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  • Save justinTM/c8f39ce0708bf44b36d57b751c89ed3b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save justinTM/c8f39ce0708bf44b36d57b751c89ed3b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
given an environment variable for the grafana api token and any number of dashboard slug arguments, generate prometheus yaml rules config files from legacy grafana dashboard alerts. makes a lot of assumptions like there only being one condition in each alert (one query reference). requires hand-editing of results rule ".expr" attributes to pass …
if [ -z "${GRAFANA_API_TOKEN}" ]; then
echo Error: missing environment variable: GRAFANA_API_TOKEN
exit 1
if [ -z "${DASHBOARD_SLUGS}" ]; then
echo Error: missing argument1...n: DASHBOARD_SLUGS
exit 1
alerts=$( curl -s X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $GRAFANA_API_TOKEN" )
# for each dashboard in list of dashboard slugs
dashboard_groups=$( jq -n '[]' )
for slug in $DASHBOARD_SLUGS; do
echo "slug=${slug}"
this_uid=$( .gitlab/ci/ "$alerts" "$slug")
# echo "this_uid=${this_uid}"
this_alerts=$( .gitlab/ci/ "$alerts" "$slug")
# echo "this_alerts=${this_alerts}"
this_dashboard=$( .gitlab/ci/ "$this_uid" )
this_dashboard_name="$( jq -r '.title' <<< $this_dashboard )"
# echo "this_dashboard=${this_dashboard}"
# for each panel from dashboard alerts
this_panel_ids=$( jq 'map(.panelId)' <<< $this_alerts )
dashboard_alert_jsons=$( jq -n '[]' )
# echo "this_panel_ids=${this_panel_ids}"
for p in $( .gitlab/ci/ "$this_panel_ids" ); do
this_panel_id=$( .gitlab/ci/ "$this_panel_ids" "$p" )
echo "this_panel_id=${this_panel_id}"
this_panel=$( .gitlab/ci/ "$this_dashboard" "$this_panel_id" )
# echo "this_panel=${this_panel}"
this_panel_alert=$( jq '.alert' <<< $this_panel )
# echo "this_panel_alert=${this_panel_alert}"
# get the query expression from the alert's conditions.refId
targets=$( jq '.targets' <<< $this_panel )
conditions=$( jq '.conditions' <<< $this_panel_alert )
# echo "targets=${targets}"
# echo "conditions=${conditions}"
for m in $( .gitlab/ci/ "$conditions" ); do
this_condition=$( .gitlab/ci/ "$conditions" "$m" )
ref_id=$( jq -r '.query.params[0]' <<< $this_condition )
# echo "ref_id=${ref_id}"
this_expr=$( .gitlab/ci/ "$targets" "$ref_id" )
# echo "this_expr=${this_expr}"
this_condition=$( jq --arg this_expr "$this_expr" '{evaluator: .evaluator, operator: .operator, query: $this_expr}' <<< $this_condition )
# echo "this_condition=${this_condition}"
# form a new json object representing one alert rule
this_alert=$( .gitlab/ci/ "$this_alerts" "$p" )
# echo "this_alert=${this_alert}"
this_alert_json=$( jq \
--argjson panel_id "$this_panel_id" \
--arg dashboard "$this_dashboard_name" \
--argjson query "$this_condition" \
--arg folder "$( .gitlab/ci/ "$this_uid" )" \
--arg panel "$( jq -r '.title' <<< $this_panel )" \
'{for: .for, alert: .name, labels: .alertRuleTags, expr: $query, annotations: {message: .message, panel: $panel, panel_id: $panel_id, dashboard: $dashboard, folder: $folder}}' \
<<< $this_panel_alert )
# echo "this_alert_json=${this_alert_json}"
dashboard_alert_jsons=$( jq --argjson this_json "[$this_alert_json]" '. += $this_json' <<< $dashboard_alert_jsons )
# echo "dashboard_alert_jsons=${dashboard_alert_jsons}"
dashboard_groups=$( jq \
--arg dashboard "$this_dashboard_name" \
--argjson this_json_array "$dashboard_alert_jsons" \
'. += [{name: $dashboard, rules: $this_json_array}]' \
<<< $dashboard_groups )
rules_json=$( jq -n \
--argjson dashboard_groups "$dashboard_groups" \
--arg namespace "$namespace" \
'{namespace: $namespace, groups: $dashboard_groups}' \
yq e -P - <<< $rules_json > "$filename"
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requires jq and yq. probably only works with bash; that's the only shell i tested with.

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