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Created June 21, 2012 09:01
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a qrcode bookmarklet(二维码小书签)
//a qrcode bookmarklet(二维码小书签)
//javascript:(function(d){var b=d.createElement("textarea"),c,f=!!d.all,a,e="";(c=d.getElementById("_qrcode__"))?(b=c,,a.display=""):(,"_qrcode__",d.body[f?"attachEvent":"addEventListener"]((f?"on":"")+"click",function(){a.display="none"},!0),a.zIndex=9999,a.position="fixed",,a.left=0,a.width="100%",a.height="100%",d.body.appendChild(b));c=function(){var a,b=d.selection,c=d.activeElement,e=top.getSelection,f=c&&c.selectionEnd;f?a=c.value.substring(c.selectionStart, f):e&&(a=e()+"");b&&(a=b.createRange().text);return a=a||location.href}();b.title=c;e=e.replace("%s",encodeURIComponent(c));a.color='#fff';a.background="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) url("+e+") no-repeat center";})(document);
//original code
var qrcode = doc.createElement('textarea'), tmp,
ie = !!doc.all, style, txt,
qrimage = '',
id = '_qrcode__';
var getSelectext = function(){
var text,
IEselection = doc.selection,
activeEle = doc.activeElement,
getSelection = top.getSelection,
selectionEnd = activeEle && activeEle.selectionEnd;
selectionEnd ?
(text = activeEle.value.substring(activeEle.selectionStart, selectionEnd)) :
getSelection && (text = getSelection() + '');
IEselection && (text = IEselection.createRange().text);
text = text || location.href;
return text;
if(tmp = doc.getElementById(id)){
qrcode = tmp;
style =;
style.display = '';
style =; = id;
doc.body[ie ? 'attachEvent' : 'addEventListener']((ie ? 'on' : '') + 'click', function(){
style.display = 'none';
}, true);
style.zIndex = 9999;
style.position = 'fixed'; = 0;
style.left = 0;
style.width = '100%';
style.height = '100%';
txt = getSelectext();
qrcode.title = txt;
qrimage = qrimage.replace('%s', encodeURIComponent(txt));
style.color = '#fff';
style.background = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) url(' + qrimage + ') no-repeat center';;
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