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Created October 24, 2012 04:52
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A5 30 573
A4 30 483
A2 30 178
A1 30 48
B1 207 48
B2 207 161
B3 144 339
B4 129 443
B5 127 479
C2 258 162
C3 240 288
C4 225 443
C5 336 573
D1 438 48
D2 438 174
D3 438 335
D4 438 473
D5 438 573
E4 575 475
E5 684 493
F1 611 48
F2 600 173
F5 701 573
G1 797 48
G2 797 150
G2b 770 151
G4 797 382
G4b 770 382
G5 797 573
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