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Last active April 16, 2018 03:03
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Setting up deprecations of Pluggy Hooks
import sys
import warnings
import inspect
from pluggy import HookimplMarker, HookspecMarker, PluginManager, _HookCaller, normalize_hookimpl_opts, HookImpl
class MetadataHookspecMarker(HookspecMarker):
Allows storing arbitrary metadata on the hookspec options
instead of what Pluggy sets by default.
def __call__(self, function=None, firstresult=False, historic=False, **kwargs):
def set_other_spec_opts(func):
data = getattr(func, self.project_name + '_spec')
return func
result = super(MetadataHookspecMarker, self).__call__(function, firstresult, historic)
if function is not None:
return set_other_spec_opts(result)
return lambda function: set_other_spec_opts(result(function))
class DeprecatedHookCaller(_HookCaller):
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if args:
raise TypeError("hook calling supports only keyword arguments")
assert not self.is_historic()
if self.argnames:
notincall = set(self.argnames) - set(['__multicall__']) - set(kwargs.keys())
if notincall:
"Argument(s) {} which are declared in the hookspec "
"can not be found in this hook call".format(tuple(notincall)),
return self._hookexec(self, self._nonwrappers + self._wrappers, kwargs)
def precall(self):
deprecation = self.spec_opts.get('deprecated')
if deprecation:
"{} will be deprecated in version {}".format(, deprecation)
raise Exception("notice me senpai")
class InstrumentedManager(PluginManager):
def __init__(self, project_name, implprefix=None, hook_caller_class=_HookCaller):
super().__init__(project_name, implprefix)
self.hook_caller_class = hook_caller_class
def add_hookspecs(self, module_or_class):
""" add new hook specifications defined in the given module_or_class.
Functions are recognized if they have been decorated accordingly. """
names = []
for name in dir(module_or_class):
spec_opts = self.parse_hookspec_opts(module_or_class, name)
if spec_opts is not None:
hc = getattr(self.hook, name, None)
if hc is None:
hc = self.hook_caller_class(name, self._hookexec, module_or_class, spec_opts)
setattr(self.hook, name, hc)
# plugins registered this hook without knowing the spec
hc.set_specification(module_or_class, spec_opts)
for hookfunction in (hc._wrappers + hc._nonwrappers):
self._verify_hook(hc, hookfunction)
if not names:
raise ValueError("did not find any %r hooks in %r" % (self.project_name, module_or_class))
def subset_hook_caller(self, name, remove_plugins):
""" Return a new Caller instance for the named method
which manages calls to all registered plugins except the
ones from remove_plugins. """
orig = getattr(self.hook, name)
plugins_to_remove = [plug for plug in remove_plugins if hasattr(plug, name)]
if plugins_to_remove:
hc = self.hook_caller_class(, orig._hookexec, orig._specmodule_or_class,
for hookimpl in (orig._wrappers + orig._nonwrappers):
plugin = hookimpl.plugin
if plugin not in plugins_to_remove:
# we also keep track of this hook caller so it
# gets properly removed on plugin unregistration
self._plugin2hookcallers.setdefault(plugin, []).append(hc)
return hc
return orig
def register(self, plugin, name=None):
""" Register a plugin and return its canonical name or None if the name
is blocked from registering. Raise a ValueError if the plugin is already
registered. """
plugin_name = name or self.get_canonical_name(plugin)
if plugin_name in self._name2plugin or plugin in self._plugin2hookcallers:
if self._name2plugin.get(plugin_name, -1) is None:
return # blocked plugin, return None to indicate no registration
raise ValueError("Plugin already registered: %s=%s" %
(plugin_name, plugin, self._name2plugin))
# XXX if an error happens we should make sure no state has been
# changed at point of return
self._name2plugin[plugin_name] = plugin
# register matching hook implementations of the plugin
self._plugin2hookcallers[plugin] = hookcallers = []
for name in dir(plugin):
hookimpl_opts = self.parse_hookimpl_opts(plugin, name)
if hookimpl_opts is not None:
method = getattr(plugin, name)
hookimpl = HookImpl(plugin, plugin_name, method, hookimpl_opts)
hook = getattr(self.hook, name, None)
if hook is None:
hook = self.hook_caller_class(name, self._hookexec)
setattr(self.hook, name, hook)
elif hook.has_spec():
self._verify_hook(hook, hookimpl)
return plugin_name
pm = InstrumentedManager('test', hook_caller_class=DeprecatedHookCaller)
spec = MetadataHookspecMarker('test')
def some_hook():
def some_hook():
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