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Jeounghui Nah justiceHui

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vector<pair<ll,ll>> G[202020]; // adj list
ll D[202020]; int P[202020]; // dist, prev node
bool InQ[202020];
vector<int> SP[202020]; // shortest path tree
void AddEdge(int s, int e, ll w){ G[s].emplace_back(e, w); }
bool Detect(int v, int ed){ // find v -> ed path on SP tree
if(v == ed) return true;
for(auto i : SP[v]) if(P[i] == v && Detect(i, ed)) return true;
InQ[v] = false; SP[v].clear(); return false;
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
template<typename T>
class avl_tree{
struct avl_node{
avl_node *l, *r, *p;
int dep, bf, sz; T key;
avl_node(T key) : l(nullptr), r(nullptr), p(nullptr), dep(0), bf(0), sz(1), key(key) {}
friend int get_depth(avl_node *x){ return x ? x->dep : -1; }
// pair<T, vector<int>> f(T c): return opt_val, prv
// cost function must be multiplied by 2
template<class T, bool GET_MAX = false>
pair<T, vector<int>> AliensTrick(int n, int k, auto f, T lo, T hi){
T l = lo, r = hi;
while(l < r){
T m = (l + r + (GET_MAX?1:0)) >> 1;
vector<int> prv = f(m*2+(GET_MAX?-1:+1)).second;
int cnt = 0; for(int i=n; i; i=prv[i]) cnt++;
if(cnt <= k) (GET_MAX?l:r) = m;
// scaling(VE log U):
// non-scaling(V^2E):
template<typename flow_t, flow_t MAX_U=(1<<30), bool scale=false>
struct Dinic{
struct edge_t{ int v, r; flow_t c, f; };
int n;
vector<vector<edge_t>> g;
vector<int> lv, idx;
Dinic(int n) : n(n) {
justiceHui / BipartiteMatching.cpp
Created December 23, 2022 05:27
Hopcroft-Karp Algorithm
// maximum matching:
// mininum vertex cover, maximum anti chain:
// minimum path cover:
struct HopcroftKarp{
int n, m;
vector<vector<int>> g;
vector<int> dst, le, ri;
vector<char> visit, track;
HopcroftKarp(int n, int m) : n(n), m(m) { clear(); }
template<typename flow_t, size_t _Sz> struct PushRelabel {
using edge_t = Edge<flow_t>;
int n, b, dist[_Sz], count[_Sz+1];
flow_t excess[_Sz];
bool active[_Sz];
vector<edge_t> g[_Sz];
vector<int> bucket[_Sz];
void clear(){ for(int i=0; i<_Sz; i++) g[i].clear(); }
void addEdge(int s, int e, flow_t x){
g[s].emplace_back(s, e, x, (int)g[e].size());
justiceHui / maxflow_excess_scaling.cpp
Created October 20, 2021 17:01
O(nm + n^2 log U)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// O(nm + n^2 log U)
template<typename flow_t, size_t _Sz, flow_t _Inf=1'000'000'007>
struct ExcessScalingMaximumFlow{
struct Edge{
int v, r; flow_t c, f;
Edge() = default;
// RREF Test : (
// Rank Test : (Tutte Matrix,
// Det Test : (
// Inv Test : (
template<typename T> // return {rref, rank, det, inv}
tuple<vector<vector<T>>, int, T, vector<vector<T>>> Gauss(vector<vector<T>> a, bool square=true){
int n = a.size(), m = a[0].size(), rank = 0;
vector<vector<T>> out(n, vector<T>(m, 0)); T det = T(1);
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define zero_stl(v, sz) fill(v.begin(), v.begin()+(sz), 0)
using namespace std;
template<const int MAX_V, typename flow_t, typename cost_t, flow_t FLOW_INF, cost_t COST_INF, const int SCALE = 16>
class CostScalingMCMF {
struct Edge{
int v; flow_t c; cost_t d; int r; // next, residual capacity, weight, reverse edge
Edge() = default;
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int INF = 1e9+7;
/// Knuth's Algorithm X with Dancing Link
namespace DLX{
struct Node{ int row, sz; shared_ptr<Node> col, up, dw, le, ri; };
using NP = shared_ptr<Node>;
void __Cover(NP x){
x->ri->le = x->le;