unit #21 - discuss travel plans Unit #22 - talk about school Unit #23 - share work schedules, book a hotel Unit #24 - use articles Unit #25 - describe your routine Unit #26 - talk about the weather, describe people Unit #27 - express feelings Unit #28 - shop for groceries, shop for clothes Unit #29 - get directions Unit #30 - talk about days and times, use reflexive verbs Unit #31 - talk about free time Unit #32 - express opinions, use direct object pronouns Unit #33 - talk about nature, describe your family Unit #34 - communicate at school Unit #35 - talk about cooking Unit #36 - describe your schedule, use savoir and connaître Unit #37 - make vacation plans Unit #38 - talk about your health, describe housing Unit #39 - communicate with coworkers Unit #40 - use the imperfect Unit #41 - talk about recent events, make offers and requests Unit #42 - use commands Unit #43 - talk about a recent trip Unit #44 - use the present tense, describe your weekend Unit #45 - use the past tense, describe people you know Unit #46 - talk about classes, refer to extended family Unit #47 - talk about Paris Unit #48 - comment on clothes, make requests Unit #49 - shop at a market Unit #50 - use the past tense Unit #51 - use indirect object pronouns Unit #52 - communicate at a hotel, talk about spending money Unit #53 - talk about family gatherings Unit #54 - share travel experiences, talk about technology Unit #55 - use the imperfect tense Unit #56 - discuss games and media, talk about exercise Unit #57 - discuss money, comment on foods Unit #58 - make plans to go out Unit #59 - talk about your past Unit #60 - make transit plans, use commands Unit #61 - use the past with être Unit #62 - describe what's in your home Unit #63 - talk about art, communicate in an emergency Unit #64 - use the future tense, communicate with a doctor Unit #65 - talk about the weather Unit #66 - use the future tense, talk about possessions Unit #67 - talk about the future, talk about a bad day Unit #68 - discuss careers Unit #69 - express yourself politely Unit #70 - shop for sales, use the gerund Unit #71 - use the conditional Unit #72 - use past reflexive verbs Unit #73 - make requests, discuss protests Unit #74 - order at a restaurant Unit #75 - comment on sports, communicate in class Unit #76 - talk about road trips Unit #77 - discuss emergencies Unit #78 - talk about meeting people, order at a bistro Unit #79 - talk about festivals Unit #80 - use object pronouns Unit #81 - use rien and personne, discuss gifts Unit #82 - talk about school Unit #83 - discuss relationships, describe career plans Unit #84 - express opinions Unit #85 - talk about the outdoors Unit #86 - use the future tense, use relative pronouns Unit #87 - discuss athletics Unit #88 - talk about the past, talk about the environment Unit #89 - discuss your health Unit #90 - talk about your job Unit #91 - use y and en, talk about your siblings Unit #92 - use pronouns Unit #93 - follow recipes Unit #94 - read a celebrity interview Unit #95 - describe a wedding Unit #96 - communicate on a trip Unit #97 - describe household tasks Unit #98 - discuss travel abroad Unit #99 - talk about the internet Unit #100 - comment on foods Unit #101 - use relative pronouns Unit #102 - talk about eating, form commands Unit #103 - discuss past relationships Unit #104 - talk about technology, describe coworkers Unit #105 - discuss household chores, narrate in the past Unit #106 - use passive voice Unit #107 - talk about sports, follow a recipe Unit #108 - describe student life Unit #109 - talk on the phone, use the gerund Unit #110 - use past participles Unit #111 - describe your childhood, talk about feelings Unit #112 - discuss unfortunate events Unit #113 - express obligation, describe a medical problem Unit #114 - talk in class Unit #115 - use agreement with objects, describe social issues Unit #116 - use the conditional, talk about a new job Unit #117 - make suggestions Unit #118 - communicate at a party, discuss travel abroad Unit #119 - use the conditional Unit #120 - use the subjunctive, describe your neighbors Unit #121 - talk about dressing up, use your imagination Unit #122 - describe work issues Unit #123 - talk about home repairs, discuss movies Unit #124 - use the conditional Unit #125 - talk about classes, discuss gardening Unit #126 - talk about transit Unit #127 - narrate past events, talk about crime Unit #128 - give medical advice Unit #129 - describe urban life, use the subjunctive Unit #130 - discuss the distant past Unit #131 - describe a neighborhood, talk about communication Unit #132 - talk about French food, discuss politics Unit #133 - use the conditional Unit #134 - express a reaction Unit #135 - comment on clothes, express opinions Unit #136 - use the subjunctive Unit #137 - talk about the outdoors Unit #138 - talk about your family, discuss home repairs Unit #139 - describe what's on TV Unit #140 - discuss sports events, talk about chores Unit #141 - talk about getting well Unit #142 - discuss a trip to Paris, use the past tense Unit #143 - describe a bad vacation Unit #144 - express needs, use the subjunctive Unit #145 - discuss cooking mishaps, communicate on a plane Unit #146 - comment on art Unit #147 - talk about holidays, discuss world news Unit #148 - use the subjunctive Unit #149 - reminisce about the past, use reported speech Unit #150 - describe a film set, say what could have been Unit #151 - talk about transit Unit #152 - blame others, use past conditional Unit #153 - express regret Unit #154 - describe farms and gardens, talk about work Unit #155 - describe a summer vacation Unit #156 - talk about classes Unit #157 - ask for permission, support a claim Unit #158 - criticize food Unit #159 - discuss bad behavior Unit #160 - describe home repairs, express opinions Unit #161 - discuss pros and cons Unit #162 - use relative pronouns Unit #163 - discuss the future, talk about