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Created April 13, 2012 01:02
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Save justincjahn/2372492 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Windows Server 2008 NPS Syncronization
Safely restores NPS server configuration using the specified directory.
Performs a backup of the currently running NPS server and restores the
database from a remote location.
Version: 0.0.1
Author: Justin "4sak3n 0ne" Jahn
Company: Yuma Educational Technology Consortium
License: GNU Lesser General Public License <>
This script requires no inputs from the pipeline.
This script sends no outputs to the pipeline.
There are a few different return codes available for use:
0: Everything has run successfully.
1: There was an error with the filesystem paths and/or restore.
2: The current user does not have sufficient priveledges to perform this operation.
3: An unknown error has occurred.
The location in which to pull down the NPS Backup to by syncronized.
The location in which to store the parent NPS Backup locally.
The default is "C:\nps\sync.xml".
The location in which to store the backup of the local NPS server.
The default is "C:\nps\backup.xml".
[parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$Sync = $env:SystemDrive + "\nps\sync.xml",
[parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$Backup = $env:SystemDrive + "\nps\backup.xml"
# Administrator Check
$oUser = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent();
$oSecure = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $oUser;
$bAdmin = $oSecure.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::"Administrator");
$bSystem = $oUser.IsSystem;
If (-NOT $bAdmin -AND -NOT $bSystem) {
Write-Error "You do not have Administrator rights to run this script.";
exit 2;
# Check for IAS
$oService = Get-Service | where {$_.Name -match "IAS"};
if ($oService -eq $null) {
Write-Warning "NPS Server is not installed.";
exit 0;
# Sanity checks
try {
# Make sure the paths are not files. This will cause
## obvious issues.
if ((Test-Path $Backup -PathType Container)) { Throw $Backup; }
if ((Test-Path $Sync -PathType Container)) { Throw $Sync; }
# Test to see if the backup directory exists.
if (!(Test-Path $Backup)) {
# Create the new directory
New-Item -type file -force -path $Backup;
# Test to see if the sync directory exists.
if (!(Test-Path $Sync)) {
# Create the new directory
New-Item -type file -force -path $Sync;
} catch [system.string] {
$sError = "The path {0} is a directory, not a file.";
$sError = $sError -f $Error[0];
Write-Error $sError;
exit 1;
} catch {
Write-Error $Error[0];
exit 3;
# Backup the NPS server
try {
netsh nps export filename="$Backup" exportPSK=YES;
} catch {
# If this has failed, then we shouldn't continue
## with the sync.
$sError = "Unable to backup NPS to: {0}";
$sError = $sError -f $Backup;
Write-Error $sError;
exit 1;
# Perform the restore.
try {
# Try to copy the files and folders from the parent server
if ((Test-Path $Parent -PathType leaf)) {
Copy-Item $Parent -dest $Sync -force;
} else {
$sError = "Unable to locate parent file: {0}";
$sError = $sError -f $Parent;
throw $sError;
# Perform the restore on the file
netsh nps import filename="$Sync";
# Sanity check
if ($lastexitcode -gt 0) {
$sError = "Unable to restore from directory: {0}";
$sError = $sError -f $Sync;
throw $sError;
} catch {
# Tell them there was an error
Write-Error $Error[0];
# Perform the restore
Write-Warning "Performing rollback operation..."
netsh nps import filename="$Backup"
Restart-Service IAS -Force;
# Throw an error code
exit 1;
} finally {
Restart-Service IAS -Force;
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