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Created August 5, 2022 22:08
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Azure Automation Update Management - Execute Pre/Post script on Hybrid Worker Groups with local machines
.GUID c2984973-98d8-4913-adba-55f1aec1c90f
.AUTHOR justincjahn
.TAGS UpdateManagement, Automation
Credit to for
the original script.
Runs a child Automation Runbook on one or more hybrid workers.
This script is intended to be run as a part of Update Management Pre/Post scripts.
It requires hybrid workers to be configured on the machines which need to run scripts locally.
Runs a child Automation Runbook on a on or more hybrid workers and passes the machines being
updated to the child Runbook via the TargetMachines parameter.
.PARAMETER RunbookName
The name of the Azure Automation runbook you wish to execute on the hybrid workers in a local context.
.PARAMETER HybridWorkerGroups
The hybrid worker group that should run the script. Can be a comma separated list of Hybrid Worker Groups.
.PARAMETER SoftwareUpdateConfigurationRunContext
This is a system variable which is automatically passed in by Update Management during a deployment.
#region GlobalVariables
$initialJobId = $PSPrivateMetadata.JobId
$resourceGroup = $null
$automationAccount = $null
$runbookStartFailures = 0
#endregion GlobalVariables
#region BoilerplateAuthentication
# Ensures you do not inherit an AzContext in your runbook
Disable-AzContextAutosave -Scope Process
# Connect to Azure with system-assigned managed identity
$AzureContext = (Connect-AzAccount -Identity).context
# set and store context
$AzureContext = Set-AzContext -SubscriptionName $AzureContext.Subscription -DefaultProfile $AzureContext
#endregion BoilerplateAuthentication
#region GetAutomationAccountInformation
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($initialJobId)) {
Write-Output ($PSPrivateMetadata | ConvertTo-Json)
throw "Unable to obtain the ID of this job. Exiting."
try {
$aAutomationResources = Get-AzResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Automation/AutomationAccounts"
foreach ($automationResource in $aAutomationResources) {
$job = Get-AzAutomationJob `
-ResourceGroupName $automationResource.ResourceGroupName `
-AutomationAccountName $automationResource.Name `
-Id $initialJobId `
-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -ne $job) {
$resourceGroup = $job.ResourceGroupName
$automationAccount = $job.AutomationAccountName
} catch {
Write-Error "Unable to find the automation resource running this job. Exiting."
throw $_
if ($null -eq $resourceGroup -or $null -eq $automationAccount) {
throw "Unable to find the automation resource running this job. Exiting."
#endregion GetAutomationAccountInformation
#region ValidateRunbookExists
try {
Get-AzAutomationRunbook `
-ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup `
-AutomationAccountName $automationAccount `
-Name $RunbookName `
-ErrorAction Stop `
| Out-Null
} catch {
throw "The provided runbook, $RunbookName does not exist in the Automation Account. Exiting."
#endregion ValidateRunbookExists
#region SoftwareUpdateConfigurationContext
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SoftwareUpdateConfigurationRunContext)) {
throw "No Software Update Configuration Run Context provided to the job. Exiting."
$context = ConvertFrom-Json $SoftwareUpdateConfigurationRunContext
#endregion SoftwareUpdateConfigurationContext
#region StartJobs
$machines = $context.SoftwareUpdateConfigurationSettings.NonAzureComputerNames | Select-Object -Unique
$machines = $machines | ConvertTo-Json
$aJobs = foreach ($workerGroup in $HybridWorkerGroups.Split(',')) {
try {
$job = Start-AzAutomationRunbook `
-ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup `
-AutomationAccountName $automationAccount `
-Name $RunbookName `
-RunOn $workerGroup `
-Parameters @{TargetMachines=$machines}
if ($null -eq $job) {
WorkerGroup = $workerGroup
Job = $null
Status = "FAILURE"
Message = "Job did not start. Unknown error."
WorkerGroup = $workerGroup
Job = $job
Status = "RUNNING"
Message = $null
} catch {
WorkerGroup = $workerGroup
Job = $null
Status = "FAILURE"
Message = $_
Write-Output $_
# Loop through and report all jobs that failed
$aJobs | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq "FAILURE" } | ForEach-Object {
Write-Error "Failed to start runbook on $($_.WorkerGroup): $($_.Message)."
#endregion StartJobs
#region AwaitJobs
$aStatuses = @()
foreach ($job in ($aJobs | Where-Object { $_.Status -ne "FAILURE" })) {
$currentStatus = $null
try {
$currentStatus = Get-AzAutomationJob `
-ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup `
-AutomationAccountName $automationAccount `
-Id $job.Job.JobId
} catch {
$aStatuses += [PSCustomObject]@{
JobId = $job.Job.JobId
Status = $null
Output = $null
Message = "Unable to retrieve automation job: $_"
$maxWaitTime = 1800 # 30 Min
while ($currentStatus.Status -ne "Completed") {
Write-Output "Waiting for Job $($job.Job.JobId) to complete..."
if ($maxWaitTime -le 0) {
Write-Warning "Job $($job.Job.JobId) timed out while waiting for it to complete. Continuing."
Start-Sleep 10
$maxWaitTime -= 10
try {
$currentStatus = Get-AzAutomationJob `
-ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup `
-AutomationAccountName $automationAccount `
-Id $job.Job.JobId
} catch {
# We got it once before, try for the full time
if ($currentStatus.Status -ne "Completed") {
Write-Warning "Job $($job.Job.JobId) timed out..."
$aStatuses += [PSCustomObject]@{
JobId = $job.Job.JobId
Status = $currentStatus
Output = $null
Message = "Timeout while waiting for completion."
$jobOutput = $null
try {
$jobOutput = Get-AzAutomationJobOutput `
-ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup `
-AutomationAccountName $automationAccount `
-Id $job.Job.JobId
} catch {
$aStatuses += [PSCustomObject]@{
JobId = $job.Job.JobId
Status = $currentStatus
Output = $null
Message = "Unable to retrieve job output: $_"
Write-Output "Job $($job.Job.JobId) complete..."
$aStatuses += [PSCustomObject]@{
JobId = $job.Job.JobId
Status = $currentStatus
Output = $jobOutput
Message = $null
#endregion AwaitJobs
#region ErrorChecking
$aErrors = foreach ($status in $aStatuses) {
if ($null -eq $status.Output) {
if ($null -eq $status.Message) {
Write-Output "Job $($status.JobId): An unknown error occurred."
} else {
Write-Output "Job $($status.JobId): $($status.Message)."
if ($status.Output.Type -eq "Error") {
Write-Output "Job $($status.JobId): $($status.Output.Summary)."
if ($aErrors.Length -gt 0 -or $runbookStartFailures -gt 0) {
$aErrors | ForEach-Object { Write-Error $_ }
throw "One or more errors ocurred during execution."
#endregion ErrorChecking
Write-Output "Run completed without errors."
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