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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Proposal: FlaskBB Permissions
import operator
from inspect import isclass, isfunction
def _is_permission_factory(perm):
return isclass(perm) or isfunction(perm)
class Permission(object):
"Base permission class"
def allow(self, user, request, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError("Must impement Permission.allow")
class ConditionalPermission(Permission):
# see rest_condition from the django community
# for direct inspiration
def Or(cls, *perms):
return cls(op=operator.or_, lazy_until=True, *perms)
def And(cls, *perms):
return cls(op=operator.and_, lazy_until=False, *perms)
def Not(cls, *perms):
return cls(negated=True, *perms)
def __init__(self, *perms, **kwargs):
self.perms = perms
self.op = kwargs.get('op', operator.and_)
self.negated = kwargs.get('negated')
self.lazy_until = kwargs.get('lazy_until')
def allow(self, user, request, *args, **kwargs):
reduced_result = None
for perm in self.perms:
if _is_permission_factory(perm):
perm = perm()
result = perm.allow(user, request, *args, **kwargs)
if reduced_result is None:
reduced_result = result
reduced_result = self.op(reduced_result, result)
if self.lazy_until is not None and self.lazy_until == reduced_result:
if reduced_result is not None:
return not reduced_result if self.negated else reduced_result
return False
def __or__(self, perm):
return self.Or(self, perm)
def __and__(self, perm):
return self.And(self, perm)
def __invert__(self):
return self.Not(self)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self
(C, And, Or, Not) = (ConditionalPermission, ConditionalPermission.And,
ConditionalPermission.Or, ConditionalPermission.Not)
from functools import wraps
from flaskbb.exceptions import AuthorizationRequired
def requires(*perms):
# initialize permissions
perms = [perm() for perm in perms]
def deco(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# find a way to dependency inject current_user
# and request for testing purposes
if all(p.allow(current_user, request, *args, **kwargs) for p in perms):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
raise AuthorizationRequired
return wrapper
return deco
@fourm.route('/topic/<int:topic_id>/lock', methods=['POST'])
@fourm.route('/topic/<int:topic_id>-<slug>/lock', methods=['POST'])
@requires(Or(IsModerator, IsAtleastSuperMod))
def lock_topic(topic_id=None, topic_slug=None):
topic = Topic.query.get(topic_id)
topic.lock = True
return redirect(topic.url)
class LockTopic(PermissionedView):
methods = ['POST']
permissions = [Or(IsModerator, IsAtleastSuperMod)]
def dispatch_request(self, topic_id=None, topic_slug=None):
topic = Topic.query.get(topic_id)
topic.lock = True
return redirect(topic.url)
class LockTopicMV(PermissionedMethodView):
permissions = [Or(IsModerator, IsAtleastSuperMod)]
def get(self, topic_id=None, topic_slug=None):
topic = Topic.query.get(topic_id)
form = TopicLockForm(obj=topic)
# maybe we want to provide a form to provide a reason why a topic was locked
return render_template('lock_topic.html', form=form, topic=topic)
def post(self, topic_id=None, topic_slug=None):
form = TopicLockForm()
topic = Topic.query.get(topic_id)
if form.validate_on_submit():
topic.lock = True
topic.lock_reason =
return redirect(topic.url)
forum.add_url_rule('/topic/<int:topic_id>/lock', endpoint='.lock_topic', view_func=LockTopic.as_view())
forum.add_url_rule('/topic/<int:topic_id>-<topic_slug>/lock', endpoint='.lock_topic', view_func=LockTopic.as_view())
class IsModerator(Permission):
def allow(self, user, request, *args, **kwargs):
return user in self.determine_forum(request, *args, **kwargs)
def determine_forum(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
# no validation on existing forums or topics
if 'forum_id' in request.view_args:
return Forum.query.get(request.view_args['forum_id'])
elif 'topic_id' in request.view_args:
return Topic.query.get(request.view_args['topic_id']).forum
elif 'post_id' in request.view_args:
return Post.query.get(request.view_args['post_id'])
raise Exception("Cannot determine forum")
class IsSuperMod(Permission):
def allow(self, user, request, *args, **kwargs):
return user.permissions.get('supermod', False)
class IsAdmin(Permission):
def allow(self, user, request, *args, **kwargs):
return user.permissions.get('admin', False)
class IsSameUser(Permission):
def allow(self, user, request, *args, **kwargs):
return user is self.determine_user(request, *args, **kwargs)
def determine_user(request, *args, **kwargs):
if 'post_id' in request.view_args:
return Post.query.get(self.request.view_args['post_id']).user
if 'username' in request.view_args:
return User.query.filter_by(username=self.request.view_args['username']).first()
IsAtleastSuperMod = Or(IsSuperMod, IsAdmin)
CanEditPost = Or(IsSameUser, IsModerator, IsAtleastSuperMod)
from flask.views import View, MethodView
# or where ever we stick it
from flaskbb.permissions import requires
class PermissionedView(View):
permissions = ()
def as_view(cls, name, *cls_args, **cls_kwargs):
view = super(PermissionedView, cls).as_view(name, *cls_args, **cls_kwargs)
return requires(*cls.permissions)(view)
class PermissionedMethodView(PermissionedView, MethodView):
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justanr commented Aug 16, 2015

Something to consider, we're hitting the database multiple times in cases like:

def edit_post(post_id):

SQLAlchemy does use an identity map, so it's smart enough to check its local cache for the primary key first (motivation to switch lookups that use filter_by(id=name_id) to get(name_id), but in some cases this wouldn't be possible).

IsModerator also presents issues since this basically excludes moderators from the management panel. Maybe splitting this into two permissions is a better idea:

  • IsModerator which just does something like return user.permission.get('mod', False)
  • CanModerate which does IsModerator().allow(user, request) and user in self.determine_forum(request)

Another concept I'd like to introduce is a more dynamic permission system, though I'd save this proposal for 2.0, as it'd be a major change.

This would involve creating two more tables in the database:

  • A Permission table which stores an id and a permission name
  • And a Role_to_Permission table which is just a many-to-many

This would allow fine grained permission granting. We could extend Group and User to inherit from a common entity (Role seems like an obvious name) and do some magic to merge all the permissions an individual user has with all the permissions granted from the user's groups.

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