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Created August 3, 2012 21:49
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Steel City Ruby Conf 2012

Getting the most out if a Conference - Jeff Casimir

Why are we here? Ruby community is awesome New people are awesome Developers are exhausted by social interaction Recharge with a movie by yourself Conferences are about starting conversation Its hard Introvert != shy Talk to people, keep trying Only one person has to be awesome to make it worth it Latch on to lunch groups Never eat alone Eat with people you dont know Talk to someone alone Keep your group open

Thinking in Objects - Josh Susser

Perspective is worth 80 iq points Uniform access Delegation is inheritance Read: Treaty of orlando Send a message, not call a method Use objects instead of blocks, hashes, arrays, and symbols Polymorphism yay. Method lookup fast. Checking class type is slow and messy. #is_a? and #class are smells Object#try is a smell

Motives - Andrew Clay Shafer

Humans prefer confidence to expertise Read: Big ball of mud Intent > Technique

How to give an awesome lightning talk - Steve Klabnik

People arent good at the things youre good at Opinion Cool code Basics of a neat gem 5 slides Have fun

Anti oppresion 101 - Lindsey Bieda and Steve Klabnik

Privilege is hard to notice Oppression != discrimination Oppression = discrimination + power Splitting students based on ability increases interest This stuff is hard. Apologize. Tell people when theyre wrong. Be sure to say it in a way they will be receptive to. Encourage and mentor people Create a culture that makes people want to stay

Redis - Mattt Thompson

I18n & L10n - Jeff Casimir

More customers = more profits Better code Copy in code is a pollution of concerns Magic is programming that you dont understand yet Magic data Determine locale, localize functions, localize content Geolocation bad Asking the user is bad Browser preferences good Rails does this already Symbols aren't garbage collected Don't symbolize user input Params is eh Use default_url_options to maintain params Add locale to user model All together: Param, user pref, cookie, browser, default Use short keys, not identical to the string, focus on core meaning Don't DRY your translations, it makes them complicated AR has automatic error translations if you name them correctly Creating is a pain Displaying is a pain Keeping thm in sync is aeful CopyCopter Globalize3

Open Source Software - Aaron Patterson

OSS Skills Help yourself Project knowledge Help others

Advantages Practice Your job It feels good

Beginner Programmed to pay for college Programming paid too much Where do i start? Fun Work Pain Something you use Using = motivation Ask questions publicly When i do X, it does Y, but i expected Z Bugs in documentation Keep messages short Simple language, maintainers might not be native english-speaking If you have an answer, send it Say thank you Ask appropriate forum Leave enough time Maybe project isnt that large Ask questions in person Report bugs publicly Pay attention to the patch Answer questions Incomplete patches are ok

Advanced Identify project Look in rakefile Dev dependencies Run tests C: autoconf ./configure make Read the README Keep patches relevant Provide tests Try to fit in Its ok to be wrong Its about learning Take more responsibility I am not my code Try to relate

Lightning Talks

Warbler makes Rack war files for Java teams Getting fired is good Information radiators are awesome Working man Postrgres HStore, Trigram matching, table_func Learn to be a better human, read: Five Love Languages, gist from @objo Intersectionality, diversity = better teams, more people, reduce unconscious biases Metaprogramming is ezpz "I think we should do this" "Not right now" just do it anyway. Your boss probably has no idea what you do. If you can't, change jobs. RailsGirls teaches/coaches women to use Ruby and builds confidence. Women's shirt sizes are important. Open source game coding competition README Why? Install. License. Contributing. Issues. Credit. Plain text. Pandoc makes PDFs from Markdown. Ruby from Clojure Jekyll-Bootstrap Create and connect. Contribute. Network. Go do great things. require 'active_record_spec_helper' Gist from Corey Haines Gittip helps OSS contributors make a living

Twilio - Jennifer Payne

Power Rake - Jim Weirich

Rake does things Rake does things in order, handles dependencies FileList['dir/**/prefix*.{png,jpg}'] FileLists are lazy FileList#pathmap "thumbs/%n-thumb%x" %1d, %-1d Pathmap also works on strings file instead of task for file operations Conditionally executes if the file doesnt exist or is out of date directory task is a file task without timestamp checking CLEAN/CLOBBER.include "path" Pathmap can replace text kinda regex-like Rules Idea: Create shell output for examples on web site

People - Joe O'Brien

If I had to get a job today, would I desperately want to work for my company? Do I feel like a slave owner? People, technology, process triangle Never talk about people I have never seen a project fail for technical reasons I have never seen a project succeed for technical reasons OnStar: 100k lines, 4 else statements, 1 case statement 2012: Year of the people Learn psychology Conversation rolodex Voices in your head don't go away. Ignore them. What do they see? The three realities: your head, their head, reality We make assumptions about other peoples thoughts Listen without agenda Reveal bad news quickly Consistent uncompromising honesty Listen between the lines Positivity moves forward (yes, and) Assume the positive The People Conference in Columbus, OH

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