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Created July 26, 2012 22:55
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Save justincjahn/3185090 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Address validation using Google Maps

Google Maps Address Verification

The HTML and accompanying scripts in this project demonstrate how to present users with a "did you mean..." style address validation mechanism that helps to ensure accurate addresses for sites that need said information.

Google Maps API Key

The script will need your own API key to function, my key has been redacted.

html, body {
margin: 0px auto;
padding: 0px;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
text-align: center;
body > div {
margin: 0px auto;
#googleMapSlider {
width: 625px;
#googleMapAddresses {
width: 200px;
height: 350px;
margin: 25px 0px;
float: left;
overflow: auto;
text-align: left;
border: 2px solid #ccc;
#googleMapAddresses h1 {
margin: 0px;
text-align: center;
font-size: 1.2em;
#googleMapAddresses hr { margin: 0px; }
/* SIDE PANEL :: UL */
#googleMapAddressList {
margin: 0px;
padding: 5px;
list-style: none;
#googleMapAddressList li {
padding: 5px;
#googleMapAddressList li:hover {
background-color: #ccc;
#googleMapAddressList li a {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: .9em;
color: #333;
#googleMapContainer {
width: 400px;
height: 400px;
float: left;
#toggleMapSize {
width: 400px;
margin: 3px auto;
background-color: #ccc;
cursor: pointer;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 1.2em;
#googleMapFooter {
clear: both;
/** CLASSES **/
.padded {
margin: 5px;
var GoogleMaps = Class.create();
GoogleMaps.prototype = {
* The constructor. Give it an element, and it does the rest.
* @param string strElement The element to turn into a google map.
* @param array arrOptions An array of options. See below.
* @return void
* Options:
* <code>
* @param string sidePanelList The name of the side panel ul element.
* </code>
initialize: function(strElement)
// Class Properties
this._objMap = undefined;
this._objGeo = new GClientGeocoder();
this.sidePanelList = 'googleMapSidePanelList';
// The place where google maps should go
this._element = $(strElement);
// Initialize google maps and geo
* Initialize the map and set it to a class property.
* @return void
initMaps: function()
// Check if google maps has already been loaded and if it has
// been, call the unloader.
if (this._objMap instanceof GMap2) GUnload();
// Initialize google maps
this._objMap = new GMap2(this._element);
// Disable dragging
* Turn an address into a JSON object.
* @param string strAddress The address string to turn into an object.
* @param object objCallback The function to call with the results passed.
* @return void
addressToJson: function(strAddress, objCallback)
this._objGeo.getLocations(strValue, objCallback);
* Center the map on a placemark of the given data.
* @param GClientGeocoder objData The geocoder data.
* @param int intPlace The placemark to center.
* @return void
center: function(objData, intPlace)
// Shorten the placemark
objPlace = objData.Placemark[intPlacemark].Point.coordinates;
// Make the point
objPoint = new GLatLng(objPlace[1], objPlace[0]);
// Set the center of the map
this._objMap.setCenter(objPoint, 17);
* Generate a marker that prompts the user for the correct address.
* @param GClientGeocoder objData The Geocoder JSON object.
* @oaran int intPlace The placemark to show.
* @param object objCallback The callback with a boolean param of yes/no.
* @return void
promptMarker: function(objData, intPlace, objCallback)
// Setup the placemark
objPlace = objData.Placemark[intPlace];
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('Forming marker prompt.');
// Set to true when the callback is to be run
boolPromptCallback = false;
// Form the HTML to go inside the Google Bubble.
var strHtml = '<b>' + objPlace.address + '</b><br /><br />'
+ 'Is this the correct address?<br />'
+ '<a href="#" id="markerPromptYes">Yes</a> / '
+ '<a href="#" id="markerPromptNo">No</a>';
// Make the point the marker will touch
var objPoint = new GLatLng(objPlace.Point.coordinates[1],
// Make the point at that marker
var objMarker = new GMarker(objPoint);
// Add the marker to the map
// Add the HTML to the marker
objMarker.openInfoWindowHtml(strHtml, {
'noCloseOnClick': true
// If the info window's close button is pressed
GEvent.addListener(objMarker, 'infowindowclose', function() {
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('User closed the info window.');
// Close the marker
// Call the callback
if (!boolPromptCallback) objCallback(false);
// Observe the yes/no buttons
Event.observe('markerPromptYes', 'click', function(event){
// Stop the event
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('User selected the "yes" link.');
// The callback is to run
boolPromptCallback = true;
// Close the info window
// Call the callback
Event.observe('markerPromptNo', 'click', function(event){
// Stop the event
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('User selected the "no" link.');
// The callback is to run
boolPromptCallback = true;
// Close the info window
// Call the callback
* Turn a string to a geo object, setup google maps and
* turn the placemarks into listened urls.
