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Understanding Coq - Part 2 - The Calculus of Inductive Constructions

Outline ------- Next post: Part 3 - Type Checking ------- Previous post: Part 1 - Background

In this blog post, I want to walk through four examples of Coq code and explain what's going on. My goal is to introduce Coq syntax and show some of the power of the Calculus of Inductive Construction. Two of these code snippets, Natural Number and Vector, will be running examples used in the next two blog posts which will focus on type checking and compilation respectively.

Table of Contents


Our first example is a run-of-the-mill functional list.

The List Type

1  Inductive List (T : Set) : Set :=
2  | Nil : List T
3  | Cons (head : T) (tail : List T) : List T. 

Let's read through this code line by line:

  • On line 1 we declare an inductive type named List. (T : Set) says that our List type takes in one parameter named T of type Set. The trailing : Set says that the type of our inductive type List is the type Set.
  • On line 2 we declare a constructor named Nil for our inductive type. The Nil constructor doesn't have any parameters. It simply returns the type List T.
  • On line 3 we declare a constructor named Cons for our inductive type. The Cons constructor has two parameters - one named head of type T and another named tail of type List T. The type returned by the Cons constructor is List T.

Inductive Types

Above I said that List is an inductive type, but what is an inductive type? Inductive types are similar to algebraic data types - for example Rust enums, Haskell data, and OCaml types. They can have 0 to n parameters, 0 to n constructors and each constructor can have 0 to n parameters. When you call a constructor and pass it its arguments, it will return to you an instance of the inductive type.

Let's connect this back to the List type. When we call the Nil constructor, we'll get an instance of the List type. When we call the Cons constructor and pass it two arguments - one of type T and another of type List T - we'll also get an instance of the List type. These two constructors are the only way we can construct an instance of the List type.


When looking at the List type I said that the type of List is Set, but what is Set? Set is the type of types. This probably sounds kind of confusing right now because in ordinary programming languages our types don't have types, but in Coq they do! This is one of the ways that Coq is more expressive than your ordinary programming language. A simple way to think about Set is to relate it to programming with generics:

class LinkedList<T> {
    T data;
    LinkedList<T> next;

Above is a snippet of Java code. It's a linked list that's generic over the type T. If this were Coq code we would say that the type of T is the type Set because Set is the type of types.

Going back to our definition of the List type, we see that List is parameterized by (T : Set). This is Coq's way of saying that List is generic over the type T, just like how in Java we said that the LinkedList class is generic over the type T. So, we can pass any type whose type is Set, like our List type or our Natural number type that we'll look at next, to specify that a List is generic over that type. For example, List Natural would be the type of a list of natural numbers and List (List Natural) would be the type of a list of lists of natural numbers. Natural and (List Natural) are both valid arguments for the T parameter on the List type because the type of both Natural and List is Set!

It's important to note that the type of Set is NOT Set. It's actually Type 1. I'll elaborate on this more in the next blog post on type checking.

Appending Lists

4  Fixpoint append (T : Set) (a b : List T) : List T :=
5  match a with
6  | Nil (_ : Set) => b
7  | Cons (T : Set) (head : T) (tail : List T) => Cons T head (append T tail b).

append is a function that takes in three parameters, the latter two, a and b, are both of type List T. (In other words, a and b are both lists and the data that those lists hold are of the same type.) The body of the function matches on a. The match statement says that if a, the scrutinee of the match expression, was constructed with the Nil constructor, then return b, but if it was constructed with the Cons constructor, then construct a new list whose head is the head of the list a and whose tail is the result of appending b to a's tail.


Our append function is declared with the Fixpoint keyword. This tells Coq that append is a recursive function. Recursive functions in Coq must terminate to ensure that Coq is logically consistent. Coq uses conservative syntactic checks to verify that a Fixpoint function does in fact terminate.

Function Application

To understand how functions are called in Coq, let's examine (append T tail b) on line 7. Here we're calling the append function declared on line 4 and are passing the T declared on line 7 as the first argument, the tail declared on line 7 as the second argument, and the parameter b as the third argument.

