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Last active June 21, 2016 17:52
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Barley Farm

Things we learned in class

  • data nesting
  • functions to draw slopes for each variety
  • line transitions using dash array
  • mouseover transitions for text

Data Visualization with D3.js at Metis Class 4

yield variety year site
39.93333 Manchuria 1931 Crookston
38.13333 Glabron 1931 Crookston
40.46667 Svansota 1931 Crookston
41.33333 Velvet 1931 Crookston
46.93333 Trebi 1931 Crookston
45.66667 No. 457 1931 Crookston
48.56666 No. 462 1931 Crookston
41.6 Peatland 1931 Crookston
44.1 No. 475 1931 Crookston
49.86667 Wisconsin No. 38 1931 Crookston
32.96667 Manchuria 1932 Crookston
26.16667 Glabron 1932 Crookston
20.63333 Svansota 1932 Crookston
32.06666 Velvet 1932 Crookston
41.83333 Trebi 1932 Crookston
34.33333 No. 457 1932 Crookston
30.53333 No. 462 1932 Crookston
25.23333 Peatland 1932 Crookston
32.13333 No. 475 1932 Crookston
35.9 Wisconsin No. 38 1932 Crookston
28.96667 Manchuria 1931 Duluth
29.66667 Glabron 1931 Duluth
25.7 Svansota 1931 Duluth
26.3 Velvet 1931 Duluth
33.93333 Trebi 1931 Duluth
33.6 No. 457 1931 Duluth
28.1 No. 462 1931 Duluth
32 Peatland 1931 Duluth
33.06666 No. 475 1931 Duluth
31.6 Wisconsin No. 38 1931 Duluth
22.56667 Manchuria 1932 Duluth
25.86667 Glabron 1932 Duluth
22.23333 Svansota 1932 Duluth
22.46667 Velvet 1932 Duluth
30.6 Trebi 1932 Duluth
22.7 No. 457 1932 Duluth
22.5 No. 462 1932 Duluth
31.36667 Peatland 1932 Duluth
27.36667 No. 475 1932 Duluth
29.33333 Wisconsin No. 38 1932 Duluth
32.96667 Manchuria 1931 Grand Rapids
29.13333 Glabron 1931 Grand Rapids
29.66667 Svansota 1931 Grand Rapids
23.03333 Velvet 1931 Grand Rapids
29.76667 Trebi 1931 Grand Rapids
32.16667 No. 457 1931 Grand Rapids
24.93334 No. 462 1931 Grand Rapids
34.7 Peatland 1931 Grand Rapids
19.7 No. 475 1931 Grand Rapids
34.46667 Wisconsin No. 38 1931 Grand Rapids
22.13333 Manchuria 1932 Grand Rapids
14.43333 Glabron 1932 Grand Rapids
16.63333 Svansota 1932 Grand Rapids
32.23333 Velvet 1932 Grand Rapids
20.63333 Trebi 1932 Grand Rapids
19.46667 No. 457 1932 Grand Rapids
19.9 No. 462 1932 Grand Rapids
26.76667 Peatland 1932 Grand Rapids
15.23333 No. 475 1932 Grand Rapids
20.66667 Wisconsin No. 38 1932 Grand Rapids
27.43334 Manchuria 1931 Morris
28.76667 Glabron 1931 Morris
25.76667 Svansota 1931 Morris
26.13333 Velvet 1931 Morris
43.76667 Trebi 1931 Morris
28.7 No. 457 1931 Morris
30.36667 No. 462 1931 Morris
29.86667 Peatland 1931 Morris
22.6 No. 475 1931 Morris
29.46667 Wisconsin No. 38 1931 Morris
34.36666 Manchuria 1932 Morris
35.13333 Glabron 1932 Morris
35.03333 Svansota 1932 Morris
38.83333 Velvet 1932 Morris
46.63333 Trebi 1932 Morris
43.53334 No. 457 1932 Morris
47 No. 462 1932 Morris
43.2 Peatland 1932 Morris
44.23333 No. 475 1932 Morris
47.16667 Wisconsin No. 38 1932 Morris
27 Manchuria 1931 University Farm
43.06666 Glabron 1931 University Farm
35.13333 Svansota 1931 University Farm
39.9 Velvet 1931 University Farm
36.56666 Trebi 1931 University Farm
43.26667 No. 457 1931 University Farm
36.6 No. 462 1931 University Farm
32.76667 Peatland 1931 University Farm
24.66667 No. 475 1931 University Farm
39.3 Wisconsin No. 38 1931 University Farm
26.9 Manchuria 1932 University Farm
36.8 Glabron 1932 University Farm
27.43334 Svansota 1932 University Farm
26.8 Velvet 1932 University Farm
29.06667 Trebi 1932 University Farm
26.43334 No. 457 1932 University Farm
25.56667 No. 462 1932 University Farm
28.06667 Peatland 1932 University Farm
30 No. 475 1932 University Farm
38 Wisconsin No. 38 1932 University Farm
48.86667 Manchuria 1931 Waseca
55.2 Glabron 1931 Waseca
47.33333 Svansota 1931 Waseca
50.23333 Velvet 1931 Waseca
63.8333 Trebi 1931 Waseca
58.1 No. 457 1931 Waseca
65.7667 No. 462 1931 Waseca
48.56666 Peatland 1931 Waseca
46.76667 No. 475 1931 Waseca
58.8 Wisconsin No. 38 1931 Waseca
33.46667 Manchuria 1932 Waseca
37.73333 Glabron 1932 Waseca
38.5 Svansota 1932 Waseca
37.4 Velvet 1932 Waseca
49.2333 Trebi 1932 Waseca
42.2 No. 457 1932 Waseca
44.7 No. 462 1932 Waseca
36.03333 Peatland 1932 Waseca
41.26667 No. 475 1932 Waseca
58.16667 Wisconsin No. 38 1932 Waseca
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d3.csv("barley.csv", function(error, data) {
if (error) return console.warn(error);
data.forEach(function(d) {
d.yield = +d.yield;
var places = d3.set( {return})).values();
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