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Justin Clayton justinclayton

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XargonWan /
Last active November 14, 2024 10:34
Enable Japanese locale on Steam Deck
# This script is enabling (uncommenting) the Japanese locale and regenerates them
sudo steamos-readonly disable
sudo pacman-key --init
sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux
sudo pacman -S glibc
sudo sed -i "s%#ja_JP.UTF-8 UTF-8%ja_JP.UTF-8 UTF-8%" /etc/locale.gen
sudo locale-gen
zanedeg / aync.js
Created June 1, 2018 00:10
NodeJS async comparisons
'use strict';
const promisify = require('util').promisify;
const delay = (interval, cb) => {
console.log(`Waiting ${interval}s`);
setTimeout(() => cb(null, interval), interval);
const delayAsync = promisify(delay);
jokeru /
Created March 31, 2018 15:14
Script to delete all AWS default VPCs from all regions using AWS CLI
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ "$AWS_PROFILE" = "" ]; then
  echo "No AWS_PROFILE set"
  exit 1
for region in $(aws ec2 describe-regions --region eu-west-1 | jq -r .Regions[].RegionName); do
sjparkinson / RDS-Aurora-CloudFormation-Example.yaml
Last active May 10, 2022 10:43
A basic CloudFormation template for an RDS Aurora cluster.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: >
A basic CloudFormation template for an RDS Aurora cluster.
AllowedPattern: "[a-zA-Z0-9]+"
ConstraintDescription: must be between 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters.
matt-deboer / Bakefile
Last active September 2, 2016 22:33
Bakefile to create a docker 1.12 swarm on OSX with docker-machine-driver-xhyve support
set -u
#. creates a new swarm. params name, [driver], [workers], [managers]
create-swarm() {
bake_params name
local driver=${driver:=virtualbox}
local workers=${workers:=2}
local managers=${managers:=1}
apolloclark / reverse-engineer a server build
Last active October 29, 2021 17:57
Audit Debian and Ubuntu servers
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Script to reverse engineer the build of a given Debian / Ubuntu server
# I do this all the time: take an existing server, create a Bash / Ansible / Puppet / Chef
# built script, to allow Continuous Depoyment.
# It's tedious, but this script will give you the basics to get started.
# Make sure you have "sudo" access to get all the details.
# setup folders
stevschmid /
Created September 5, 2015 15:26
How the Track-o-Bot API works


Access any profile page by providing the username and API key (generated in the settings -> API) , e.g.


Any profile page can be requested as JSON. Simply add .json at the end of the url (but before the query string which starts with ?), see example above.

Use the browser to see the JSON structure. JSONView is an excellent browser extension which shows JSON in a nice way.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>Ansi 0 Color</key>
<key>Alpha Component</key>
<key>Blue Component</key>
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'fileutils'
class VmList
@@cache_file = ENV['vm_list_cache_file'] || '/tmp/vm_list_cache'
@@cache_ttl = ENV['vm_list_cache_ttl'] || 60
def self.get_vm_list
vmware = %x{"/Applications/VMware\" list | grep -v Total}.split("\n")
curator / YAML.tmLanguage
Created June 26, 2014 22:18
Updated YAML that deals with hiera data a bit better (double colons)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">