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Created January 27, 2018 17:03
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GitHub API Rate Limit Explained
from datetime import datetime
from github3 import GitHub
def search_ratelimit(github):
"""Return information about search rate limit."""
ratelimit = github.rate_limit()
# `ratelimit` holds the JSON as described here:
# {
# "resources": {
# "core": {
# "limit": 5000,
# "remaining": 4999,
# "reset": 1372700873
# },
# "search": {
# "limit": 30,
# "remaining": 18,
# "reset": 1372697452
# }
# },
# "rate": {
# "limit": 5000,
# "remaining": 4999,
# "reset": 1372700873
# }
# }
# From that dict, get 'resources'
ratelimit_resources = ratelimit.get('resources', {})
# `ratelimit_resources` is another dict.
# Get the element indexed with 'search'
ratelimit_search = ratelimit_resources.get('search', {})
# `ratelimit_search` is a dict with the following keys:
# - 'limit': How many you get at most.
limit = ratelimit_search.get('limit', -1)
# - 'remaining': How many are left until 'reset'
remaining = ratelimit_search.get('remaining', -1)
# - 'reset': When 'remaining' is set back to 'limit'.
# This is a POSIX timestamp.
# You can parse it with `datetime`
reset = datetime.fromtimestamp(ratelimit_search.get('reset'))
return limit, remaining, reset
# This is unauthenticated. Authenticated rate limits are higher.
github = GitHub()
# A random search:
search_iterator = github.search_repositories('created:2018-01-10 foo')
# Iterate over search results and have an eye on rate limit
for n, search_result in enumerate(search_iterator):
print('Result {}: {}'.format(n, search_result.repository.full_name))
# Get current rate limit
limit, remaining, reset = search_ratelimit(github)
# Get current time
now =
difference = reset - now
print('Ratelimit remaining: {} of {}.'.format(remaining, limit))
print('Reset in {} at {})'.format(difference, reset))
print('Current time: {}'.format(now))
print('- - - - >8 - - - -')
if n >= 10:
print('Manually stop after result {}.'.format(n))
NOTICE: Not every search result lowers the remaining rate limit!.
The rate limit counts _requests_. Each request gives you
one hundred (100) results on one page.
The 'SearchIterator' abstracts from that and hands you one
search result after the other.
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