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Created September 30, 2018 06:23
const std = @import("std");
const FileOutStream =;
const sampleSize = 16;
const heap = std.heap.c_allocator;
const math = std.math;
var stdout : FileOutStream = undefined;
fn randomSample() ![sampleSize]i8 {
var buf: [8]u8 = undefined;
var samples: [sampleSize]i8 = undefined;
try std.os.getRandomBytes(buf[0..]);
const seed = std.mem.readIntLE(u64, buf[0..8]);
var r = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(seed);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < sampleSize) {
samples[i] = r.random.intRangeLessThan(i8, -128, 127);
i = i+1;
return samples;
fn maxSubBrute(A: []const i8) [2]u32 {
var i:u32 = 0;
var j:u32 = undefined;
var k:u32 = undefined;
var range = []u32{0, 1};
var max: i32 = @intCast(i32, A[1]) - @intCast(i32, A[0]);
while(i < A.len-1){
var diff: i32 = A[i];
j = i+1;
while(j < A.len){
//try"A[{}] = {}\tA[{}] = {}\tmax = {}\n", i, A[i], j, A[j], max);
diff = @intCast(i32, A[j]) - @intCast(i32, A[i]);
if(diff > max){
max = diff;
range[0] = i;
range[1] = j;
j = j+1;
i = i+1;
return range;
fn maxCrossingSub(A: []const i8) [3]i32 {
var mid = A.len/2;
var sub = []i32{@intCast(i32, mid), @intCast(i32, mid), @intCast(i32, A[mid])};
var leftSum = @intCast(i32, A[mid]);
var sum = leftSum;
var i = mid-1;
while(i > 0){
sum += @intCast(i32, A[i]);
if(sum > leftSum){
leftSum = sum;
sub[0] = @intCast(i32, i);
i = i-1;
var rightSum = @intCast(i32, A[mid]);
sum = rightSum;
i = mid+1;
while(i < A.len){
sum += @intCast(i32, A[i]);
if(sum > rightSum){
rightSum = sum;
sub[1] = @intCast(i32, i);
i = i+1;
return sub;
fn maxSubArray(A:[]const i8) ![3]i32 {
if(A.len == 1) return []i32{0, @intCast(i32, A.len-1), @intCast(i32, A[0])};
var todo = try heap.alloc([2]usize, 1 + 2 * @intCast(usize, math.log2(A.len)));
var i:usize = 0;
var j:usize = 1;
todo[0][0] = 0;
todo[0][1] = A.len-1;
while(i < j){
const lo = todo[i][0];
const hi = todo[i][1];
if(lo < hi){
const mid = @divFloor(lo + hi, 2);
todo[j+0][0] = lo;
todo[j+0][1] = mid;
todo[j+1][0] = mid+1;
todo[j+1][1] = hi;
j = j + 2;
i = i + 1;
try"i={} j={}\n", i, j);
// The last two should be a range of lo = hi.
const range = todo[j-1];
if(range[0] != range[1]) unreachable;
var max = maxCrossingSub(A[range[0]..range[1]]);
j = j - 2;
const range2 = todo[j];
const x = maxCrossingSub(A[range2[0]..range2[1]]);
if(x[2] > max[2]) max = x;
j = j - 1;
if(j == 0) break;
return max;
pub fn printSamples(A: []const i8) !void {
for (A) |s| {
try"{}\t", s);
pub fn main() !void {
stdout = FileOutStream.init(try;
const samples = try randomSample();
try printSamples(samples[0..]);
var range = maxSubBrute(samples[0..]);
try"brute: {} to {}\n", range[0], range[1]);
// comment out these (2) lines and it compiles
const sub = try maxSubArray(samples[0..]);
try"max sub: {} to {} ({})\n", sub[0], sub[1], sub[2]);
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