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Last active July 13, 2023 05:53
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Gathers basic information about Linux systems and outputs them to a log file.
# - System Probe Script
# Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Carver
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# This script is intended to be Linux Distro Agnostic.
# For any issues or suggestions, contact Justin Carver.
# Usage:
# Run the script with an optional argument specifying the output file:
# ./ output.log
# If no argument is provided, the output will be printed to the console.
# Define color codes for better readability
NC='\033[0m' # No Color
# Function to check if command exists
function check_command {
command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo -e "${RED}The command $1 is not available on this system.${NC}"
$1 "${@:2}"
# Checking if the output file flag is set
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
current_time=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S)
echo -e "${GREEN}Performing initial distro analysis...${NC}"
echo -e "${YELLOW}Time of script run: $current_time${NC}"
echo -e "${YELLOW}Logging to: $(pwd)/$1${NC}"
echo -e "\n${RED}-------------------------------${NC}"
# Reporting basic information about a computer's software and hardware
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nSystem Information:${NC}"
check_command uname -a
check_command hostnamectl
check_command cat /etc/*release*
# Displaying the total amount of free and used physical and swap memory
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nMemory Information:${NC}"
check_command free -h
# Displaying the system load averages
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nSystem Load Averages:${NC}"
check_command uptime
echo -e "\n${RED}-------------------------------${NC}"
# Reporting the amount of disk space used and available
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nDisk Usage:${NC}"
check_command df -hT
# Listing information about all available block devices
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nBlock Device Information:${NC}"
echo -e "\n${RED}-------------------------------${NC}"
# Displaying information about the CPU architecture
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nCPU Information:${NC}"
check_command lscpu
# Doing some simple drive performance tests
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nDisk Performance:${NC}"
check_command hdparm -Tt $(lsblk -d | awk '{print $1}' | sed -n 2p) # Dynamically getting the disk to test
echo -e "\n${RED}-------------------------------${NC}"
# Reporting information about processes, memory, paging, block IO, traps, and cpu activity
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nVMStat:${NC}"
check_command vmstat -w
echo -e "\n${RED}-------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nTop 5 Processes (mem):${NC}"
check_command ps -aux --sort=-%mem | head -n 5
echo -e "\n"
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nTop 5 Processes (cpu):${NC}"
check_command ps -aux --sort=-%cpu | head -n 5
echo -e "\n${RED}-------------------------------${NC}"
# Network Statistics
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nNetwork Statistics:${NC}"
check_command ss -s
check_command ip a
# Display Iptables Rules
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nIptables Rules:${NC}"
check_command iptables -L -v -n
# Open Ports
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nOpen Ports:${NC}"
check_command ss -tuln
# Check Kernel Messages
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nKernel Messages:${NC}"
check_command dmesg | tail
echo -e "\n${RED}-------------------------------${NC}"
# List of Failed Services
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nFailed Systemd Services:${NC}"
check_command systemctl --failed
# Scheduled Cron Jobs
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nSystem-wide Cron Jobs:${NC}"
check_command cat /etc/crontab
# Current User's Crontab
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nCurrent User's Crontab:${NC}"
check_command crontab -l
echo -e "\n${RED}-------------------------------${NC}"
# List of Installed Packages
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nInstalled Packages (Debian/Ubuntu):${NC}"
check_command dpkg -l
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nInstalled Packages (Fedora/CentOS/RHEL):${NC}"
check_command rpm -qa
# Display Kernel Parameters
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nKernel Parameters:${NC}"
check_command sysctl -a | egrep "vm.swappiness|vm.vfs_cache_pressure|kernel.pid_max|fs.file-max"
# Display User Environment Variables
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nUser Environment Variables:${NC}"
check_command printenv
# Show Systemd Timers
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nSystemd Timers:${NC}"
check_command systemctl list-timers --all
# Display Security Updates
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nSecurity Updates (Debian/Ubuntu):${NC}"
check_command apt list --upgradable 2>/dev/null | grep "/security"
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nSecurity Updates (Fedora/CentOS/RHEL):${NC}"
check_command yum updateinfo list sec 2>/dev/null
# Show Firewall Status
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nFirewall Status:${NC}"
check_command ufw status verbose
# Display SSH Configuration
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nSSH Configuration:${NC}"
check_command cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# Display User History
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nUser History:${NC}"
check_command history
# Check for Core Dumps
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nCore Dumps:${NC}"
check_command ls /var/crash/
# List System Services
echo -e "${YELLOW}\nSystem Services:${NC}"
check_command systemctl list-units --type=service
} | tee $OUTPUT
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