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Created July 27, 2011 20:10
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python_inside_maya - Rewrite this as a Python Class?
import maya.cmds as cmds
class EyeRig(object):
eyeRig = EyeRig()
eyeRig.create('testX_eyeL', 'testX_eyeL_tgt', ['anim', 'aim', 'out'])
def create(self, eyeObj, eyeTarget, controllers):
Create EyeRig weighted between target (via aimContraint) and
animation override
# Create control hierarchy of groups or locators:
#controllers = ['anim','aim','out']
controlsList = []
testing = 0
# For each controller, create a locator and add it to the list of controllers
for control in controllers:
objTmp = eyeObj + '_' + control
#Final control (last item in list) will receive all the rotations and pass them to the eye via parentConstraint.
# It will have UD attrs to weight inputs of other controls
finalControl = controlsList[-1]
# For each controller, we'll create a multDiv. We pipe the control's rotation into the md, weight it w/UD attr on 'out' object.
# Rotations coming out of multDivs are added w/pma node and passed to 'out' object
# Create pma node first, so md can be connected when created:
sumNodeTmp = cmds.createNode('plusMinusAverage',n=eyeObj +'eyeRo t_sum')
print 'sumNodeTmp:',sumNodeTmp
# Summed rotations piped into 'out.rotate' (This is the last item in the 'controlsList' List):
# Create _md node for each controller rotations, pipe into rotation sum
count = 0
while count < (len(controlsList)-1):
nodeTmp = controlsList[count]
attrTmp = controllers[count]
print 'nodeTmp:',nodeTmp
# For each controller, create a MultDiv to weight the rotation.
# They will be weighted by a custom attr on the 'out' object:
mdTmp = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide',n=nodeTmp+'_md')
# Connect rotations to multDiv.input1 (more rotation influences can be added)
cmds.connectAttr(nodeTmp+'.rotate',mdTmp +'.input1' ,force=1)
# Pipe the md output to the rotation sum:
connectAttr(mdTmp+'.output',sumNodeTmp +'.input3D['+str(count)+']',force=1)
# Create UD attrs on 'out' (last item in list)to weight the rotations of each controller.
# Pipe UD into the corresponding md nodes.
# Create UD Attrs on 'out'
cmds.setAttr (finalControl+'.'+attrTmp, e=1, keyable=1)# If not keyable, won't show in channel box
# Connect Anim, Aim to inputs of respective multDiv:
connectAttrsTmp = ['2X', '2Y', '2Z']
for tmpConnectAttr in connectAttrsTmp:
cmds.connectAttr(finalControl + '.' + attrTmp, mdTmp + '.input' + tmpConnectAttr)
# If test, offset the controllers for visual testing:
if testing:
cmds.setAttr(nodeTmp + '.translateX', count + 0.5)
count += 1
# Group the controllers
eyeRigGroupTmp =, n=eyeObj+ '_eyeDir_grp')
# Position the eyeRig at the eye
self.parentUnparent (eyeObj, eyeRigGroupTmp)
# Setup aimConstraint for eye
cmds.aimConstraint (eyeTarget, eyeObj + '_aim', offset=[0, 0, 0],w=1, aimVector=[1, 0, 0], upVector=[0, 1, 0], worldUpType='vector', worldUpVector=[0, 1, 0])
# Constrain Eye to "out" control
cmds.parentConstraint (eyeObj, finalControl, offset=(0, 0,0), w=1)
def parentUnparent(parent, children):
# Use temporary point-, scale- constraints to snap parent to future child
delete(cmds.pointConstraint (parent, children, offset=(0, 0, 0), w=1))
delete(cmds.orientConstraint (parent, children, offset=(0, 0, 0), w=1))
delete(cmds.scaleConstraint (parent, children, offset=(1, 1, 1), w=1))
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