* @param string strAddress The address to use.
function googleStringInit(strAddress)
// Call the google maps function passing in our address
addressToJson(strAddress, function(objData)
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('Address recieved.');
// Make the data available to the other functions even
// if the status is not 200.
objCurrentLocation = objData;
intCurrentPlacemark = 0;
// Check the status code
if (!objData || objData.Status.code != 200) {
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('Status: ' + objData.Status.code);
// Tell them whats up and prevent further execution
return alert('The address you have entered is not valid.');
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert(objData.Placemark.length + ' Address(es) found.');
// Center the area
googleCenter(objData, intCurrentPlacemark);
// Generate the marker and have another callback to handle
// that information.
generatePromptMarker(objData, intCurrentPlacemark, promptCallback);
// Generate the address elements
// Setup the listeners for the elements generated above
* Get the globally set data, and display a marker prompt
* with the given placemark. This changes the global placemark
* on call.
* @param int intPlacemark The placemark to use.
function googlePromptPlacemark(intPlacemark)
// Shorten the global data
var objData = objCurrentLocation;
// Update the global placemark
intCurrentPlacemark = intPlacemark;
// Check the status code. Silently return, they have already
// been notified that there is no address.
if (!objData || objData.Status.code != 200) return;
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('Loading placemark ' + intPlacemark);
// Center the area
googleCenter(objData, intPlacemark);
// Generate the marker
generatePromptMarker(objData, intPlacemark, promptCallback);
* Center a point on the map. Essentially just calls set center.
* with the given placemarks coordinates.
* @param GClientGeocoder objData The geocoder object.
* @param int intPlacemark The placemark to center.
function googleCenter(objData, intPlacemark)
// Shorten the placemark
objPlace = objData.Placemark[intPlacemark].Point.coordinates;
// Make the point
objPoint = new GLatLng(objPlace[1], objPlace[0]);
// Set the center of the map
objMap.setCenter(objPoint, 17);
* Initialize Google maps.
* @param HtmlElement objElement An optional element to use for the map.
function googleInit(objElement)
// Default element
if (typeof(objElement) == 'undefined')
objElement = $('googleMapContainer');
// Check if google maps has already been loaded and if it has
// been, call the unloader.
if (objMap instanceof GMap2) GUnload();
// Initialize google maps
objMap = new GMap2(objElement);
// Disable dragging
* Add addresses to an HTML unordered list. Call addressListeners
* so assign listeners to these elements. This is for control.
* @param GClientGeocoder objData The data retrieved from Google.
function generateAddressElements(objData, objElement)
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('Generating address links.');
// Default element
if(typeof(objElement) == 'undefined')
objElement = $('googleMapAddressList');
// Remove everything from the given element
objElement.innerHTML = '';
// Shorten the placemark
objPlace = objData.Placemark;
// Loop through the data
for (var i=0;i<objPlace.length;i++) {
// Make an element
var strHtml = '<li><a href="#" rel="' + i + '">' + objPlace[i].address + '</a></li>';
// Insert the element at the bottom of the list
new Insertion.Bottom(objElement, strHtml);
* Add listeners to each of the addresses in the proper section.
* @param string strElements The string of elements for the $$ function.
function addressListeners(strElements)
// Default elements
if(typeof(strElements) == 'undefined')
strElements = '#googleMapAddressList li a';
// Get the array of each element
objElements = $$(strElements);
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert(objElements.length + ' Element(s) found for listen.');
// Loop through them
for (var i=0;i<objElements.length;i++) {
// Check to make sure it hasn't already got a listener
if(!objElements[i].hasClassName('listening')) {
// Add the class name
// Add the listener
Event.observe(objElements[i], 'click', function(event)
// Stop the event
// Get the calling element
var objElement = $(Event.element(event));
// Call the google center function with the placemark
// as the rel.
