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Created December 16, 2010 23:09
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type tree = Tree of (string * tree list) | Leaf of string
(* Create a list of line repeated count times *)
let rec repeat_line line count =
match count with 0 -> [] | _ -> line :: (repeat_line line (count - 1))
(* Appends blank lines which are filled with spaces *)
let append_blank_lines lines count =
let width = String.length (List.hd lines) in
let blankline = String.make width ' ' in
lines @ (repeat_line blankline count)
(* Given two lists of strings, make sure the lists are the same length.
append_blank_lines if we have to. *)
let grow_lines leftl rightl =
let lvert = List.length leftl in
let rvert = List.length rightl in
if lvert < rvert then
((append_blank_lines leftl (rvert - lvert)), rightl)
else if lvert > rvert then
(leftl, (append_blank_lines rightl (lvert - rvert)))
(leftl, rightl)
(* Given two lists of strings, treat each as a rectangle of text
and paste them together horizontally. *)
let paste_horz left right =
(match grow_lines left right with
(llines, rlines) ->
List.map2 (fun l r -> l ^ " " ^ r) llines rlines)
let string_center str col =
let diff = col - (String.length str) in
let pad = diff / 2 in
if pad < 0 then failwith("Cannot center string it is too big")
else (String.make pad ' ') ^ str ^
(String.make (pad + (diff mod 2)) ' ')
(* Prepend a centered string to the top of a list of strings *)
let prepend_text str lines =
let col = String.length (List.hd lines) in
string_center str col :: lines
let prepend_bar lines =
prepend_text "|" lines
(* The bar under a node with children looks like a swing... *)
let swing_bar topline =
let left = String.index topline '|' in
let right = String.rindex topline '|' in
let swing =
if left == right then "!"
else String.make (right - left + 1) '-' in
(String.make left ' ') ^ swing ^
(String.make ((String.length topline) - right - 1) ' ')
let prepend_swing childlines =
let topline = List.hd childlines in
swing_bar topline :: childlines
(* Renders a tree recursively into a list of strings. *)
let rec render_tree tree =
prepend_bar begin
match tree with
Leaf( name ) -> [ name ]
| Tree( name, children ) ->
match render_tree children with
[] -> [ name ] (* You didn't use Leaf like you should have! *)
| hd::tl ->
let merged = List.fold_left paste_horz hd tl in
(prepend_text name (prepend_swing merged))
let print_tree tree =
print_endline (String.concat "\n" (render_tree tree))
let _ =
print_tree (Tree( "Hello",
[ Tree("How", [ Leaf("Are"); Leaf("You") ]) ;
[ Tree("My", [ Leaf("BestestInTheWholeworld");
Leaf("Friend") ])]
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