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Last active March 8, 2023 12:47
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Bash Aliases and Colours
# Bash
alias ls='ls --color=always'
alias ll='ls -lh --color=always'
alias la='ls -lha --color=always'
alias ..='cd ..'
alias ...='cd ...'
alias ....='cd ....'
# Apt
alias apt-update='sudo apt update'
alias apt-upgrade='sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade'
alias apt-install='sudo apt install'
alias apt-remove='sudo apt remove'
alias apt-search='sudo apt search'
# Search
alias grep='grep -n --color=always'
export GREP_COLOR='1;35;40'
# Sudo
alias sudo-www='sudo -u www-data'
# Laravel
alias artisan="php artisan"
# Git commands
## General
alias gcf='git config --list'
alias gd='git diff'
## Clone/Checkout
alias gcr='git clone $1'
alias gcl='git clone --recurse-submodules'
alias gcm='git checkout master'
alias gcb='git checkout -b'
## Commit
alias gcam='git commit -a -m'
alias gcmsg='git commit -m'
## Push & Pull
alias gp='git push'
alias gpa='git push origin --all && git push origin --tags'
alias gl='git pull'
alias glo='git pull origin master'
## Tagging
alias gts='git tag -s'
## Stats/Status
alias gsb='git status -sb'
alias glol="git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset'"
# Folder sizes.
# Returns a recurring list of folders with the total folder size, sorted from
# smallest to biggest in human readable format.
dufs() {
du -chd 1 "$1" | sort -h
## To enable the two commands below read:
## This will install what you need for super fast archive creation/extraction.
# Make an LZ4 archive
#lz4make () {
# tar -c - "${1}" | lz4 - "${1}.tar.lz4"
# Extract an LZ4 archive
#lz4extract () {
# pv "${1}" | lz4 -dc - | tar -x
# Fixes locale issues.
export LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8
export LANG=en_GB.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8
export LC_TERMINAL=en_GB.UTF-8
# Load bash which also gives us colours :-)
exec bash
## Append this function to your ~/.bashrc file.
# Folder sizes.
# Returns a recurring list of folders with the total folder size, sorted from
# smallest to biggest in human readable format.
dufs() {
du -chd 1 "$1" | sort -h
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