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Created April 16, 2018 22:04
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(ns tools.debug)
; Case 1: Show the state of a bunch of variables.
; > (inspect a b c)
; a => 1
; b => :foo-bar
; c => ["hi" "world"]
; Case 2: Print an expression and its result.
; > (inspect (+ 1 2 3))
; (+ 1 2 3) => 6
(defn- inspect-1 [expr]
`(let [result# ~expr]
(js/ (str (pr-str '~expr) " => " (pr-str result#)))
(defmacro inspect [& exprs]
`(do ~@(map inspect-1 exprs)))
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; (use to stop the program at a certain point,
; then resume with the browser's debugger controls)
; NOTE: only works when browser debugger tab is open
(defmacro breakpoint []
'(do (js* "debugger;")
nil)) ; (prevent "return debugger;" in compiled javascript)
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