* Turn an address into a JSON object and hand it to the callback
* function. This pretty much calls getLocations and calls it good
* at the moment.
* @param string strValue The address string to handle.
* @param object objCallback The function to callback to, passes one param.
* @return void
function addressToJson(strValue, objCallback)
objGeo.getLocations(strValue, objCallback);
* Generate a marker that prompts the user for the correct address.
* @param GClientGeocoder objData The Geocoder JSON object.
* @oaran int intPlace The placemark to show.
* @param object objCallback The callback with a boolean param of yes/no.
* @return void
function generatePromptMarker(objData, intPlace, objCallback)
// Setup the placemark
objPlace = objData.Placemark[intPlace];
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('Forming marker prompt.');
// Set to true when the callback is to be run
boolCallback = false;
// Form the HTML to go inside the Google Bubble.
var strHtml = '<b>' + objPlace.address + '</b><br /><br />'
+ 'Is this the correct address?<br />'
+ '<a href="#" id="markerPromptYes">Yes</a> / '
+ '<a href="#" id="markerPromptNo">No</a>';
// Make the point the marker will touch
var objPoint = new GLatLng(objPlace.Point.coordinates[1],
// Make the point at that marker
var objMarker = new GMarker(objPoint);
// Add the marker to the map
// Add the HTML to the marker
objMarker.openInfoWindowHtml(strHtml, {
'noCloseOnClick': true
// If the info window's close button is pressed
GEvent.addListener(objMarker, 'infowindowclose', function(){
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('User closed the info window.');
// Close the marker
// Call the callback
if (!boolCallback) objCallback(false);
// Observe the yes/no buttons
Event.observe('markerPromptYes', 'click', function(event){
// Stop the event
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('User selected the "yes" link.');
// The callback is to run
boolCallback = true;
// Close the info window
// Call the callback
Event.observe('markerPromptNo', 'click', function(event){
// Stop the event
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('User selected the "no" link.');
// The callback is to run
boolCallback = true;
// Close the info window
// Call the callback
* A callback function for {@link generatePromptMarker}.
* @param bool boolOutcome If the users address was correct or not.
* @return void
function promptCallback(boolOutcome)
// If the user selected "yes"
if (boolOutcome) {
alert('You have sucessfully validated your address!');
} else {
// This is called when the user moves to another placemark
// as well, so alerting without additional checks is not
// advised.
// Things to happen on page unload. Google suggests that GUnload be
// called here to prevent memory leaks.
Event.observe(window, 'unload', function()
// Unload Google Maps
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Google Maps &bull; Check Address</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="checkaddress.css" type="text/css"
media="screen, projection" title="Main Stylesheet" charset="utf-8" />
<script src="prototype.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"
<script src=";v=2&amp;key=<INSERT API KEY HERE>"
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" charset="utf-8">
// <![CDATA[
// Google maps variables
objMap = undefined;
objGeo = new GClientGeocoder();
// Place information
objCurrentLocation = undefined;
intCurrentPlacemark = undefined;
// Special variables
document.debug = false; // Whether to be verbose.
document.googleExtended = false; // True when google maps is big.
// This is where everything happens. It initializes google maps,
// and then sets an observer. The observer performs the bulk of the
// work, geocoding the address and passing it off to the proper
// functions.
Event.observe(window, 'load', function()
// When this button is clicked perform the necessary actions to
// get google maps running with the given address.
Event.observe('addressSubmit', 'click', function(event)
// Stop further execution
new Effect.BlindDown('googleMapSlider', {
afterFinish: function(){
// Load google maps.
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('Address Submitted');
// Initialize with the given string
// Toggle the size of the map. This shows and hides the
// similar addresses box as well.
