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Created June 4, 2012 16:01
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BB Carousel
* CarouselView.js
var CarouselView = Backbone.View.extend({
//define carousel template
//'template': _.template(),
//define default values for carousel
'defaults': {
'timer' : 500,
'currentSlide': 1,
'carouselHeight': 373,
'carouselWidth': 950,
'loopCarousel': true
//establish events for carousel
'events': {
'click .carousel_right' : 'shiftRight',
'click .carousel_left' : 'shiftLeft',
'click .carousel_num' : 'selectedItem'
'initialize': function(options) {
var view = this;
view.o = $.extend(true, view.defaults, options);
App.bind('show:index', this.render);
log('Backbone : CarouselView : Initialized');
'render': function() {
return this;
'generateSlides': function(){
var view = this;
var slidesTemplate = _.template($('#carouselSlide_template').html(), {slide : view.o.slideDataArray});
var $carousel = view.$el.find('.carousel');
view.$carouselPieces = $carousel.find('li');
$.each(view.$carouselPieces, function(i, val){
'backgroundColor': 'rgb(' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)) + ',' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)) + ',' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)) + ')',
'height': view.o.carouselHeight + 'px',
'left': ( view.o.carouselWidth * i ) + 'px',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': '0px',
'width': view.o.carouselWidth + 'px'
'generateNavButtons': function(){
//based on params, either generate just a leftButton + rightButton or an OL of All Nums
var navTemplate = _.template($('#carouselNav_template').html(), {slide : this.o.slideDataArray});
'jumpToItem': function( selectedItem ){
//move the carousel to a specific item
var view = this;
if(selectedItem == 0){
//rotate to the last element in the carsousel
selectedItem = view.$carouselPieces.length;
if((selectedItem + 1) > (view.$carouselPieces.length + 1)){
//rotate to the first element in the carousel
selectedItem = 1;
var leftPos = parseInt($(view.$carouselPieces[selectedItem-1]).css('left'));
if(leftPos > 0){
var diffToCenter = leftPos;
$.each(view.$carouselPieces, function(i, val){
'left': '-=' + diffToCenter + 'px'
}, 500);
} else {
var diffToCenter = (-1) * leftPos;
$.each(view.$carouselPieces, function(i, val){
'left': '+=' + diffToCenter + 'px'
}, 500);
view.o.currentSlide = selectedItem;
'selectedItem': function(slide){
//go to the carousel position based on the number clicked
var view = this;
'shiftLeft': function( e ){
//move all items in the carousel to the right
var view = this;
view.jumpToItem((view.o.currentSlide - 1));
'shiftRight': function( e ){
//move all items in the carousel to the right
var view = this;
view.jumpToItem((view.o.currentSlide + 1));
'updateSelectedNav': function(){
$(this.$el.find('.carousel_select').find('li')[this.o.currentSlide - 1]).addClass('selected');
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