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Last active December 26, 2015 17:59
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Save justinhennessy/7190898 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
How to make groups configurable per "env"

I have the user in hiera like this:

    ensure:   'present'
    comment:  'colinb'
    uid:      '2021'
    gid:      'ssh'
    groups:   ['ssh', 'www-data', 'edh']
    env:      ['staging','edhci']
    ssh_name: ''
    ssh_key:  'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDwYYsASNg4ktc64wxQrSpPSLIuL1g1lgw5+D1GvJpdaJZ6UTDJLwUcCNrCyYJ2rgY6/nN0FhyFkFKQTPM9Grml3YJ1Avg8wkikRBllbDQTRv/YU5Uv+tWSgwZ45GE9sR601fwFPqYmChsAoAqRTHlfQX2hEsZgCKNVoRGjv+I0hpd2hE5+QbLOfQDuieqMk9eBb5AMpBch+9LZHt/QOkgGDHCFRRYyGxTWdZfHGYg8S7UIjL8p4rnoPJYdBOgrGwgEqL2e77Fyg6id9va1lKXW3HgbgMardXB8dfPePfyWxatF5kwS85ioImvGx1oq0YK37/ECQiK+agOl5kPmlB13'

We use the following to create the virtual resources:

$edh_staff = hiera('everydayhero')

create_resources('@users::identity', $edh_staff)

This is the users::identity defined resource:

define users::identity (
  $ensure = present,
  $ssh_key = '',
  $ssh_name = $name,
) {

  user { $name:
    ensure     => $ensure,
    uid        => $uid,
    gid        => $gid,
    groups     => $groups,
    shell      => '/bin/bash',
    home       => "/home/${name}",
    comment    => $comment,
    membership => 'minimum',
    managehome => true,

  if !empty($ssh_key) {
    ssh_authorized_key { $name:
      ensure  => $ensure,
      type    => 'ssh-rsa',
      key     => $ssh_key,
      user    => $name,
      require => User[$name],
      name    => $ssh_name,

This is how I realise users per "env":

  case $environment {
    'production': { Users::Identity <| env == 'prod' |> }
    'staging'   : { Users::Identity <| env == 'staging' |> }
    'staging2'  : { Users::Identity <| env == 'staging' |> }
    'sandbox'   : { Users::Identity <| env == 'sandbox' |> }
    'wordpress' : {
      Users::Identity <| env == 'wordpress' |>
    'edhfin'    : { Users::Identity <| env == 'edhfin' |> }
    'edhci'     : { Users::Identity <| env == 'edhci' |> }
    default     : { fail('** No environment specified **') }

What I need is to be able to specify a set of groups for a user dependant on the "env" variable.

So for example, in staging colinb (above) needs this:

groups   => ['ssh', 'www-data', 'edh'],

BUT in production I need this:

groups   => ['ssh']


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