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Created December 3, 2010 03:38
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  • Save justinabrahms/726553 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save justinabrahms/726553 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
bot to handle votes for pycon selection.
// pycon talk selection irc bot.
var irc = require('../../node-irc/lib/irc.js');
var sys = require('sys');
var imb0t = function () {
return {
pattern_list: [],
client: undefined,
position: -1, // starts at -1 so we can increment it on the first ,next to make it 0, which properly indexes
connectClient: function (server, nick, chan_list) {
pattern_list = this.pattern_list;
this.nick = nick;
var client = new irc.Client(server, nick, {channels: chan_list});
this.client = client;
function (from, to, message) {
for(var i = 0; i < pattern_list.length; i++) {
var matches = message.match(pattern_list[i].rxp);
if (matches) {
pattern_list[i].func(client, from, to, message, matches);
register: function (_rgxp, _func) {
this.pattern_list.push({rxp:_rgxp, func:_func, 'bot':this});
karma: {},
talks: [
{'number': 70, 'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 189,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 36, 'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 42, 'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 94, 'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 76, 'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 132,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 59, 'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 190,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 155,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 240,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 232,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 105,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 20, 'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 210,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 253,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 45, 'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 201,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 103,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 86, 'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 73, 'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 212,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 48, 'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 40, 'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 104,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 140,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 67, 'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 93, 'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 130,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 134,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 125,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 182,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 206,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 89, 'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 174,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 137,'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []},
{'number': 75, 'yay': [],'nay': [],'abstain': []}
getCurrentTalk: function () { return this.talks[this.position]; },
vote: function (who, way) {
nonways = { // probably could so something clever here, but it's late.
'nay': ['yay', 'abstain'],
'yay': ['nay', 'abstain'],
'abstain': ['yay', 'nay']
if (this.counting) {
current = this.talks[this.position];
if (current[way].indexOf(who) == -1) { // hasn't already voted this
for (var i = 0; i < nonways[way].length; i++) {
if ((_index = current[nonways[way][i]].indexOf(who)) !== -1) {
current[nonways[way][i]].splice(_index, 1); // remove from yays
exports.imbot = imb0t;
if (module.parent === undefined) {
var bot = new imb0t;
bot.connectClient('', 'pyc0n', ['#pycon-pc']);
bot.register(/(.*)/, function no_private_msg(client, from, to, msg, matches) {
if (to == this.nick) {
client.say(from, "I don't speak privately.");
bot.register(/(.*)/, function echo(client, from, to, msg, matches) {
console.log(from + " => " + to + ": " + msg);
bot.register(/,listening/, function am_listening(client, from, to, msg, matches) {
bot.register(/,next/, function pycon_thing(client, from, to, msg, matches) {
if (client.chans[to].users[from] !== '@')
bot.position += 1;
if (bot.counting) { bot.counting = false; }
var talk_num = bot.talks[bot.position]['number'];
var has_next = false;
if (bot.talks.length > bot.position+1) { // +1 is to account for 0 offset
var next_talk = bot.talks[bot.position+1]['number'];
client.say(to, "==== Talk #"+talk_num+" is on deck. #" + next_talk + " is next in queue.");
} else {
client.say(to, "==== Talk #"+talk_num+" is on deck. THIS IS THE LAST ONE!");
client.say(to, "==== Talk #"+talk_num+""+talk_num+"/ is currently beign discussed.");
client.say(to, "If you are (a/the) champion for this talk, or willing to champion the talk, please type a succinct argument for inclusion of this talk. (2 Minutes). State when you are done.");
bot.register(/,debate/, function debate(client, from, to, msg, matches) {
if (client.chans[to].users[from] !== '@')
client.say(to, "==== General Debate (3 minutes) for Talk: #"+bot.talks[bot.position]['number']);
bot.register(/nay.*/i, function nay_vote_count(client, from, to, msg, matches) {, 'nay');
bot.register(/abstain.*/i, function abstain_vote_count(client, from, to, msg, matches) {, 'abstain');
bot.register(/yay.*/i, function yay_vote_count(client, from, to, msg, matches) {, 'yay');
bot.register(/,report/, function report(client, from, to, msg, matches) {
if (client.chans[to].users[from] !== '@')
if (bot.counting) {
client.say(to, "==== Vote Tally for talk #"+bot.talks[bot.position]['number']+": "+bot.getCurrentTalk()['yay'].length + " yay votes, " + bot.getCurrentTalk()['nay'].length + " nay votes and " + bot.getCurrentTalk()['abstain'].length + " abstainers.");
bot.counting = false;
bot.register(/,vote/, function vote(client, from, to, msg, matches) {
if (client.chans[to].users[from] !== '@')
if (!bot.counting) {
client.say(to, "==== Voting Time! - yay/nay votes for Talk #"+bot.talks[bot.position]['number']);
bot.counting = true;
bot.register(/,final-report/, function final_report(client, from, to, msg, matches) {
if (client.chans[to].users[from] !== '@')
for (var i = 0; i < bot.talks.length; i++) {
client.say(to, "#"+bot.talks[i]['number']+": "+bot.talks[i]['yay'].length+" for, "+bot.talks[i]['nay'].length+" against, "+bot.talks[i]['abstain'].length+" abstainers");
bot.register(/,state-dump/, function dump(client, from, to, msg, matches) {
if (from !== 'justinlilly')
bot.register(/,pester/, function pester(client, from, to, msg, matches) {
if (client.chans[to].users[from] !== '@')
non_votes = [];
current = bot.talks[bot.position];
for (var user in bot.client.chans[to].users) {
if (user === this.nick)
if (current['yay'].indexOf(user) == -1) {
if(current['nay'].indexOf(user) == -1) {
if (current['abstain'].indexOf(user) == -1) {
if (non_votes.length) {
client.say(to, "Didn't vote: " + non_votes.join(', '));
bot.register(/,rules/, function rules(client, from, to, msg, matches) {
client.say(to, "Meeting rules can be found here:");
bot.register(/\s(.*)\+\+/, function karma(client, from, to, msg, matches) {
if (from == matches[1]) {
client.say(to, from + ": don't be a dick. Karma reset.");[from] = 0;
if ([1]) === -1)[matches[1]] = 1;
else[matches[1]] += 1;
bot.register(/,karma(.*)/, function karma_list(client, from, to, msg, matches) {
var person = matches[1].trim();
console.log('person: '+person);
if (person === "")
var user = from;
var user = matches[1];
client.say(to, from + " has " +[from] + " karma.");
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