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Created June 1, 2024 19:59
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# Adapted from
# Original code PyTorch license
# Modifications Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
from __future__ import annotations
import importlib
import itertools
import os
import pathlib
import pkgutil
from typing import Iterable
import unittest
import onnxscript
def _find_all_importables(pkg):
"""Find all importables in the project.
Return them in order.
return sorted(
_discover_path_importables(pathlib.Path(p), pkg.__name__) for p in pkg.__path__
def _discover_path_importables(pkg_path: os.PathLike, pkg_name:str) -> Iterable[str]:
"""Yield all importables under a given path and package.
This is like pkgutil.walk_packages, but does *not* skip over namespace
packages. Taken from
for dir_path, _, file_names in os.walk(pkg_path):
pkg_dir_path = pathlib.Path(dir_path)
if[-1] == "__pycache__":
if all(pathlib.Path(_).suffix != ".py" for _ in file_names):
rel_pt = pkg_dir_path.relative_to(pkg_path)
pkg_pref = ".".join((pkg_name, *
yield from (
for _, pkg_path, _ in pkgutil.walk_packages(
def _is_mod_public(modname: str) -> bool:
split_strs = modname.split('.')
return all(not (elem.startswith("_") or "_test" in elem) for elem in split_strs)
def _validate_module(modname: str, failure_list: list[str]) -> None:
mod = importlib.import_module(modname)
if not _is_mod_public(modname):
# verifies that each public API has the correct module name and naming semantics
def check_one_element(elem, modname, mod, *, is_public, is_all):
obj = getattr(mod, elem)
elem_module = getattr(obj, "__module__", None)
# Only used for nice error message below
why_not_looks_public = ""
if elem_module is None:
why_not_looks_public = "because it does not have a `__module__` attribute"
elem_modname_starts_with_mod = (
elem_module is not None
and elem_module.startswith(modname)
and "._" not in elem_module
if not why_not_looks_public and not elem_modname_starts_with_mod:
why_not_looks_public = (
f"because its `__module__` attribute (`{elem_module}`) is not within the "
f"onnxscript library or does not start with the submodule where it is defined (`{modname}`)"
# elem's name must NOT begin with an `_` and it's module name
# SHOULD start with it's current module since it's a public API
looks_public = not elem.startswith("_") and elem_modname_starts_with_mod
if not why_not_looks_public and not looks_public:
why_not_looks_public = f"because it starts with `_` (`{elem}`)"
if is_public != looks_public:
if is_public:
why_is_public = (
f"it is inside the module's (`{modname}`) `__all__`"
if is_all
else "it is an attribute that does not start with `_` on a module that "
"does not have `__all__` defined"
fix_is_public = (
f"remove it from the modules's (`{modname}`) `__all__`"
if is_all
else f"either define a `__all__` for `{modname}` or add a `_` at the beginning of the name"
assert is_all
why_is_public = (
f"it is not inside the module's (`{modname}`) `__all__`"
fix_is_public = f"add it from the modules's (`{modname}`) `__all__`"
if looks_public:
why_looks_public = (
"it does look public because it follows the rules from the doc above "
"(does not start with `_` and has a proper `__module__`)."
fix_looks_public = "make its name start with `_`"
why_looks_public = why_not_looks_public
if not elem_modname_starts_with_mod:
fix_looks_public = (
"make sure the `__module__` is properly set and points to a submodule "
f"of `{modname}`"
fix_looks_public = "remove the `_` at the beginning of the name"
failure_list.append(f"# {modname}.{elem}:")
is_public_str = "" if is_public else " NOT"
failure_list.append(f" - Is{is_public_str} public: {why_is_public}")
looks_public_str = "" if looks_public else " NOT"
f" - Does{looks_public_str} look public: {why_looks_public}"
# Swap the str below to avoid having to create the NOT again
" - You can do either of these two things to fix this problem:"
f" - To make it{looks_public_str} public: {fix_is_public}"
f" - To make it{is_public_str} look public: {fix_looks_public}"
if hasattr(mod, "__all__"):
public_api = mod.__all__
all_api = dir(mod)
for elem in all_api:
elem, modname, mod, is_public=elem in public_api, is_all=True
all_api = dir(mod)
for elem in all_api:
if not elem.startswith("_"):
check_one_element(elem, modname, mod, is_public=True, is_all=False)
class TestPublicApiNamespace(unittest.TestCase):
tested_modules = (
def test_correct_module_names(self):
An API is considered public, if its `__module__` starts with `onnxscript.`
and there is no name in `__module__` or the object itself that starts with "_".
Each public package should either:
- (preferred) Define `__all__` and all callables and classes in there must have their
`__module__` start with the current submodule's path. Things not in `__all__` should
NOT have their `__module__` start with the current submodule.
- (for simple python-only modules) Not define `__all__` and all the elements in `dir(submod)` must have their
`__module__` that start with the current submodule.
failure_list = []
for modname in self.tested_modules:
_validate_module(modname, failure_list)
msg = (
"Make sure that everything that is public is expected (in particular that the module "
"has a properly populated `__all__` attribute) and that everything that is supposed to be public "
"does look public (it does not start with `_` and has a `__module__` that is properly populated)."
msg += "\n\nFull list:\n"
msg += "\n".join(failure_list)
# empty lists are considered false in python
self.assertTrue(not failure_list, msg)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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