crime Unit #164 - express likelihood Unit #165 - warn someone, discuss responsibilities Unit #166 - challenge clichés Unit #167 - express regret Unit #168 - use passive voice, navigate travel issues Unit #169 - discuss food preferences Unit #170 - talk about memories, talk informally Unit #171 - describe symptoms Unit #172 - express worries Unit #173 - communicate requirements Unit #174 - share opinions, review past tenses Unit #175 - use verbs with à and de Unit #176 - express surprise Unit #177 - discuss change over time, talk about technology Unit #178 - describe school life Unit #179 - read literary texts, talk about a move Unit #180 - express empathy Unit #181 - describe work life Unit #182 - talk about one's city, review present and past Unit #183 - talk about blame Unit #184 - make formal requests, imagine what if Unit #185 - contrast opinions Unit #186 - make polite requests Unit #187 - navigate a negotiation Unit #188 - provide explanations, tell someone about a recent event Unit #189 - discuss the world of cinema Unit #190 - talk about trends in social life Unit #191 - use past tenses, compare and contrast culinary feats Unit #192 - express frustration Unit #193 - request a refund, navigate a touchy subject Unit #194 - recount an unpleasant experience Unit #195 - make deductions to solve a crime Unit #196 - discuss clothing design and materials, express conditions Unit #197 - encourage and congratulate someone Unit #198 - make and rearrange travel plans, make suggestions Unit #199 - express certainty and uncertainty Unit #200 - express disappointment Unit #201 - discuss taking care of pets, talk about travel preferences Unit #202 - discus physical activities Unit #203 - make small talk, use the future tense Unit #204 - navigate transactions Unit #205 - give and respond to commands, speculate about someone's absence Unit #206 - talk about nature Unit #207 - express irritation Unit #208 - discuss history Unit #209 - talk about elections Unit #210 - give commands Unit #211 - express incredulity, talk about shopping Unit #212 - prompt a discussion Unit #213 - express exasperation, read the literary past Unit #214 - communicate poetically Unit #215 - discuss progress Unit #216 - talk about your family, discuss cooking mishaps, blame others, describe home repairs Unit #217 - talk about the outdoors, use the subjunctive, talk about transit, express regret Unit #218 - talk about communication, describe what's on TV, comment on art, talk about memories Unit #219 - talk about transit, use the conditional, talk about getting well, talk about classes Unit #220 - talk about dressing up, give medical advice, express opinions, express needs Unit #221 - use the conditional, talk about home repairs, describe a neighborhood, talk in class Unit #222 - describe your childhood, communicate at a party, discuss gardening, discuss politics Unit #223 - describe a medical problem, say what could have been, criticize food, express regret Unit #224 - discuss travel abroad, reminisce about the past, express likelihood, express worries Unit #225 - discuss movies, describe farms and gardens, discuss pros and cons, talk about work Unit #226 - describe urban life, discuss bad behavior, express surprise, make formal requests Unit #227 - express a reaction, discuss a trip to Paris, use reported speech, ask for permission Unit #228 - challenge clichés, review past tenses, talk about blame, express irritation Unit #229 - discuss home repairs, communicate on a plane, express opinions, contrast opinions Unit #230 - talk about chores, discuss world news, describe a summer vacation, talk about crime Unit #231 - describe your neighbors, talk about crime, comment on clothes, describe a film set Unit #232 - describe social issues, describe work issues, use the subjunctive, imagine what if Unit #233 - use past participles, make suggestions, talk about classes, talk about French food Unit #234 - use your imagination, express frustration, navigate travel issues, request a refund Unit #235 - use the conditional, narrate past events, warn someone, communicate requirements Unit #236 - discuss sports events, talk about holidays, discuss the future, talk informally Unit #237 - express disappointment, compare and contrast culinary feats, describe a bad vacation Unit #238 - talk about a new job, describe school life, make polite requests, express obligation Unit #239 - talk about feelings, express empathy, tell someone about a recent event Unit #240 - support a claim, discuss responsibilities, share opinions, talk about one's city Unit #241 - describe symptoms, talk about a move, provide explanations, describe work life Unit #242 - discuss food preferences, talk about technology, navigate a touchy subject Unit #243 - express certainty and uncertainty, discuss history, discuss change over time Unit #244 - encourage and congratulate someone, give and respond to commands, make suggestions Unit #245 - discuss progress, talk about trends in social life, talk about nature, express needs Unit #246 - recount an unpleasant experience, discus physical activities, express incredulity Unit #247 - discuss clothing design and materials, navigate transactions, read literary texts Unit #248 - discuss the world of cinema, make and rearrange travel plans, navigate a negotiation Unit #249 - discuss unfortunate events, use the conditional, talk about home repairs Unit #250 - describe your childhood, communicate at a party, discuss gardening, discuss politics Unit #251 - make deductions to solve a crime, describe a medical problem, talk about dressing up Unit #252 - discuss taking care of pets, talk about travel preferences, discuss travel abroad Unit #253 - make small talk, speculate about someone's absence, talk about elections Unit #254 - talk about shopping, prompt a discussion, express exasperation, comment on art

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