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Created April 21, 2019 03:04
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let whitespaceRegex = Js.Re.fromString("\\s+");
* This is a little helper to make sure that classNames are BEM style
* Example:
* module B =
* BEM.Block({
* let block = "Legal";
* });
* B.block
* ->B.mobileModifier
* ->(B.modf("isActive", active))
* will generate: "Legal Legal--mobile Legal--isActive" if it's both active and on a mobile phone
* but just "Legal" otherwise
* NOTE: See tests for more advanced usages.
* This is implemented using a "Functor". Basically they are
* a function that takes in a module and returns a module as
* it's return type. This is similar to an Elixir macro
* that generates a module.
* Read more about them here:
module Block = (BlockDef: {let block: string;}) => {
open BlockDef;
this is the block (the B in BEM) It's usually the component name.
If you're in LocationSelector it will be named "LocationSelector"
let block = block;
/* The line above doesn't look like it does anything,
but this is how you re-export something from another
module, in this case BlockDef above. It's very much
like defdelegate in Elixir */
* A sub element: `B.el("Account") == "Legal__Account"`
let el = element => block ++ "__" ++ element;
* A helper function to add a non-standard classname to a BEM style thing.
let addClass = (base, extraClass) => base ++ " " ++ extraClass;
exception UnableToModifyBlankClassName;
* Adds a modifier to a classname.
* This will turn a BEM modifier on and off based on the "cond"
* Example:
* <div className=B.block->(B.modif("isActive", active))> ... </div>
* will generate: "Legal Legal--isActive" if it's both active but just "Legal" otherwise
let modif = (existing: string, modifier: string, cond: bool) =>
if (cond) {
let splitOnWhitespace = Js.String.splitByRe(whitespaceRegex);
let classNames = existing |> splitOnWhitespace |> Array.to_list;
let (root: string, rest: string) =
switch (classNames) {
| [Some(root),] => (
-> => Belt.Option.getWithDefault(x, ""))
| _ => raise(UnableToModifyBlankClassName)
let prefix = rest == "" ? root : {j|$root $rest|j};
{j|$prefix $root--$modifier|j};
} else {
let mobileModifier = existing =>
modif(existing, "isMobile", MobileHelper.isMobile());
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