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Forked from GoodMirek/rabbitmq2cloudwatch
Last active April 26, 2019 08:21
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Bash script sending RabbitMQ metrics to AWS CloudWatch
#! /bin/bash
# This script reads rabbitmq statistics and report them as CloudWatch metrics.
# Author: Richard Hayes - Forked from Mirek Svoboda
# Version: 0.5
# Changelog:
# 0.5
# -- Added TotalMessages & TotalConsumers metrics
# 0.4
# -- Debugging now can be enabled/disabled through env var.
# -- Removed unecessary code due to rabbitmqctl's -q flag
# -- Excluding internal (amq.*) queues from being reported
# 0.3
# -- increasing number of AWS CLI calls from 3 to 5. We have added RabbitMQ queues and then hit a limit of 20 datapoints.
# 0.2
# -- minimizing number of AWS CLI calls. These calls are CPU expensive. 42 calls/minute depleted all CPU credit (average CPU utilization 20% for t2.small)
# -- introduced changes require higher version of AWS CLI than available in Ubuntu repository
# This script is known to work with AWS CLI v1.8.6+. It does not work with AWS CLI v1.2.9.
# This script is known to work with rabbitmq-server 3.2.4 and rabbitmq-server 3.5.1
# Script reads value(s) of those queue-related statistic(s) listed in variable STATS2READ
# Statistic(s) is read for each of the queues on local rabbitmq broker.
# Statistics are then pushed into AWS CloudWatch as user-specific metrics
# Metric namespace is RabbitMQ
# Dimensions are next two combinations: Queue, Queue + InstanceId
# For each queue and statistic a datapoint is submitted twice:
# first datapoint for cluster-wide metric, the dimension is only Queue
# second datapoint for instance-specific metric, the dimensions are Queue and InstanceId
# Metric name is RabbitMQ queue name for queue statistics.
# Another CloudWatch user-specific metric is "partitioned". Dimensions: None, InstanceId
# This metric looks for partitions (split-brain). If partitioning occures, then datapoint with value 1 is submitted, otherwise value 0 is recorded.
STATS2READ=( messages consumers )
# Examples:
# CW Namespace | CW Dimensions | CW MetricName | RabbitMQ statistic
# ------------ | ----------------- | ------------- | ------------------
# RabbitMQ | Queue=Orders | messages | Number of messages in Orders queue, datapoints agregated from all instances
# RabbitMQ | Queue=Orders | consumers | Number of consumers of Orders queue, datapoints agregated from all instances
# RabbitMQ | Queue=Orders,InstanceId=i-a5b6c7 | messages | Number of messages in Orders queue, datapoints from instace i-a5b6c7
# RabbitMQ | Cluster=Name from Namespace | TotalConsumers | Total number of consumers for the cluster
# RabbitMQ | Cluster=Name from Namespace | TotalMessages | Total number of consumers for the cluster
# RabbitMQ | Cluster=Name from Namespace | partitioned | Partitioned status, datapoints from instance i-a5b6c7
# Namespace
# AvailabilityZone
az=$(ec2metadata --availability-zone)
# Instance ID
EC2ID=$(ec2metadata --instance-id)
# Endpoint (using HTTP instead of HTTPS to save CPU credits)
# Enable debug
# Debug files
if [[ $DEBUG == 0 ]]; then DBGFILE=/dev/null; fi
date -uIns >> $DBGFILE
# Collecting statistics for RabbitMQ queues
# UNIT=Count
declare -A TOTALS=( [messages]=0 [consumers]=0 )
for STATISTIC in "${STATS2READ[@]}"; do
# Metric data is stored in $MDATA[12]. It is populated while parsing output of rabbitmqctl
# Parsing output of rabbitmqctl
while read -r line ; do
echo "Processing line: $line" >> $DBGFILE
read VALUE QUEUE <<< $line
if [[ "$QUEUE" =~ ^amq\..* ]]; then
# Adding datapoint to aggregated metric
# MetricName=$STATISTIC,Value=$VALUE,Unit=Count,Dimensions=[{Name=Queue,Value=$QUEUE}]
MDATA1+="MetricName=$STATISTIC,Value=$VALUE,Unit=Count,Dimensions=[{Name=Queue,Value=$QUEUE}] "
# Adding datapoint to instance-specific metric
# MetricName=$STATISTIC,Value=$VALUE,Unit=Count,Dimensions=[{Name=Queue,Value=$QUEUE},{Name=InstanceId,Value=$EC2ID}]
MDATA2+="MetricName=$STATISTIC,Value=$VALUE,Unit=Count,Dimensions=[{Name=Queue,Value=$QUEUE},{Name=InstanceId,Value=$EC2ID}] "
done < <(rabbitmqctl list_queues $STATISTIC name -q)
# Submitting metric data 1
# It is not possible to submit more than 20 datapoints at time while using shorthand syntax
echo "Submitting metric data: $MDATA1" >> $DBGFILE
aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --endpoint-url $ENDPOINT --namespace $NS --region $REGION --metric-data $MDATA1 >>$DBGFILE 2>&1
# Submitting metric data 2
# It is not possible to submit more than 20 datapoints at time while using shorthand syntax
echo "Submitting metric data: $MDATA2" >> $DBGFILE
aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --endpoint-url $ENDPOINT --namespace $NS --region $REGION --metric-data $MDATA2 >>$DBGFILE 2>&1
# Submitting metric totals
CLUSTERNAME=$(echo $NS | sed 's/.*\///')
for K in "${!TOTALS[@]}";
MTOTALS+="MetricName=Total${K^},Value=${TOTALS[$K],Unit=Count,Dimensions=[{Name=Cluster,Value=$CLUSTERNAME}] "
aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --endpoint-url $ENDPOINT --namespace $NS --region $REGION --metric-data $MTOTALS >>$DBGFILE 2>&1
# Looking for partitioning of rabbitmq cluster (split brain)
clusterOK=$(rabbitmqctl cluster_status | grep "{partitions,\[\]}" | wc -l)
if [[ $clusterOK != "1" ]]; then
echo "RabbitMQ cluster is partitioned (split brain)!" >> $DBGFILE
MDATA="MetricName=$STATISTIC,Value=1,Dimensions=[{Name=Cluster,Value=$CLUSTERNAME}] "
echo "RabbitMQ cluster is OK (not partitioned)" >> $DBGFILE
MDATA="MetricName=$STATISTIC,Value=0,Dimensions=[{Name=Cluster,Value=$CLUSTERNAME}] "
# Submitting metric data
echo "Submitting metric data: $MDATA" >> $DBGFILE
aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --endpoint-url $ENDPOINT --namespace $NS --region $REGION --metric-data $MDATA 2>&1 >>$DBGFILE
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