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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Print min spanning tree of dep graph for dynamic libraries.
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# sotree
# Prints a dynamic library dependency graph as a minimum spanning tree.
# Justin Davis 10/14/14
libdircnt = split("/lib:/usr/lib:" ENVIRON["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"], libdirs, /:/)
if(!libdirs[libdircnt]) --libdircnt
function filechk(path)
return !system("test -f " path)
# Search for soname in libdirs and rpaths.
function findso(soname, j)
for(j = 1; j <= rpathcnt[soname]; j++){
if(filechk(rpaths[elf, j] "/" soname))
return rpaths[elf, j] "/" soname
for(j = 1; j <= libdircnt; j++){
if(filechk(libdirs[j] "/" soname))
return libdirs[j] "/" soname
return ""
function readelf(elf)
if(elf in depcnt) return
while(("readelf --dynamic " elf) | getline > 0){
if($2 == "(NEEDED)"){
deps[elf, ++depcnt[elf]] = substr($5, 2, length($5)-2)
}else if($2 == "(RPATH)"){
rpaths[elf, ++rpathcnt[elf]] = substr($5, 2, length($5)-2)
# TODO: RUNPATHs for executables?
function ignso(so)
return so ~ /^ld-linux[.]|^libc[.]/
function storedeps(start, i, top)
S[1] = start
split("", stored)
for(top = 1; top > 0; ){
elf = S[top--]
for(i = 1; i <= depcnt[elf]; i++){
d = deps[elf, i]
# Remove ignored .so deps from the graph.
deps[elf, i--] = deps[elf, depcnt[elf]--]
}else if(d in stored){
# Avoid cycles by leaving traversed nodes as
# Find .so file. Add to search stack or mark as missing.
path = findso(d)
stored[d] = "" # mark as stored
S[++top] = deps[elf, i] = path
deps[elf, i] = "\33[1;97m" d " \33[5;91mMISSING\33[0m"
function dfsout(parent, x, indent, i)
horz = (depcnt[deps[parent, x]] ? "==" : "--")
elbw = (x == depcnt[parent] ? "`" : "|") horz " "
print indent elbw deps[parent, x]
indent = indent (x == depcnt[parent] ? " " : "|") " "
parent = deps[parent, x]
for(i = 1; i <= depcnt[parent]; i++) dfsout(parent, i, indent)
function treeout(root, i)
print root
for(i = 1; i <= depcnt[root]; i++) dfsout(root, i, "")
if(ARGC < 2){
print "usage: sotree [.so paths ...]"
for(i = 1; i < ARGC; i++){
storedeps(ARGV[i]); treeout(ARGV[i]); print ""
ARGV[i] = ""
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