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Last active April 29, 2021 12:26
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rdf* to rdf
@prefix ex: <http://example/> .
ex:s ex:p ex:o .
[ a <> ;
ex:o ;
ex:p ;
ex:s ;
ex:q ex:z
] .
@prefix ex: <http://example/> .
ex:s ex:p ex:o .
<<ex:s ex:p ex:o>> ex:q ex:z .
"On one hand, RDF* and SPARQL* may be understood–and used–simply as syntactic sugar on top of RDF and SPARQL.
That is, any RDF*-specific syntax such as Turtle* may be parsed directly into plain RDF data that uses RDF
reification or any of the other approaches to annotate statements in RDF. Likewise, SPARQL* queries may be
rewritten into ordinary SPARQL queries."
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