Event.observe('toggleMapSize', 'click', function(event){
// Stop the event
// Toggle the effects. Note that scaleContent is important
// here. Without it, everything inside would have their
// sizes changed as well.
if (document.googleExtended) {
// Expand the google maps box
new Effect.Scale('googleMapContainer', 70,
{scaleMode: {originalHeight: 600,
originalWidth: 600},
scaleContent: false
} else {
// Contract the box
new Effect.Scale('googleMapContainer', 150,
{scaleMode: {originalHeight: 400,
originalWidth: 400},
scaleContent: false
// Slide the panel out or in
// Scale content here is important.
new Effect.toggle('googleMapAddresses',
{scaleX: true,
scaleY: true,
scaleContent: false,
afterFinish: function()
// After the effect finishes, we need to contract the
// google maps box.
document.googleExtended = (document.googleExtended)
? false
: true;
// Initialize google maps again
// Redo the placemark
if(typeof(intCurrentPlacemark) != 'undefined')
* Turn a string to a geo object, setup google maps and
* turn the placemarks into listened urls.
* @param string strAddress The address to use.
function googleStringInit(strAddress)
// Call the google maps function passing in our address
addressToJson(strAddress, function(objData)
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('Address recieved.');
// Make the data available to the other functions even
// if the status is not 200.
objCurrentLocation = objData;
intCurrentPlacemark = 0;
// Check the status code
if (!objData || objData.Status.code != 200) {
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('Status: ' + objData.Status.code);
// Tell them whats up and prevent further execution
if (!objData.Placemark || objData.Placemark.length <= 0) {
// Explode the string by spaces
var arrAddress = strAddress.split(' ');
// Pop an element off
// Check the length to make sure we have a minimum
if (arrAddress.length > 2) {
// Join it back together and run this again
return googleStringInit(arrAddress.join(' '));
} else {
alert('The address you have given is not valid.');
} else {
var strAlert = 'The address you have entered was not valid, however'
+ ' suggested addresses have been found.';
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert(objData.Placemark.length + ' Address(es) found.');
// Center the area
googleCenter(objData, intCurrentPlacemark);
// Generate the marker and have another callback to handle
// that information.
generatePromptMarker(objData, intCurrentPlacemark, promptCallback);
// Generate the address elements
// Setup the listeners for the elements generated above
* Get the globally set data, and display a marker prompt
* with the given placemark. This changes the global placemark
* on call.
* @param int intPlacemark The placemark to use.
function googlePromptPlacemark(intPlacemark)
// Shorten the global data
var objData = objCurrentLocation;
// Update the global placemark
intCurrentPlacemark = intPlacemark;
// Check the status code. Silently return, they have already
// been notified that there is no address.
if ((!objData || objData.Status.code != 200) && objData.Placemark.length <= 0)
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('Loading placemark ' + intPlacemark);
// Center the area
googleCenter(objData, intPlacemark);
// Generate the marker
generatePromptMarker(objData, intPlacemark, promptCallback);
* Center a point on the map. Essentially just calls set center.
* with the given placemarks coordinates.
* @param GClientGeocoder objData The geocoder object.
* @param int intPlacemark The placemark to center.
function googleCenter(objData, intPlacemark)
// Shorten the placemark
objPlace = objData.Placemark[intPlacemark].Point.coordinates;
// Make the point
objPoint = new GLatLng(objPlace[1], objPlace[0]);
// Set the center of the map
objMap.setCenter(objPoint, 17);
* Initialize Google maps.
* @param HtmlElement objElement An optional element to use for the map.
function googleInit(objElement)
// Default element
if (typeof(objElement) == 'undefined')
objElement = $('googleMapContainer');
// Check if google maps has already been loaded and if it has
// been, call the unloader.
if (objMap instanceof GMap2) GUnload();
// Initialize google maps
objMap = new GMap2(objElement);
// Disable dragging
* Add addresses to an HTML unordered list. Call addressListeners
* so assign listeners to these elements. This is for control.
* @param GClientGeocoder objData The data retrieved from Google.
function generateAddressElements(objData, objElement)
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('Generating address links.');
// Default element
if(typeof(objElement) == 'undefined')
objElement = $('googleMapAddressList');
// Remove everything from the given element
objElement.innerHTML = '';
// Shorten the placemark
objPlace = objData.Placemark;
// Loop through the data
for (var i=0;i<objPlace.length;i++) {
// Make an element
var strHtml = '<li><a href="#" rel="' + i + '">' + objPlace[i].address + '</a></li>';
// Insert the element at the bottom of the list
new Insertion.Bottom(objElement, strHtml);
* Add listeners to each of the addresses in the proper section.