Weird Constructor Syntax

The syntax for working with constructors is kind of funky, so let's break down line 7 to get a better understanding of how they work. After the => on line 7, we call the Cons constructors and pass three arguments T, head, and (append T tail b) to it. You might ask yourself, why are we passing three arguments to Cons when in its definition on line 3 only took 2 parameters? Well if you recall, the type List took a parameter (T : Set). That parameter T applies to all constructors of the List type. So, both the Nil and Cons constructor implicitly have (T : Set) as their first parameter.

Taking this into account, we know that the type of the Cons constructor is a function that has takes the following three parameters T : Set, head : T, and tail : List T and returns a value of type List T. Thus, when calling Cons we have to make sure we pass three arguments.

Natural Number

Now let's look at one way to represent natural numbers in Coq.

Natural Number Type

1  Inductive Natural : Set :=
2  | Zero : Natural
3  | Successor (n : Natural) : Natural. 

Above we've defined an inductive type Natural with two constructors. The first constructor Zero doesn't have any parameters. It represents the natural number 0. The second constructor Successor has one parameter, another natural number n. Calling the Successor constructor with some natural number n as an argument represents computing n + 1.

So with this representation of the natural number, we can construct the number 1 by applying the Successor constructor to the Zero constructor like so Successor Zero (i.e. 1 + 0 gives us the number 1). Similarly, we can construct the number 3 with the following code Successor (Successor (Successor Zero)) (i.e. 1 + (1 + (1 + 0)) gives us 3).

Remember that this is just one way you can go about representing the natural numbers in Coq, and isn't necessarily the best way for all applications. Performance critical code would suffer from this representation, while a programer proving the commutativity of addition would benefit from this representation's simple structure.

Adding Natural Numbers

4  Fixpoint add (a b : Natural) : Natural :=
5  match a with
6  | Zero => b
7  | Successor (n : Natural) => Successor (add n b).

Above is a definition of addition over the representation of natural numbers we defined on lines 1-3. add is a recursive function that takes in two parameters a and b. If a is 0, then you return b. From a mathematical perspective, line 7 says that when a = 1 + n return 1 + (n + b) (This makes sense because 1 + (n + b) = a + b when a = 1 + n). From a computational perspective, line 7 is unwrapping all of the Successors on a and putting them onto b.

Function Currying

In Coq function are curried. This means that functions in Coq actually only take in one parameter. When we declared the add function above, Coq transformed it into the function below.

8  Fixpoint add (a : Natural) : Natural -> Natural :=
9      fun (b : Natural) =>
10         match a with
11         | Zero => b
12         | Successor (n : Natural) => Successor (add n b).

In this form, we can see that our add function only has one parameter a and its body just returns a function that takes our other parameter b.

Function currying enables us to call our add function with only some of its arguments. For example, if we called add with just the argument 3, like so add 3, then we would get a function that will take a Natural number and add it with 3.

DeBruijn Indexes

DeBruijn indexes are a way of representing the use of local variables within a compiler. Instead of working with the string representation of variables - add, a, b, and n - we can use integers to index the specific variables that we want. This means we don't have to deal with naming conflicts of ambiguity in our type checker or when doing code generation.

When learning about DeBruijn indexes it's helpful to think about them as indexing into a stack. We push a variable onto the stack when its local scope begins and pop it from the stack when it ends. Then, when we reference the name we use an integer, or DeBruijn index, to specify how far down the stack the variable currently is.

Before add After add & Before a After a & Before b After b & Before match Branches Body of Zero Branch Body of Successor Branch
n: index 0
b: index 0 b: index 0 b: index 1
a: index 0 a: index 1 a: index 1 a: index 2
empty stack add: index 0 add: index 1 add: index 2 add: index 2 add: index 3

Above is a table that shows the state of the stack as we traverse the add function. Below is what the add function looks like when using DeBruijn indexes instead of names.

13  Fixpoint add (a : Natural) : Natural -> Natural :=
14      fun (b : Natural) :=
15          match 1 with
16          | Zero => 0
17          | Successor (n : Natural) => Successor (3 0 1).

On line 15 we use the DeBruijn index 1 to index the variable a because the variable a will be 1 element down the stack after b's scope has begun but before the branches of the match statement. To access b on line 16 we use the DeBruijn index 0 because b will be at the top of the stack. Finally, we replace (add n b) with (3 0 1) because add will be at the bottom of the stack, n will be at the top of the stack, and b will be one element down the stack.


