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Last active July 15, 2021 00:03
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  • Save justhackit/cafc57142dd76debca3cc6079a75be25 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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val (inputBucket, prefix) = getBucketNameAndPrefix(args(1))
val targetDirectory = args(2)
val maxIndividualMergedFileSize = args(3).toLong
val inputDirs = listDirectoriesInS3(inputBucket, prefix).map(prefix => "s3://" + inputBucket + "/" + prefix)"Total directories found : ${inputDirs.size}")
val startedAt = System.currentTimeMillis()
//You may want to tweak the following to set how many input directories to process in parallel
val forkJoinPool = new ForkJoinPool(inputDirs.size)
val parallelBatches = inputDirs.par
parallelBatches.tasksupport = new ForkJoinTaskSupport(forkJoinPool)
parallelBatches.foreach(dir => {
val (srcBkt, prefix) = getBucketNameAndPrefix(dir)"Working on ::=> SourceBkt : $srcBkt,Prefix:$prefix")
//Step 1 : Get file sizes
val fileSizesMap = getFileSizes(inputBucket, prefix)
//Step 2 : Group them based on target file size
val grouped = makeMergeBatches(fileSizesMap, maxIndividualMergedFileSize)
val sizedStripped = stripSizesFromFileNames(grouped)
val finalSourceFileNames = addS3BucketNameToFileNames(sizedStripped, bucketName = inputBucket)
//Step 3 : Merge files and write them out
mergeFiles(spark, finalSourceFileNames, targetDirectory)
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