* @param string strElements The string of elements for the $$ function.
function addressListeners(strElements)
// Default elements
if(typeof(strElements) == 'undefined')
strElements = '#googleMapAddressList li a';
// Get the array of each element
objElements = $$(strElements);
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert(objElements.length + ' Element(s) found for listen.');
// Loop through them
for (var i=0;i<objElements.length;i++) {
// Check to make sure it hasn't already got a listener
if(!objElements[i].hasClassName('listening')) {
// Add the class name
// Add the listener
Event.observe(objElements[i], 'click', function(event)
// Stop the event
// Get the calling element
var objElement = $(Event.element(event));
// Call the google center function with the placemark
// as the rel.
* Turn an address into a JSON object and hand it to the callback
* function. This pretty much calls getLocations and calls it good
* at the moment.
* @param string strValue The address string to handle.
* @param object objCallback The function to callback to, passes one param.
* @return void
function addressToJson(strValue, objCallback)
objGeo.getLocations(strValue, objCallback);
* Generate a marker that prompts the user for the correct address.
* @param GClientGeocoder objData The Geocoder JSON object.
* @oaran int intPlace The placemark to show.
* @param object objCallback The callback with a boolean param of yes/no.
* @return void
function generatePromptMarker(objData, intPlace, objCallback)
// Setup the placemark
objPlace = objData.Placemark[intPlace];
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('Forming marker prompt.');
// Set to true when the callback is to be run
boolCallback = false;
// Form the HTML to go inside the Google Bubble.
var strHtml = '<br /><b>' + objPlace.address + '</b><br /><br />'
+ 'Is this the correct address?<br />'
+ '<a href="#" id="markerPromptYes">Yes</a> / '
+ '<a href="#" id="markerPromptNo">No</a>';
// Make the point the marker will touch
var objPoint = new GLatLng(objPlace.Point.coordinates[1],
// Make the point at that marker
var objMarker = new GMarker(objPoint);
// Add the marker to the map
// Add the HTML to the marker
objMarker.openInfoWindowHtml(strHtml, {
'noCloseOnClick': true
// If the info window's close button is pressed
GEvent.addListener(objMarker, 'infowindowclose', function(){
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('User closed the info window.');
// Close the marker
// Call the callback
if (boolCallback) objCallback(false);
// Observe the yes/no buttons
Event.observe('markerPromptYes', 'click', function(event){
// Stop the event
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('User selected the "yes" link.');
// The callback is to run
boolCallback = true;
// Close the info window
// Call the callback
Event.observe('markerPromptNo', 'click', function(event){
// Stop the event
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('User selected the "no" link.');
// The callback is to run
boolCallback = true;
// Close the info window
// Call the callback
* A callback function for {@link generatePromptMarker}.
* @param bool boolOutcome If the users address was correct or not.
* @return void
function promptCallback(boolOutcome)
new Effect.BlindUp('googleMapSlider', {
afterFinish: function(){
// If the user selected "yes"
if (boolOutcome) {
// Debug
var strDebug = '"' + objCurrentLocation.Placemark[intCurrentPlacemark].address
+ '" was chosen as the correct address.';
if (document.debug) alert(strDebug);
alert('You have sucessfully validated your address!');
} else {
// This is called when the user moves to another placemark
// as well, so alerting without additional checks is not
// advised.
* If the user chooses to continue anyways, additional things need
* to happen.
* @param string strAddress The address to parse.
* @return void
function continueAnyways()
// Debug
if (document.debug) alert('User has chosen to continue anyways.');
// Things to happen on page unload. Google suggests that GUnload be
// called here to prevent memory leaks.
Event.observe(window, 'unload', function()
// Unload Google Maps
// ]]>
<h1>Address Validation</h1>
<div id="fakeForm" class="padded">
<label for="addressString">Address</label>
<input type="text" name="addressString" id="addressString" style="width:300px;" />
<input type="submit" name="addressSubmit" id="addressSubmit" value="Validate" />
<div id="googleMapSlider">
<div id="toggleMapSize">Toggle Map Size</div>
<div id="googleMapAddresses">
<h1>Similar Addresses</h1>
<hr noshade="noshade" width="100%" />
<ul id="googleMapAddressList"></ul>
<div id="googleMapContainer"></div>
<div id="googleMapFooter"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" charset="utf-8">
// <![CDATA[
$('googleMapSlider').style.display = 'none';
// ]]>
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