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justinTM / GetSubfolderNames.js
Created December 14, 2017 09:09
Collecting a list of subfolder names using Google Apps Script - a try-catch "hack" for increasing execution time
function GetSubfolderNames(rootFolderID) {
var rootFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById(rootFolderID);
var subfolders = rootFolder.getFolders();
var subfolderName;
var subfolderNames = [];
for (var i=0; ; i++) {
try {subfolderName =;}
if (e == "Exception: Cannot retrieve the next object: iterator has reached the end.")
justinTM /
Created April 16, 2020 00:45
Using Python (`boxsdk`, `requests`, and `tqdm` modules), all files from a Box folder -- specified by ID -- are downloaded via URL. Yes the binary can simply be downloaded with the Box SDK methods.
from boxsdk import DevelopmentClient
import requests
from import trange
client = DevelopmentClient()
user = client.user().get()
folder = client.folder(folder_id='XXXXXXXXXXXX')
files = [item for item in folder.get_items()]
justinTM /
Last active May 4, 2020 18:07
Write a CSV to Google Drive folder (by id) for filenames and download URLs of all files within a Shared Drive folder (by Drive id and folder id)
* Writes a CSV file to a Drive folder (by id) containing filenames and Google Drive download urls (File.webContentLink)
* for all files in a specified folder (by id) of a Shared Drive (by id).
function ExportFilesFromSharedDriveToCSV() {
// id of Shared Drive (go to Shared Drive, copy-paste id from browser URL)
var sharedDriveId = "0AFR1j1Oo3fnlUk9PVA";
// id of folder in Shared Drive to search (go to folder, copy-paste if from browser URL)
var folderIdToSearch = "1Ua6mIE8kL4Q1r-LEEVmAlo-oyrsY2gg9";
justinTM /
Last active June 2, 2022 20:58
Format cortextool diff output as Markdown diff code section
# this script will:
# 1. read in file argument 1, $DIFF_FILE_IN
# 2. format text to Markdown diff code section
# 3. write out file argument 2, $DIFF_FILE_OUT
set -e
justinTM /
Created July 16, 2021 07:12
given an environment variable for the grafana api token and any number of dashboard slug arguments, generate prometheus yaml rules config files from legacy grafana dashboard alerts. makes a lot of assumptions like there only being one condition in each alert (one query reference). requires hand-editing of results rule ".expr" attributes to pass …
if [ -z "${GRAFANA_API_TOKEN}" ]; then
echo Error: missing environment variable: GRAFANA_API_TOKEN
exit 1
if [ -z "${DASHBOARD_SLUGS}" ]; then
echo Error: missing argument1...n: DASHBOARD_SLUGS
exit 1
justinTM /
Created September 29, 2021 01:00
Confluence will not show the true underlying string contents as Confluence Storage Format. This helps.
import os
from atlassian import Confluence
CONFLUENCE = Confluence(
justinTM /
Last active November 1, 2021 03:42
gitlab get project id from path with namespace from open merge requests. jq iterate string in array, jq select get matching item in list element in array, jq string split
OPEN_MERGE_REQUESTS="[\"my/project!14\", \"my/other/project!2\"]"
# parse input args and environment variables
if [ -z "$OPEN_MERGE_REQUESTS" ]; then echo "$0: need OPEN_MERGE_REQUESTS"; exit 1; fi
if [ -z "$GITLAB_TOKEN" ]; then echo "$0: need GITLAB_TOKEN"; exit 1; fi
justinTM / error.txt
Created December 15, 2021 01:08
Console output Error: grafana_synthetic_monitoring_probes
Error: authorization token required
60│ with data.grafana_synthetic_monitoring_probes.main,
61│ on line 2, in data "grafana_synthetic_monitoring_probes" "main":
62│ 2: data "grafana_synthetic_monitoring_probes" "main" {}
justinTM / 2021-12-17-error-console.txt
Created December 28, 2021 16:59
grafana_synthetic_monitoring_check.all: Creating... 84╷ 85│ Error: Plugin did not respond
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution
plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
+ create
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# grafana_synthetic_monitoring_check.all will be created
+ resource "grafana_synthetic_monitoring_check" "all" {
+ alert_sensitivity = "none"
+ basic_metrics_only = true
+ enabled = true
+ frequency = 60000
justinTM / 2021-12-28-tf-trace-grafana-plugin-crash.txt
Created December 28, 2021 18:33
Terraform TRACE level debug output from Grafana Provider Synthetic Monitoring plugin crash
grafana_synthetic_monitoring_check.all: Creating...
2021-12-28T18:29:30.583Z [WARN] Provider "" produced an invalid plan for grafana_synthetic_monitoring_check.all, but we are tolerating it because it is using the legacy plugin SDK.
The following problems may be the cause of any confusing errors from downstream operations:
- .basic_metrics_only: planned value cty.True for a non-computed attribute
- .frequency: planned value cty.NumberIntVal(60000) for a non-computed attribute
- .probes: planned value cty.NullVal(cty.Set(cty.Number)) does not match config value cty.SetValEmpty(cty.Number)
- .alert_sensitivity: planned value cty.StringVal("none") for a non-computed attribute
- .timeout: planned value cty.NumberIntVal(3000) for a non-computed attribute
2021-12-28T18:29:30.583Z [TRACE] checkPlannedChange: Verifying that actual change (action Create) matches planned change (action Create)
2021-12-28T18:29:30.583Z [TRACE] readResourceInstanceSt