Next, let's look at the Vector type. The Vector type is identical to the List type that we saw earlier with one exception, the Vector type stores its length in its type. This means that a Vector of length 5 and a Vector of length 10 are different types.

Vector Type

1  Inductive Vector (T : Set) : Natural -> Set :=
2  | Nil : Vector T Zero
3  | Cons (head : T) 
4         (tail_length : Natural) 
5         (tail : Vector T tail_length) 
6         : Vector T (Successor tail_length). 

Like the List type, Vector has two constructors Nil and Cons. The Nil constructor returns a Vector that's generic over T and has a length Zero: Vector T Zero. The Cons constructor takes in three parameters - the head of the list, the length of the tail, and the tail of the list. It then returns a Vector that's generic over T and is one element longer than the tail: Vector T (Successor tail_length).

The Cons constructor shows some of the expressive power of Coq and the CoIC. The third parameter to Cons, tail, type is dependent on the value passed to the second parameter tail_length. This is an example of a dependent type, a type that is dependent on a value. Likewise, the type Cons returns is itself dependent on the length of the tail.

Inductive Type Families

This Vector definition isn't any old inductive type, it's a inductive type family. We can see this syntactically because the second parameter to the inductive type, a Natural number, is written after the : on line 1. Being an inductive type family, the Vector type can define multiple types, or a family of types, in the definition of one inductive type!

Let's break this down a bit more. The Nil constructor constructs a value of type Vector T Zero. This is one of the types in the Vector type family. The Cons constructor constructs a value of type Vector T (Successor tail_length). This type is dependent on the type of tail parameter, Vector T tail_length. In other words, the Cons constructor uses a type that already belongs to the Vector type family, Vector T tail_length, to construct another type in the Vector type family, Vector T (Successor tail_length).

An important property of different types in a type family is that they are not equal. Vector T Zero, the empty Vector, is the same type as Vector Type Zero, but it is not the same type as Vector Type (Successor Zero), a Vector with one element.

This enables users to write functions that operate on a Vector and guarantee that they don't access an out of bounds index. An example is the append function shown below. It guarantees that the Vector it returns has a length that's the sum of the length of the Vectors it was passed.

Appending Vectors

7  Fixpoint append (T : Set) (n m : Natural) (a : Vector T n) (b : Vector T m) : Vector T (add n m) :=
8  match a with
9  | Nil (_ : Set) => b
10 | Cons (T : Set) (head : T) (tail_length : Natural) (tail : Vector T tail_length) => 
11        Cons T head (add tail_length m) (append T tail_length m tail b).

The type of our append function for Vectors stores lots of information for us. First, it states that values that the two Vectors that we're appending a and b must be of the same type. Second, that Vectors a and b can have different lengths, n and m respectively. Lastly, the length of the Vector that append will return is the sum of the length of a and the length of b.

The body of the append function says that if a is an empty Vector, then return b, but if a is not an empty Vector, then construct a new Vector whose head is the head of a and whose tail is of length tail_length + m and is constructed by appending b onto the tail of a.

Modus Ponens

To get a brief look at the proof side of Coq let's look at a definition of the logical statement modus ponens: if a proposition p implies the proposition q, and p is true, then q is true.

1  Definition modus_ponens (P Q : Prop) (implication : P -> Q) (p : P) : Q := implication p.

Our Coq function modus_ponens takes in four parameters P and Q of type Prop, the type of proofs, a function implication that takes in a value of type P and returns a value of type Q, and value p of type P and returns the result of applying the function implication to the argument p.


Let's dig deeper into the type Prop. First, I have to come clean. Earlier when I said that Set is the type of types. I wasn't giving you the full story. The more precise definition of Set is: Set is the type of types that are relevant to computation. This difference is important when comparing Set with Prop.

Prop is the dual of Set. It also represents the type types, but in particular, Prop is the type of types that are relevant to proofs.

So, in our modus_ponens function the values P and Q are any proofs that we've proved in Coq. In other words, our modus_ponens function is generic over all proofs.

Similar to Set, the type of Prop is NOT Prop. It's also Type 1. Again, I'll elaborate on this more in the next blog post on type checking.


Hopefully, you feel like you have a better understanding of the syntax and the expressive power of Coq and the CoIC. Next, we'll look at how to go about type checking CoIC code.

Outline ------- Next post: Part 3 - Type Checking ------- Previous post: Part 1 - Motivation

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